Yeahzz!!! is the Annual Brisbane River Festival!!! woohoo~~~!!! tis is the last time i will be here for it... of cos i muz go lah! no matter how busy i am, i muz go for SURE.. & so i went! yes! cos last yr i was totally impressed by the 30mins long fireworks display. is simply spectacular and marvellous. i really dunno how to describe my feelings after watching, all i could say is tat "i will be back for it next yr" which means tis year lah... whahaha!!! & so i am there last nite to enjoy the splendid moment again with all the lovely and colourful fireworks shooting up the sky @ the strike of 7pm! from 7pm to 7.30pm we r all into the world of fantasy with fireworks lighting up the whole brissy sky, the faces of everyone present & the hearts of everyone...
i went with a different group of frens tis yr. except for my 2 housemates, the rest of our clique last nite was different from last yr's clique. last yr i went with my frens from college & some of them had already return to HOME while some r going on their own. so here i am, with different grp of frens, kinda diff experience too. whahaha... we went there at abt 5plus to 6pm. after a quick bite, we went to the actual area at South Bank, hoping to squeeze in between the large crowd. can u imagine tat pple r there at noon time to panic and chop a good seat to sit down comfortably for the fireworks? well, we actually wana do tat too... however some of us have examz and some of us working, so bo bian ah. we can only do our best to squeeze and squeeze, hopefully get a superb view without any blockage. heehee... after jumping high and low, we finally found a spot tat is with a clear clear view and one of the shooting point is juz rite in front of us. woohoo~!!! how lucky we r sia! whahaha... so there we r, spreading ourselves comfortably across the small area to wait for my other frens to arrive. yeahz!!! as we chit chat and self entertain ourselves, our heart is pumping faster and faster as time get closer to 7pm. heehee... dunno y, tis is not my 1st time watching it but i am still very excited ah... (oh ya.. side track a bit... @ the point when we r waiting for the fireworks, my housemate, Huiying & our fren, Wee Hong r stuck in St Lucia as buses r all FULL and citycat ferry had ceased operations for an hr to accommodate to tis fireworks display tat is held across the Brissy River. poor ting ah... by the time they reached, is the grand finale... whahaha... nvm lah, i have videos for them as consolation).
yeahz... so at the strike of 7pm, 2 fighter jet plane flew across the sky with the really bright "fireballs" & is damn loud lah! tat marks to grand opening of River fire 2006. woohoo~~!!! my camera r all ready to take down all these memorable moments so tat i can show to u guys in spore. yeahz... i took a few videos and photos. heehee.. take until my neck and hand r super aching lor... (until now still aching ah...) for the good moments, is worth it lah... whahaha... of cos i did enjoy myself lah... heehee... act i would tink tis yr's fireworks was not as good as last yr but there is a new design tis year... yeahz!!! is the heart shape fireworks. is something different. i noe in spore there had been such design used before but for here, tis is 1st time wor... very nice ah!!! haha... at tat very moment, i suddenly tot of HOME sweet HOME, Singapore. i tot of my family, my frens and everyone tat i love and miss so much. back in spore, i used to watch fireworks during NDP or Chinese New Year at my house's balcony. back in spore, i used to go out with my frens to catch the new year countdown fireworks at esplanade. well, as for now... is a different location, different grp of pple. feeling is really different.. for tat very moment, i feel very homesick sia... haiz...
anyway, after the fireworks, we went to have our dinner at West End. went to tis Thai Restaurant, but the waitress very bu ke qi rejected our business lor. saying tat we have too big a grp, they cannot accommodate all of us. even we said we can split tables, she oso shake her head. so idiotic lah! then her boss came over and told us tat he will arrange the seats for us, total 11 of us, whahaha... how cool can tat be lah! boss come and serve us personally lor.. wowo!!! big shot sia... heehee... so after 5mins of wait, we gotten our seats, well arrange with 5 tables combine together. hmm.. tis is the kind of customer service spirit and standard lah! we wonder if tat waitress will get any scolding from her boss or not lah. is like our total bill add up to $210 leh.. if she rejected us, whahaha... they will have $210 less of earnings lah. heehee... cool~~!!! anyway, the food in the restaurant is quite yummy ah... curry is hot enough and tom yam is juz nice. not too bad experience after all.
reached home at abt 1130pm. damn it! i miss the chance to use webcam with my family at the chalet where they had their family gathering. haiz... shit manz! but nvm lah, i will await their photos and post some up here. heehee.. meanwhile, u guys enjoy my photos taken last nite lah... i am uploading the videos. have some patience 1st.. will be ready soon... okok... gota go hang my laundry and do some work liao. been lazing around for past 2 days. siaoz liao... no time ah!!!
Photos taken during @ Brisbane River Fire 2006:
*poom! poom! poom!* tat is how the fireworks went off at the strike @ 7pm.. once again, brissy's sky is light up juz as our heart did...
Fireworks - Part 2

A glimpse of light in the dark dark sky... dunno y, i juz like tis shot very much.. simple yet is captivating enough to catch my attention among all photos i took...
Fireworks - Part 3

Back: Wee Hong (in tat ever prominent "zebra' outfit.. his fav shirt from Industries... whaha..)
Front: Richard, Wai Juan, Nelson

Left to Rite: Tash, Me, Tess, Bernice, Fion

Left to Rite: Lisa, Bernice, Fion, Huiying

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