Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Tassie, Tassie, Here I come!
okok... i shall be off to bed now... if not i cannot wake up tomolo liao... heehee... back in abt 1 week's time! cya guys next week! stay tune for Tassie's wonderful scenic photos... yippee!!!
finally... relief & happiness...
so at abt 12.45am, we decided to try again. finally! we got in... yeahz!!! so slowly we went into the studies report to view our results. is like relieving TOTO results. one by oney scroll down to see. whahaha... to my greatest surprise, results was kinda up to my expectations but i din expect some part of it. no matter what my results r, i am very contented and happy abt it. at least my effort paid off and i can face myself happily for tis holidays! yeahz!!! i am really relieved now!!! i can really relaxed. honestly, i really had a hard time struggling for tis sem. i am so so glad is over now and i really very very happy tat i act manage to survive till now. extra workload and with so many other commitments, i am glad tat i made it!
since i made it thru tis sem and working towards my last sem now... i shall say thank u to many pple 1st. my beloved family, my spice buddies, all my other friends in spore now and frens in aussie now... THANK U very very much for all the support, encouragement, care, concern, love and warmth! i will work even harder for next sem to repay all these. oso i wanna thank myself for surviving thru. heehee... i torture myself for 2 sem here, i really need give myself a good break before i chiong for last sem! oh ya! forget to thank one more person. tis person really supported me thru out. always ready to show me the real care and concern whenever i realy need. no matter watever it is, i juz wana say THANK U to tis person... :D
okok.. off to bed now. need to work and i will be off to TAsmania on tis thurs. heehee... back on next tues. yeahz!!! i can go with a peaceful and relieve mind. woohoo~~!!!
Sunday, November 26, 2006
"Weishan Jie Jie" really sounded full of WARMTH...
there was a mini family gathering at my cousin's new house as it is Baby Lynnette's 1st month birthday this coming Thursday. so they had a small celebration and i "participated" in the celebration! heehee... i went out early in the morning with my housemate, Tess to buy things and rushed home at abt 3pm (Aussie time) as my aunt told me they will gather at my cousin's place at abt 1pm (spore time). so when i reached home at abt 4pm, I keep waiting for my bro to online so that i can use my webcam with them.
finally at abt 5pm (aussie time), my bro online. heehee... i saw my grandma, parents, bro, aunties, uncle, cousins and nieces & all the lovely food. there r home cooked curry, traditional hakka dishes "Abacus Seed"... arghh~~!!! as usual, they always use food to tempt me ah! but nvm, i will be able to taste all these good food soon. heehee...
of cos i saw the main character of the day! my lovely niece, Baby Lynnette. she so smart lah, when pple carried her near the webcam, she quickly opened her eyes. heehee... clever girl ah! and she look so alike to her father. whahaha... then my cousin showed me all the photos taken ever since Baby Lynnette was born. hmm... guess becos tis is 1st child for them, they took so many photos lah. is like almost every day one photo ah. whahaha... but good tat they take ah. i can slowly enjoy bit by bit when i get back ah. heehee... then i oso saw my eldest niece, Baby Joyce. heehee.. she so tall liao. wow... she was playing "fishing" with my grandma. whahaha... grandma so happy lah cos tat is her great grand daughter wor... woohoo~~!!!
i will never forget my impt grp of angels... yes! my 3 lovely cousins. Weiqi, Wei Hui and Wei Zhi. whahaha... Weiqi as usual, always interested in my soft toys. Wei Hui is still so stubborn. ask her speak to the mic, she juz wun do it. haha... as for WeiZhi, he lost 2 of his teeth. yeahz... the front upper 2 teeth. whahaha... but he is still so handsome, my handsome little prince. :D miss them so so much... but i noe soon i will see them liao!!!! yeahz!!!
is great to tok to my family, see them over the webcam is exceptionally warmth ah. let them see me so tat they know i am safe and sound. we can still argue over webcam. whahaha... glad to noe tat everyone back home r fine and good! i will be back with them soon. shall cook a good meal for my beloved family when i get back. heehee... at the same time, muz have lots of fun with my cousins and nieces. yeahz!!!
sidenote: 2 more days to release of examz results. start to get a bit gan cheong liao. then day after release of result, i will be off to Tasmania! hopefully i will have a pleasant trip to Tasmania! yep yep!!!
Friday, November 24, 2006
little gifts for my angels...

Wednesday, November 22, 2006
FREEDOM after examz!!! woohoo~~!!!
tis is my 1st outing after examz ah!!! long awaiting freedom... finally examz is OVER... woohoo~~!!! so me, Huiying, Wanqi, Fion and Amanda went out to enjoy our well-deserved HOLIDAYS ah!!!

