juz to share something i learnt in my International Hotel Management Operations' lecture on Friday. i was pondering upon wat my lecturer spoke abt and recalled some of the related movies and articles i read. 1st of all, let me state the discussion today...
Change of Climate
well, reason y climate had been a discussion topic in a hotel mgmt class is becos if there is a major climatic change to our Mother Earth, do u think there will be any more hospitality or tourism activities? be it in any field, climatic changes have major and crucial effects. so it is definitely a topic we shld all bear in mind. remembering its seriousness and consequences if we continue to play ignorance towards its importance.
as i was listening to my lecturer in his explanation on how Global Warming can cause drastic decrease in the world global temperature, i related to one of my Fav movie, "Day after Tomorrow". when i was watching that show, i was still puzzled by some scientific explanation on how global warming can cause ice age. now i finally clear up everything. i am not trying to act as scientist here. in fact i have no FATE with science since pri sch & sci has always been an enemy of mine. i jus trying to explain base on my understanding abt how global warming can cause ice age.
according to my lecturer's explanation & the clarification stated in "Day after Tomorrow", it is saying tat due to global warming, large amount of fresh water has been discharged into the ocean. & there is a current pattern along the North Atlantic Ocean which has a regular procedure of bringing the water to and fro the North Pole and Atlantic Ocean. it is like a regular cycle that happens & becos sea water or salt water is denser so this procedure of carrying water to north pole has been a smooth sailing one in exchange for the ice water from north pole. HOWEVER, if human beings continue to discharge large amount of fresh water by stimulating global warming, tis regular cycle will be disrupted. & we will be suffering from major decrease of the world's temperature and experience very extreme weather changes. & global warming is caused by the excessive burning of coal and many many other harmful ways such as gas discharge from cars' exhaust pipe. if each and every one of us will do a bit in conserving the world by doing less to harm our environment, the damages due to the climatic change can be minimised. i am in no position to say tat we r able to avoid all damages but at least if we start to do a little on our side, tings might get better in future. do u noe a simple way to contribute is to conserve energy so tat less coal will be burnt? so in future, before u switch on the light or any electrical appliances, ask urself "is there a necessity for it?" if is not, juz dun switch it on and leave it on for nutting.
haha... i am sounding like some environmentalist here? no lor... i juz tink tat it is really kinda scary if one day our Mother Earth suffer badly due to human beings' selfishness and ignorance, who r the ones who will REALLY get affected? is still human beings afterall... if u din watch "Day after Tomorrow", watch it & u will noe y. if u have watch it before, u shld noe wat i am saying abt the horrifying damages. i tink we shld all stop living in "Planet Self" & contribute our bits and pieces for our one and only "Planet Earth".
*Sidenote: according to my lecturer, "Planet Self" is the term to describe the planet where pple of Gen Y (tat's most of us!) r living in. a planet of self and own only... everything share b ignored.*anyway, a photo of the Sweet Potato Sago dessert tat i ate juz now. it was cooked by my housemate, Grace. she was the one who gave me the "tang yuan" tat day & today another dessert. hahaha.. with her around, i tink i am gonna put on weight becos of all the yummilicious desserts ah! but no matter wat, i oso wanna say THANK YOU to Grace! tis is my 1st time eating sweet potato sago. i am a sago-lover and tis dessert is juz rite for me cos i dun eat sweet potato usually but now i am eating it with sago! hahaha...

yummy Sweet Potato Sago... cooked with love and warmth. love becos is cooked by Grace and her bf who will be leaving Brissy tomolo after spending 3 week hols in Brisbane to accompany her... warmth becos is cooked by the caring and lovely housemate! :D