heehee.. today is start of my examz but i am not going to blog abt tis lah. cos i have better tings to blog abt. no matter wat, abt today's examz, my comments will be i din do especially well but i dun tink i did tat badly. overall i dun tink i can score as well as i expected or wanna, shld be no 7 liao... anyway, see how when results release lor. heehee... is over, tink oso no use.
watever it is, let me get to wat i wanna say for today's entry lah. u noe ever since i come Aussie, wat is the one ting tat will make me happy even when the worse ting can happen? heehee... PARCEL! yes! a parcel or card or watever it is from HOME! yep! yep! not tat i am greedy or wat. juz tat i love the warmth feeling when i received a parcel or card from HOME. i dun need expensive stuff. juz a simple letter or card is extremely pleasant surprise for me. i juz love the warmth and valuable feeling when the postman knock on my door and pass me a card or parcel, attention to "
Lim Wee San". heehee... i cannot describe tat feeling but i juz feel extremely heart warming and happy when i see every parcel or card on my hand. guess tat is the nearest connection to HOME tat i ever can have at tat moment.
anyway, today juz as i was in my sweet sweet dream, i received a pleasant surprise from HOME. heehee... yep!
San San sent me a parcel ah. yeahz... i was sort of expecting it to arrive tis few days as she msn to tell me last week. just tat she was so secretive, nv tell me wat it is. no matter wat, i still anxiously waited for it and looking forward to carrying the parcel in my hand ah. heehee...
"San San! i've got it! thank u so so much for the parcel. aiyooo... u buy me tissue and plasters, all so cute one... i wun use it for sure lor. whahaha... but i really love it. thanks! thanks! as for ur instruction, open the card week by week, okok lah... i try to keep to it. but if i too curious, itchy hand go open, oso can hor? heehee... no matter wat, THANK U!!!" and today's parcel gave me a tot. heehee... so i went around my room and took out all the stuff tat i received from HOME ever since i come to Aussie to study. so here u r, presenting all the valuable and precious parcels and cards i received from HOME Singapore!!!
the latest parcel from San San (newly arrival tis morning!) cutie Winnie the Pooh plaster and Hello Kitty tissue and a soft soft pouch, a very meaningful card (long msg in it) & 3 mysterious cards which i need follow suit to open wk by wk. heehee... very lovely set of pressie, rite? all BLUE!!! my fav colour! yeahz!!!
Lanterns!!! whahaha... i only took photo of 2 of them. total i received 9 of them from my lovely friend, Patricia Gan! yeahz yeahz!!! she really good lah... cos i celebrating Mooncake Festival with my frens here but lanterns here so exp so i ask Pat to send some to me. & she really did! within 2 weeks after request, i got it! see how efficient she is ah... really thank u so so much.. somemore din take $$$ back from me. aiyo.. paiseh ah... oso muz thanks her Dad ah cos he is the one who went to buy for me. heehee...
this set of stuff took Qantas flight to Aussie ah... heehee... so innovative idea of pressie hor... plasters and tissues. sender said tat becos i complained tat these 2 items r very costly in Aussie so she passed the items to my housemate and ask her to bring it back from Singapore for me when my housemate went back to Singapore for holidays during June holiday. who is tis clever sender leh? whahaha... none other than my beloved Patricia lah... "hey girl, thank u so so much lah... with u and San San's pressie, i can become supplier for plasters and tissues liao... whahaha"
without tis set of pressie, i wun b able take so many nice nice photos lor... haha... and i muz thanks 2 pple for tis. 1st person is Jennifer who brought along all these from Singapore on SQ flight when she was on duty as air stewardess to the flight to Brisbane from Singapore. 2nd person i wanna thank is the sender, Ms Jasmin Neo. yeahz!!! really my jie-mei sia! ask her help me buy camera from spore when my previous one spoilt, she so willingly helped me buy and when i said i run out of blue pens, there it goes, i have half yr supply now. heehee... tis pen cost double the price here lah. so i dun wanna buy here. then on top of tat, she act gave me a teddy bear to accompany me. whahaha... see how sweet my jie-mei is ah... woohoo~~!!!
tis is not a pressie for me lah... cos i need to return to owner when i go back spore. but i really very grateful to the sender, Ms Ang Shuwei ah. without telling me anything, she juz sent it over. no notes or cards attached. whahaha... becos before i came here, i forget to get it from here to bring over, so she specially sent it over for me. really really thank u so so much sia!!! heehee... "shuwei, i will bring it back to u by end of tis yr, ok? heehee"
surprise! surprise! tis is really surprise! a card and a letter from Shupei. heehee... telling me abt her life in spore and how much she miss Perth ah. whahaha... really great receiving news and updates abt frens from spore lor... cos i cannot be there with my frens now... dunno how they r doing, if i can have updates on and off, i will be very warmth. at least i noe they r well and good... :)
tis is from warmth from HOME, my dearest family... whahahaha... my aunt know tat i am a I-weekly faithful reader, so there she is, sending me a few copies when she sent over my books to me. whahaha... miss reading I-weekly ah!!!
the very 1st pressie i received from HOME last yr when i 1st arrived Brisbane. heehee... is a pleasant surprise. everyone in hostel was so envious when they saw me receiving tis pressie. heehee... THANK U so much to Zhirong ah... heehee... really nice and sweet of him to send tis simple yet precious gift to me. :)
hmm... basically tat is all tat i can find. i tink there r few more from others like Huifang and Patricia. but cos they r strips of paper with secret msg so cannot show here lah. whahaha... no matter wat i juz wanna say a BIG THANK U to everyone who sent me parcels, gifts and cards.. even forward SMS, emails and msg on my tagboard or frenster oso counted ah! all these r the most precious gifts i can ever have. the best and motivating factors tat r pushing me along and helping me to overcome any challenges. cos all these r from u guys, my beloved family and lovely friends! i love all of them so dearly and will treasure all of them forever!!!
THANK YOU very very MUCH!!!!
*hint hint: pple in spore, noe wat to do lah... i dun mind receiving more parcels ah... my room is rather crowded but i can still make room for more... whahaha... thick skinned sia... *faint**
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