Me, Huiying & Fion @ Stones Corner before the shopping spree...
Halfway thru, we decided to take photos again... heehee... as Huiying and Wanqi very pissed off lah... their shopping spree din end up to be a good one. each of them only bought a pair of shoes each (same one somemore... faint ah~). Fion is our biggest winner lor... bought so many things. whahaha... me ah? dun have ah.. cos i wanna save $$$ for my Tasmania trip! yeahz!!!
3rd Stop: Dinner in City, Korean Restaurant
we really enjoy life ah... whole day event from morning till nite. keep eating and eating oso ah... whahaha...

Me & Fion @ Korean Restaurant with the korean hot plate... yummy ah!!!

Me & Wanqi... with background of Conrad Casino, Brisbane. old heritage building, nice hor? heehee...
Photos for Mid Autum Festival 2006...
as promise i will post the photos for the Mid Autum Festival on 6 Oct 2006. finally i got it from my fren... so here it is... my last Mid Autum Festival in Brissy...

we r trying to act romantic here lah... with a candle in our hand to make our face look bright bright...
yeahz!!! u see wat's on the table... MAHJONG!!! i really really miss it ah! tat nite was a short period only lah... i am waiting to go back to play till i shuang... my mahjong khakis? ready? heehee...
HAPPY Family in Brisbane!!!
yeahz... see all the lovely smiles on our faces... heehee... really had a very wonderful nite ah!!! next yr we shall be back in Singapore for Mid Autum ohh... so muz enjoy tis time round mah...
Special Dedication to....
to: those studying in Uni now... many of u r having examz now. the very BEST of LUCK to all of u!!! soon all things will be over & lovely holidays awaiting for all of u ah!
to: those working now... work hard hard then when u have time, muz play hard hard too! ALL the very BEST to all of u too!!!
to: EVERYONE back in Singapore...
i din forget u guys when i am here in Aussie lah. i certainly miss every single one of u very very much. soon... i will be back in Singapore for hols. heehee... make the announcement 1st... i already set my returning date on 31 Dec. so without any changes, i will be back in time to say HAPPY NEW YEAR to all of u in my Singapore mobile number ohhh... heehee...
Friday, November 17, 2006
17 Nov 2006... long awaiting moment...


okok... tat's abt all for 17 Nov. evening time... i had a mini gathering for steamboat with my frens. will get the photos and upload soon... stay tune!
in another 3hr and 15mins i will be having my long awaiting freedom!
but before all these... let me dedicate something to my lovely "bao bei"...

