a FOOD show introducing all the lovely desserts in Spore. having celebrity couples on the show to bring us around to their fav hang out place for yummy desserts & narrate on their loving stories...
she will be joined with a celebrity each episode when they will go to the childhood place of the celebrity to introduce the FOOD of tat area & along the way tok abt the past happenings abt tat celebrity...
their task each week is to find out the location of different yummy FOOD tat was unable to be located due to re-location of tat particular food stall from location A to location B
introducing the chill out places at night around all corners of Singapore & along the way, there r many introduction of FOOD stalls tat catered to pple who would like to have supper....
did u see tat similarity in all the above mentioned shows? whahahaha... those who had been my regular audience of the blog will notice too. yeahz!!! is FOOD! the main theme of almost all my entries. whahahaha... y did i specially mention FOOD and all these shows? cos as i was watching these shows, i had an evil tot in my mind. i oso wanna be host of FOOD shows! heehee... when i get back to Spore, i am going to do juz as wat the shows r doing. going around Spore and juz eat all the yummy food. not those heavy eating. juz casual eating but i shall film down all the FOOD and then put it into a short video clip & admire it whenever i am FREE. whahaha... am i crazy? of cos not! is kinda interesting leh... JUST DO IT! yeahz! i shall do it when i go back for hols at the end of yr. anyone keen to join my crazy idea? mostly welcome. i can oso have different guests for diff food location. whahahhaa... sound cool, yeahz!!!!
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