9th August! is Singapore's National Day!!! Happy 42nd Birthday to Singapore!!! woohoo~~!!! we had our very own national day celebration in Brisbane. Me, Fiona, Philip & Isaac went for dinner @ Nandos & went to Philip's house to watch the NDP parade 2007 via internet. & it ended up with non-stop laughter... can u imagine how 4 uni students can be amused by a teddy bear? aiyyyooo... it was really funny. pls look @ the photos below for the ans to this series of amusement. btw, the bear's name is called Da Da. is Philip's bear... hahaha...

Fiona & I @ Nandos... usual photo taking session before arrival of food & tat sets the guys complaining again... :P

tat's wat we ate! 2 whole Nandos Chicken, one with Rib sauce, one with Extra Hot Chilli sauce.. side dish was peri peri chips! yummy~ :D

tat's DaDa with Fiona & Philip. we decided to dress the bear up with an extra big Sponge Box Square Pants T-shirt... heehee... nice leh...

let me roll up the sleeve to show u the hands of DaDa... hahaha...

DaDa's original clothes became his pants! with a hole at his backside... see his little tail there? heehee...
the national parade finally started! after all the march pass by all the army personnel & the performance by SAF, is time for the actual sing and dance performance to start. but is rather boring for us & tat was wat we did to kill time... we decided to give DaDa some new outfits!

1st outfit: the looks of a Ninja! *haa... haa... haa-haa... bish! bish! bish-bish!!* look out for the fist on tat small and shortie hands!

2nd outfit: the bear with turban... heehee... cool, rite?

3rd outfit: The Nun! hahaha... look very very wrapped up sia!

4th outfit: DaDa is sick... poor DaDa... an ice pack on his head & a thermometer to measure temperature...

DaDa doing somersaults & head stand... woohoo~~ stylo ah!

* peek! peek!* DaDa is trying to peek on wat Isaac is studying... he wanna learn oso ah... hahaha... oh btw, all those above mention outfits of DaDa are all done and tot by Mr Isaac Yang. he was "motivated" by us to tink of such innovative and creative ideas to entertain us... hahaha... 1st time i see him so entertaining wor...
mmm... tat's how we spent our national day "hols". not a hols here but we self-declared it! well, we r Sporeans after all ah! heehee...
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