Ekka is here again! woohoo~~!!! Fiona, Aimy, Philip, James & i were out for the whole day @ the event... less pple in my grp of Ekka attendees & not the usual Ekka's Ekka BUT i had absolute FUN!!!! whole day non-stop laughter and FUN!!! seriously enjoy very very much... for those who dunno wat EKKA is, it is actually the biggest Funfair of Queensland. there r alot of different things ranging from horiculture and agriculture stuff to farm animals being showcase at the fair itself. & there r different big and small showbags for pple to buy. of cos there r yummy food from many different countries & the many many interesting thrilling rides and games.
as tis is my last year to attend Ekka so i muz really muz have FUN! & i wanna buy some good value showbags & oso try my luck with the games. unfortunately, the game i played for 2 yrs in the row was not available in this year's fair. haiz... instead i played something else and won something in the end (with the help of James! heehee...). at least i have something to bring home. not as big as compared to last 2 yrs toys, but i am satisfied and contented! heehee...
okok... after a whole day of walking around, i am very very tired. i shall not speak so much. u all juz enjoy the photos lah...

Dagwood Dog... there is a good background effect hor.. hahaha...

Chocolate Fudge!!! all kinds of flavour... yum! yum!

" wat is tis flavour ah??" tat's y i have a puzzled look here ah... :D apparently is the very mango-ly mango fudge...

Aimy, Me & Fiona... enjoying the mango fudge...

the 2 Devils having FUN @ Ekka... hahaha... *pose & smile & say Cheese~*

guess who is the extra??? whahaha... there r 2 extras here. can u spot them?

our purchases!!! showbags & more showbags... woohoo~~~ happy & contented with our purchases ah!!!

the guys @ the Ginger Beer stall.. yummy~

*oink! oink!* piglets having a good time enjoying the milk from their mother pig...

the most stylo hairstyle for year 2007... one tat cannot see the eyes at all! woohoo~ how to see where r the food sia??? aiyooo...

ducks!!! Fiona actually wanna make roast ducks with these ducks lor... aiyooo.. tink she is crazy ah... as usual lah.. is the mental problem, cannot blame her... is beyond cure for her obessesion for DUCKS!!!

James, Me, Fiona & Aimy... we r rejuvenated after LUNCH! woohoo... more actions @ EKKA!

the lovely and yummy chocolate fountain... how i wish i can lick it & bring it home... *yum! yum!*

Fiona, the Princess Devil & Philip, the Kawaii Devil.. :D

cooling lemonade for a warm warm day... wooooo~ we r the Devils' Spokeswomen for the Lemonade @ Ekka...

James, Aimy, Me, Fiona & Philip @ Ekka 2007... not very well taken esp with James' eyes shut but tis is the only grp photo for the day sia... hahaha...

look @ Philip's serious face... he is concentrating on the target... & we r cheering for him at the back... mmm... how come only i open mouth and cheer sia??? :P

winner! winner! winner! Philip got a "Kiss Me" stuff toy.. it was choose by popular demand from me & Fiona... hahaha... so where is "kiss me" now leh?

is now with her new owner, Fiona! hahaha...

my usual & fav game is not available tis yr. so i had to try something else. so i tried to pick the duckies to try my luck. with the help from James, i picked a duck tat set me winning a medium size stuff toy... so i picked tis Doggie by popular demand (again)! & my new doggie's name is Brownie! Brownie, welcome to my Bs family!!! heehee... much smaller stuff toy as compared to previous 2 yrs but i am very contented! though i am envious lah.. hahaha..

James is trying his luck here... din manage to get lucky here but it was a good try! yeahz~

our 3 victory stuff toys from the games! the small green frog, the doggie and "kiss me"

since is "kiss me", i shall give it a passionate kiss... ~muackzzzz~ hahaha...

how abt tis indulging kiss from Brownie??? ~muackz! muackz!~

dinner was in city... a new chinese eatery...
tis is Hainanese Chicken Rice ordered by James..

the Fried Seafood Udon ordered by Fiona...

Philip's order was the Curry Chicken and Rice..

i'm craving for Char Kway Teow.. so here it is, the Seafood Char Kway Teow..

Aimy's yummilicious Vegetarian Laksa...
juz wanna share with u guys wat r the items i brought home today... is making my room more cramped up ah! hahahaha...

Brownie, the doggie... my new member to the Bs Family!!!
(i seriously have problem in squeezing all my Bs on my bed liao... will show u guys wat i mean in the next few blog of my new room & house)

The "New Woman" Showbag... see wat is in it... the bag which i kinda love it & 3 diff mths of New Woman Magazines, make up brushes, cereal, milo, cocoa butter and some discounts...

the "Supre Show Bag"... is suppose to be a beach bag but i tink is perfectly alright to take it as normal going out bag... in this showbag, there r towel, neck rest, cocoa butter, cleanser, sun tan lotion, body gloss and some discount vouchers..
tis is the 1st time i spent so much on showbags ah. i oso bought some really yummy sweets for my 3 Angels Cousins... some really weird and interesting looking sweets... the shape of reptiles, skeleton, pizza, fruits and more! i hope they will love it all and no more fighting over sweets tis time round as i will disbribute accordingly before sending back to them...
okok... here is the end of Ekka 2007 for me... i seriously had alot of FUN today & for the previous 2 Ekka in Brisbane. i will miss it very much when i get back to Spore in future... & i am glad i managed to witness such a grand event and be part of it... :D
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