17 Nov!!!! last day of examz for Jul sem 2006! woohoo~~!!!! tis was how i went thru my day ah...
original smiling face

having the last paper @ 11.15am, so i woke up at abt 7am to do the last min revision... but i was too excited liao so took a photo of myself while studying... whahahaha... a bit crazy ah...
"secret manual" for examz

tis was my "secret manual" for my last examz... so many words to rem... aiyooo... how can i still smile, rite??? so i became...
sulky face!

piggy and sulky face with all these notes after notes... gosh... agony ah!!!!

thank god... i have tis grp of supporters behind me... forever there to give me encouragement and support... simply love them... so off i went! for my last examz!!!!

happy and cheerful me with wide wide smiles on my face after the last paper & i decided to take the photo of the examz time board as remembrance... whahahha...

Leona! my daughter from UQ. she is graduating tis sem liao... haiz... no one pia project with me liao... definitely will miss all her anxiousness and blurness ah... whahaha...
okok... tat's abt all for 17 Nov. evening time... i had a mini gathering for steamboat with my frens. will get the photos and upload soon... stay tune!
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