as i mention earlier tat i am going for REAL pizza for dinner! heehee... Felicia, Philip & I went to this pizza place @ Westend. it is the famous pizza place tat served BIG BIG pizza tat can cut up to 36 slices! woohoo~~!!! & it cost $60! hahaha... well, we only had 3 pple so we din order tat lah! we r not PIG lor, cannot eat so much. we ordered the large one which is juz nice for 3 of us. & the best ting for tis pizza is tat we r able to mix and match 2 different type of pizza. for instance, our large pizza is half Hawaiian & half BBQ Chicken. when u have craving for more than 1 type of pizza, tis combination solve all ur problems! woooooo... Bravo~!!!! cos juz now Phil wanna Hawaiian & i wanna BBQ chicken. if we din had to tis combination, we probably had to fight it out! hahaha... btw, tat shop has a very simple name... Slice~ short & sweet! hahaha...

Me & Felicia... it had been donkey years since we last took a photo together...

Feli & Phil... tis photo look kinda "red" as in Feli's tee is red, Phil's jacket consist of red and even the motorbike captured at the background is RED too! hahaha...
* no photos of me and phil as he said he dun wanna take photos with me lor... oh well, neither do i wanna take photos with him lor! ~hmph~!!!*

here come our LARGE pizza!!! woohoo~~!!! looks yummy? it taste yummy too~! i prefer the BBQ Chicken even there r onions (not my fav) slices in between. & seriously, they tink cheese is very cheap ah? cos is very cheesy... thick thick layer of cheese melted on top of pizza... mmm... as compared, my "Iris' Bread Pizza" so much smaller wor... but i tink both r juz as delicious! hahaha... wat do u tink leh? (pls refer to previous entry for Iris' Bread Pizza)

we r the spokeswomen for Slice Pizza & Liptop Peach Tea... yoohoo~!!! pls support both of them! is definitely GOOD and yummilicious~!!!
after dinner, we decided to take a look @ Felicia's house. she had stayed there for abt 1 sem plus & i haven even been there! hahaha... her balcony is SO SO BIG!!! enough for 3 tables of mahjong! & the houses opp her house r so open concept as in i can see rite thru those houses & noe wat the pple inside r doing. Feli told me there used to be a few diff channels of tv show for her to "choose" from when she stand at her balcony to admire the scenary. hahaha... pple has big LCD screen TV mah... so she benefit! heehee... & i made a discovery at her house... but before tat pls take a look at tis photo here...

tis is not reducdant photo ah... there r some link lor... pls take note of the big Digimon Orange Dragon at the back... the one with BIG head! heehee... it was a stuff toy i won in Ekka 2005 when i 1st came to Brissy. it was called Brayden & is now lying comfortably on my cousin's bed in Singapore. & guess wat i saw at Felicia's house?

hahaha... the mini Brayden! heehee... is tis the brother, cousin or kid of Brayden? wat ever u wana call it lah... i would reckon is the little brother of Brayden ah! hahaha... so cute lah~!!! *i mean the one in pink is CUTE too! woohoo~!!!
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