anyway, as mentioned in earlier entry, i am going for clubbing. really very "black" day ah.. 1stly me and my 2 housemates, Huiying & Tess and Tess' fren, Sammi went out for dinner before clubbing. we went out at abt 7plus, reaching city at abt 8plus, close to 9 liao. guess wat... by then alot of restaurants close liao. we wanna eat sizzler, end up close liao. went to Beach House, a cafe cum pub, their kitchen already close for the day. so went to see if the Korean or Japanese restaurant still open, end up all CLOSE ah! shit manz! really sway ah... so we ended up going to Coffee Club. food was not tat fantastic but we r hungry so no choice ah.. whaha... wanna eat a good meal, wanna spend $$$ for it oso no chance ah. whaha...
then we met Peiyi to go to her frens' house to gather together while we take cab to the pub. then another round of sway encounters. 1st, we went to Family, one of the most popular club in Brisbane. the layout from wat i see from webby is sort of like MOS but of cos smaller. the queue was horrible. we reached there at abt 12am then started to queue. all of us girls already going to pay for the entrance fees then suddenly Peiyi shouted out not to go in cos one of the guys cannot go in. we ended up leaving the place. the guy fren cannot go in becos of his attire. the ppl-in-charge said tat he wasn't dressing too appropriately. well, act his attire is ok lor. juz maybe he look kinda blur, so they trying make tings difficult. anyway, so we left for the 2nd option. tis time round, the guys went 1st. haha.. end up really sway again... another guy fren cannot go in becos inappropriate shoes. really very sway ah... by then already 12 plus.. then we headed for 3rd pub. the queue was damn long so we decided to go to the 4th one. the queue was long too and tat area tat we went was at Chinatown, very sleezy and havoc area with really alot of pple. so the queue was like very horrible. then juz as we wanna go, my guy fren was stopped again. they tried to tok to them, end up the pple-in-charge let him in. so finally!!! we managed to go into a pub as a group! by then it was 1plus liao lor... we walked around the whole area for almost an hr before we can get in. wowo... the pub tat we went was called Empire. music was okok. me not those who club alot so to me no diff ah... whaha.. my frens were saying not realy nice music. anyway, to me all the same ah.
so abt 4am, we decided to leave the place liao... we went out, wanna take the nite train, but we miss it. wanna walked out and take cab but the queue was horrifying long.. so we decided to walk to city from chinatown but is juz too too cold. so we decided to stop half way and call cab. can u believe it? we called and called, waited and waited but there is no cab! we waited for almost 45mins then there is tis cab who came and said tat he was called by someone. but when he reached there, tat caller already left. so the taxi driver very very kind hearted, he decide to take us. all 5 of us. act cannot take 5 pple but he very nice ah... see us stranded liao... so juz decide to take the risk and along the way home, we kanna 2 road blocks. so scary... cos we have 5 passengers... illegal ah... whaha... so by abt 6am, we finally safely reached home.. it was a very tiring nite... walked and walked, wait and wait.. well, i still watch a bit of soccer before i sleep in the morning at abt 9am ah... so in total, full 24hrs nv sleep. whaha...
anyway, here r some photos i taken in the pub with my frens...

look @ my sulky face... yes! we waited at Catherdral Place for 45 mins for the cab when we act called 3 to 4 times liao... very pissed off ah.. and is very cold tat nite lor...
hmm... today Huiying, my housemate went back to Spore liao. haiz... make me miss home oso ah.. anyway, i will not go home lor cos i already buy the Melbourne air tix. i am going to tour!!! whaha... cannot keep complaining i wanna go home liao... so negative tinking.. no good.. i have lots of tings to do.. let me relax a few more days, then i shall get tings going. tomolo going to spend lots of money liao... cos going to harbour town for shopping... whaha... i need to buy jackets! yeahz!!!
oh ya... tis is for my Dearest Grace who is enjoying in spore now... Big Brother has another round of 3 intruders, with one of them evicted juz abt 3 days into the house. then now left with 2 intruders, Darren and Perry. Darren seems interested in Claire and David seems interested in Darren. David went into the diary room and confessed tat he is super attracted to Darren whom he tinks is extraordinary looking... whahahaha... as for Perry, i dun like her ah. very motherly figure but sort of over do everything liao... juz wanna get involve in everything. pple sad or happy, she oso wanna comment. too bossy at times too... John, Ashely and Jamie act make fun of her words and attitude. very mean of them ah... then tis week, 4 pple up for eviction. David, Camilia, Krystal and Gaylon. hmm... yep! tat is all for now ah... any more interesting updates, will tell ya again ah... have fun in spore ah!!! love ur pics in ur blog... *muacks*
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