y did i put such a title leh? well, not becos i am going to have children lah. i am not married yet lor, how to have children leh? heehee... although i yearn to have my own kids for very long liao... :)
anyway, wat i am referring to was wat happen during my volunteer session tis morning at the children hospital. there were no kids initially and i tot it will be a quiet day today. then slowly, the kids and parents came for their doctor appointment. soon the whole specialist clinic was packed with so many parents and children. my whole tram of toys were distributed out to the kids and soon i left with just some books and board games. last few times when i went, there were so many girls so i specially took the girls' stuff such as baby doll, food basket and many more tis time. end up today, there were more boys than girls. whahaha... my stuff r so limited for the boys. well, ended up they got to play some of the girls' stuff lah. heehee.. i saw so many hyper active kids today. there was tis little boy, abt 2yrs old. he was walking up and down the corridor, trying to befren other kids, playing with them. he juz cannot sit down at a spot for more than 5mins. for the whole hour he was there, the only moment i see him seated down quietly was when he was given a bar of biscuits to eat. whahaha... but tat does not keep him for long, after abt 5mins, with his biscuits in his hand, he was trying to befriend the little boy next to him. whaha... see how friendly and active tis boy is. his mum was jokingly saying tat whenever she bring him out, it will be a good form of exericise for her as she had to run after her son to wherever he goes. whahaha... and becos the little boy was teething, he practically put everything and anything tat he can find into his mouth. he is a lovely boy with a very cute smile. before he went off, he turn around and said "bye-bye" to me. whahaha...
then for the 1st time, i became a baby sitter at the hospital. there was tis mother who brought the elder son to see the doc and was holding on to her little daughter, abt 1 yr old. at 1st, i was playing with the little girl with the blocks as the mum was trying to calm the elder son down. then it was their turn to see the doctor. however, becos they waited for very long, the mummy had to run down to renew the car parking coupon. so she came to me with her girl, told me to take care of her for a while so tat she can run down and renew the coupon. to my surprise and unexpectedly, i accept the job. well, it is suppose to be an easy job as i baby sit my cousins before. however, tis is a little girl that i dunno and i only played with her for abt 10mins. her name was Lara and she is a really sweet girl with a lovely smile. i managed to get her attention with the baby doll while her mum walked off. after abt 5 mins, she realised that mummy was not around, she started to cry and held on to my hand. she wanted to go and find mummy but she dared not leave me. she held to my hand and started to panic and cried. i can see her tears rolling down... my heart ache when she cried. then i tried all ways and means to calm her down, distract her. her crying was not consistent. she will cry for a while, then out of curiousity, look at other pple walking by and held on to the toys i passed to her. then my fellow volunteer mate decided to make Lara a necklace so i tried to distract her attention by asking her to see the colours. however, after a while, it still did not work and the mummy was still not back yet. it was then, when Lara started to cry again and tis time, she looked so pitiful. (if u see how a kid cry before when they could not see their parents, u would noe wat i mean by pitiful). my heart soften and i really wanna run and look for mummy. but i did not. i decided to use other toys to try my best to distract her again. so i took out Mr Potato Head (kids' fav game here) to distract her. haha... i finally got her full attention, crying stop, tears slowly dry up and she was so enthu abt the game. it was then, i had a pat on my shoulder. yes! Lara's mummy was finally back!!! whahaha... she thanked me and quickly went into the room to see the doctor as the elder son was still in the room. it was quite a relieve for me ah. cos i was taking care of Lara unexpectedly. haha... i was quite amazed on how the mother actually trusted me to take care of the girl. well, basically parents here r so much friendlier and appreciative. i really enjoyed being a volunteer here. is such a wonderful environment to be a volunteer here. heehee... and the kids here r so so well mannered.
to be out of the stress i have from uni work, i really love tis wonderful moment spent with all the kids... is really a very tiring job to do as i need to wake up at 6am. travel on ferry and bus to reach the hospital after abt an hr ride. but with the innocent laughter and lovely smiles i hear and see every week when i play with the children, every bit of tiredness is worth it! whahaha... pple say an apple a day keeps the doctor away. for me is children's smile and laughter keeps all my worries and stress away ah!!! whahha...
come to tink... make me miss my "bao bei" in spore again... my darling cousins...
Wei Hui,
Wei Zhi... every weekend i can play with them lor but now tat i am here, unable to play with them for so many mths liao. i still rem tat during my sec sch days, my weekend will always be spent with my cousins, thus the eldest among three,
Weiqi is very close to me. when i enter poly, with mentoring taking up most of my saturdays, my time spent with them became less. nevertheless, i always try to rush home after mentoring so tat i can go out with them. heehee... when i started to work, i had to work OT on saturday, but i would still try to be home asap. it had been such a long while since i went cycling with them at East Coast Park, running around from one end to the other end in the airport, playing at the water fountain at Bugis Junction and bringing them to Toa Payoh Library. i still rem when i 1st went on a community service trip to thailand for 2 weeks, they came to airport to welcome me home & my dearest
Weiqi actually brought my
Bee Bee along... whahaha... she noes i love my
Bee Bee very much... & sometimes she will hang
Bee Bee out of window to threaten me when i tease her lah... she very naughty hor... haiz... i really miss my dearest cousins so so much!!!! oh ya!
Qi Qi's bday coming liao.... heehee... shall give her a pleasant surprise then... woohoo~!!!
here is a photo which was very well taken... a few yrs back with all the cousins present! heehee...
Back: "Mei Mei"(Wei Hui), Kor Kor (Wee Loon), Sister Seow Yin (mother of a 1 yr old child liao)Front: Me, "Dee Dee" (Wei Zhi), Sister Seow Wai (mother-to-be.. due in Nov'06), "Qi Qi" (Weiqi)