is a windy day... is a sunny day... is a great day for... KITE FLYING! yes! u heard me rite! is kite flying aka "la-yang" flying tat i am toking abt here. whahaha... a scene tat probably u will get to see at Marina South in Spore. well, is definitely something i din see for a long long time ah.
anyway, i was doing research for my report on Friday nite & i came across an event advertisment on the website of Brisbane happenings and it stated that there will be a Kite Fest held @ my researched destination, Redcliffe. so of cos i cannot miss out such great opportunity to be part of the event and check out the area once again in hoping to gather more information for my 50% report. so off i went to Redcliffe today once again! well, tis time round is alone cos it was last min decision, hard to grab any kind soul to go with me. heehee...
it was a chilly day with cold wind blowing rather strongly in the morning. felt cold the moment i left home but thank goodness tat the sun was shining strong and bright so all was still manageable. on a train and bus ride, abt 1hr plus to Redcliffe. was kinda excited cos tis is 1st time i am going for tis Kite Fest & it seems to be quite a grand event. when i reached, there were many many pple. there r many stalls selling different stuff ranging from various authentic food from many countries to accessories to kites (main theme of the event ah!) to clothes. juz too many to name all. and the varieties of FOOD r simply amazing! French, Hungarian, Mexican, Aussie & many more. how i wish i can turn myself into a COW at tat moment so tat i can have 4 stomaches to contain all the different food! whahaha... well, of cos i have self control. i only tried the French Crepes & bought some lovely cup cakes home. overall, it was a great exposure at the event. seeing so many different types, shapes and sizes of kites & all different kind of authentic food. is definitely a great event for family outing cos the kids r simply in FULL indulgence when kites r flying high up the sky. for me, i was glad tat tis event came in time for my report. for the next 2 weeks, it will be MUGGING time for tis wonderful report. hopefully i can finish it in time ah! hahaha... having said so much, let me share with u guys my fav part of every of my entry... PHOTOS!!!!

kites with long long tails flying high up in the sky! really great when u see it fly freely but when the wind decide to play "tantrums"... tat's it!

the 3 kites in the middle, line up one after another r suppose to a "family" of 3. interesting, rite? heehee...

here r the stalls... all of them line up along the grass field...

since it is a family orientated event, of cos we muz take care of the kids. here r their fav section of the event, the games section! ferries wheel, titanic ship slide and mang more...

there is even a "choo-choo" train going around the whole area... how innovative ah? there is no train track, juz simple travelling on grass fields.

see the little oven with chimney? they r used to make the pizzas! once the customer order, the pple will use the pan and put the pizzas in and heat it up. very interesting and the pizza look yummy lor! but i only have 1 stomach which cannot contain 1 whole pizza ah! arghh~~!!!!

my 1 stomach decide to go for the FRENCH Crepes! heehee... cannot see the fillings ah... check out the next one...

some traces of roasted chicken... yeahz... is the Chef Crepes... next photo pls....

aft a few bites, i decided to share a photo of the fillings so tat u guys can have a "taste" of it too. heehee... in it, there r roasted chicken cubes, tomatoes, mozzarella cheese slices and basil leaves... one word to describe, YUMMILICIOUS! is really yummy! juz tat if u dun eat tomatoes, do ask the person take it out cos i ended up taking out tomatoes in the midst of enjoyiong the crepes ah. cos i dun eat tomatoes ah! whahaha... there r many other varieties such as Aussie style crepes (bacon, egg, cheese) or African style (chocolate syrup and banana). yeahz...

back to the kites... here u r, tis is a KITE! is not a balloon or watever ah. but becos tis is too BIG, it took a long while and still on the ground as it is. hahaha...

here r some of the "balloon-kites" tat r flying high up... tis is a shape of a whale...

a shape of a mermain... i tot was rather weird cos the 2 hands keep swaying left and rite. kinda funny leh...

the 2 gigantic octopus who r trying to fight for flying space... hahaha..

the "poisoned" lobster! whahaha... tis lobster din fly for too long & it juz died down on the ground. i reckon it was being "cooked" by the Sizzler pple (booth situated behind the lobster). hahaha...

then when everyone was enjoying the kite flying session, a plane flew out of nowhere showing all kind of stuns by giving out smoke. it is trying to show us tat it is losing control and going to collide against the ground soon & then fly up high again... cool rite? yeahz... i tot was pretty interesting & it was someting tat i can involve in my report as environmental impact! pollution leh... though juz a short while ah..

before i end the long day @ the Festival, i decided to buy something nice home for myself and my housemates. heehee... i had been aiming at them since i stepped into the event. yeahz... CUPCAKES! whahaha... lying all nicely and lovely at the shelves at the stall. so i bought a box of 5! heehee... & i ate one juz now. i ate the one with a cherry on top. it is the Blackforest Cupcake! last one ohh... nice leh... heehee... is very sugary and sweet cos of the icing on top. :D
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