on sat morning, Me, Huiying, Tash & Fion reached Holiday Inn Brisbane at abt 7.10am to meet up with the rest of the tour group & set off for Moreton Bay. this is the 1st time i went for a tour & i feel so so relax cos i do not have to do any pre-departure planning. everything was already paid before the tour and tis is a pre-arranged tour so i can juz relax and go for it. anyway, at abt 9am, we finally reached Moreton Island after a 1hr & 20mins ferry ride. on the ferry, the whole island look very beautiful with the shipwreck in the sea near the beach and the whole area of sand hill.
after we get off the ferry, we were picked up by our tour guide, Hayden. then off we go, 9 of us in the tour on the 4WD on the bumpy sand road to our accommodation site. 9 of us include an English guy-Tristen (he is working & travelling at the same time, what a wonderful lifestyle...), a New Zealander lady-Monica (she is a teacher, 32 yrs old, very knowledgeable & very friendly & helpful), an Irish couple-Steve & Elizabeth (friendly couple where the guy is an extrovert & the girl is rather shy at times), a Mexican guy-Orlando (rather friendly and helpful) & of cos our Aussie tour guide-Hayden (friendly guy who is rather funny but lame at times... hahaha).
after unloading our bags at the accommodation site, off we go again. i tell u ah... 4WD is really very tedious ah. imagine in the small area, we do not have any room to stretch our legs & the road is so bumpy. up and down, we juz keep shaking lah. always knocking into each other and sometimes head will hit the car top. there is nutting for us to hold on to so we keep shaking as the car jump. whahaha... so funny lah... & becos of the nature of tis tour, is an adventurous tour with so many walking & hiking.... is really very very tiring ah! whahaha... we had to climb up hills after hills so tat we can go up the mountain top to get the best view in hoping to spot the whales and dolphins who will be around the island at tis period of time. & clumsy me... as i walked down the sand hill, i trip and fell down lah. my poor camera "ate" some sand lah.. & i had some great "gifts" from Moreton island on my rite elbow & 2 knee caps. whaha... yes! i am injured. my housemate, Tess saw my wounds when i got home & commented tat i have to get injured at a certain period of the year ah... whahaha... wat a comment from her lah..
overall i really enjoyed the trip very much. cos tis is the Aussie style of adventure! Sand, Sun and Beach... is really very tiring to have activities after activities but i really enjoyed. basking in the sun & enjoying the breeze of the sea & trying hard to conquer the sand hills... simply wonderful experience. & it was after tis tour tat i realise how weak i am lah. cannot make it ah... almost gave up when i was half way thru the sand hills. really useless... i muz jia you and train up liao... if not how i go to outback of aussie to travel sia... whahaha...
activities i tried along tis trip:
- snorkelling: without life jacket ah... swam across the channel to reach the ship wreck area where there r many fishes ah... really cute and beautiful. the body is blue and the fins r purple...
- sand boarding: i ate a lot of sand.. had sand in my ears, noses, mouth & eyes. but i simply love the feeling of sliding down the sand hills. it was a horrifying experience walking up the sand hill as it is very steep but overall i really love the experience of sliding down ah... woohoo~~!!!
- Bogey Board (dunno rite spelling or not): 1st time trying out. lying on the board & being swept by the wave along the sea... heehee... exciting experience... good good...
& here r some photos we took over the 2 days trip... total abt 200 photos lah... whahahah... i juz take out a few nice ones...
DAY ONE - 23 Sep, Sat

(Tash, Me, Huiying, Fion)

me & huiying in our bunk bed. drinking for fun ah... heehee...
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