my "bao bei" here is my youngest cousin. youngest of my generation (no longer youngest in family as he is Uncle liao... whahaha...) he is 7 yrs old tis yr ohhh... wonder how tall he is now ah... really miss him so much. miss him calling me "Weishan Jie Jie" with tat soft spoken manner and anxious looks if i am holding anything on hand tat is of his interest. today is his birthday ohhh... heehee... naughty little boy ah... shall go back and "torture" him. whahaha...
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Hailstones in Summer... do u believe it???
then when i saw the news in the evening, the storm was so terrible. so much disruptions. houses' roof tops were blown away, shophouses was flooded with leaking roof, trees were blown down and rite smack on the passing cars & pple were injured by the flying debris. then the lighting tat strike down was so long and sharp & some churches had their crosses smashed into pieces. disruptive thunderstorms, worst one ever since i came here. and it is reported tat it will continue to hit other areas of Brisbane. i dun mind rain lah, cos Aussie in serious drought now. we really need water!!! but not such disruptive storms tat will take away our property or even our life ah.
anyway, most pple finished examz liao... haiz... horrible nitemare starts when pple r out partying and me still mugging for last paper. but nvm ah, i shall endure... cos is juz the last 2 days!!! 2 more days and i will be FREE!!!! completely FREE!!!! i can smell the sense of freedom... very near... so near tat i can feel the presence. whahaha... wait for me ah... i'm reaching the finishing line soon...
**countdown to last examz paper: 2 days
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
in the midst of examz...
I saw Merlion!!!
I saw "Durian" - Esplanade!!!
I saw Fort Canning Park!!!
ohhh... familiar scenes tat i had been missing for mths (at least 9 mths liao...) & i saw all of them today... all at one go... heehee... not imaginary lor, is really saw them with my EYES but is on TV lah. whahaha... oh ya... come to tink, muz say THANK U to Grace. "hey gal, thanks for asking me to watch the show juz now on TV. heehee... really good form of dosage ah!" yeahz! juz now on TV there was a cooking show. Spore was featured in tis episode thus i saw all the familiar scene and food. gosh~~ suddenly had a homely feeling. whahaha... anyway, i was craving for "ba zhang" when i saw the host introducing the "nonya dumpling" lah. haiz... i miss the "ba zhang" my grandma make lor & i miss messing up her stuff when she wrap lah. heehee...
haha.. during examz period & i seems so free hor... still can watch TV. arghh... i really have ZERO mood to study sia. so as usual, cannot sit really still when i have no mood to study, i walked up and down my room, go downstairs to take water, food and walk around the house, wet the cloth and wipe the kitchen top and everywhere else. i juz dun wan sit down in front of my desk to look at my notes. whahaha... then when i got sick of doing all these, guess wat i did next? i saw the cards and photo albums on my display shelves. so i took a cloth and start to wipe the dust off them and took out each and every one to read thru again. whahaha... it had been a few mths since i last read them. usually when i read them, i will start to tink of home again so i dun usually read them lah. but today i itchyhand lah. took out and read. indeed the "dust" in the cards and albums so powerful... flew into my eyes and make me create a mini "waterfall" in my room. whahaha... then i realised something. to my Spice Buddies (Lian, Jun, Jas & Lin): the photo card tat u guys gave me was the most outstanding one but now i cannot read the msg in the card liao. cos the pen tat u guys used, so powerful ah. ink can disappear one. Lin's msg is completely gone, Lian's msg left only "dear San" & "Love & Huggies Poh Lian", body section all gone, Jas' msg still got abt 40% left and Jun's msg is the only complete one left. whahaha... cos he used a different ink ah. so... can i request for a NEW card??? :P
anyway, no matter whose gift or card they r, i deeply appreciate them and love every single one of them. will bring all these back to Spore after i grad to put on display so tat i can read when i am free ah. but i guess by then, i wun create "waterfall" liao. heehee...
**side note**: received a msg last nite tat really make me feel some sort better... act knowing wat the typical advice will be... it seems better when a 2nd person tell me...
my outgoing msg was "really heartache. lost 10 marks in my examz today. for the 1st time i am really affected. my mood to study for last paper is really gone... haiz..."
the reply came as "dun tink abt it since is over le. u shld study even harder for the next paper so tat u overall can get a good grade... yeahz... study hard!"
anyway, tat's all for updates now. back to mugging again... :D
Monday, November 13, 2006
there goes my 10 marks....
really heartache ah... 10 marks leh... tat is enough to take my distinction away from me. haiz... tis sem's results will be way below expectation. 2 papers already and had been disappointment. i dunno how the 3rd one will be, but i will still give my best shot. watever it is, wat done cannot be undone. if is really meant to be as it is, no use for me to ponder over it. maybe at the end of the day, i will be very disappointed with my own results as the results for tis sem is very impt to me. i need to obtain good results to get my industry placement. if i really get bad results and din get my placement, is not enough to get sad only. cos after i get sad, i need to wake up and do something to replace wat i lost, rite? is true i feel very heart ache now and maybe after release of results too but i noe i need to get on with life and learn from where i go wrong so tat i wun make same mistake again. tis time round, i noe is bcos i was over confidence and din read quest thoroughly. so will i allow myself a 2nd chance to make same mistake? NO! NEVER! i will earn back my marks and will NEVER allow tis to happen again.
Saturday, November 11, 2006
"examz" to torture me... "countdown" to make me feel better...
"revising for examz"... how come got such task to fulfill ah? aiyyooo... whoever invented "examz" really have serious sickness... the "sickness of seeking enjoyment thru torturing miserable students like us --- making us go thru examz after examz juz to see how well we noe our stuff; evaluating the teaching of our teachers/lecturers base on examz after examz; monitoring if the present education system is up to standard with examz after examz...". arghhh~~!!! dun they have a better way to guide us or to evaluate the teachers/lecturers and education systems? y muz we be the miserable ones to go thru all these testing and be the one suffering under all these horrible evaluation process?
anyway, i wanna feel better, more motivated and stay diligent and focus so i ended up doing countdown liao... today is 11 Nov, Sat. tis coming Fri, 17 Nov will mark the last paper of tis "long long" exam period. i cannot wait for tat wonderful day to come by ah!!! another 1 week more... whahaha... sound short with "1" ah but is another 7 days lor... no matter wat, i juz wanna make myself feel better lah... 1 week more and i will be free for tis sem. for tis short while, i oso happy. i juz wanna faster get over and done with. juz dunno y... tis is the most torturing revision period i ever had since my poly days till now. faster it is, better it is ah.
haiz... then to add salt on my wound, my housemate, Huiying is having her last paper today ah!!! gosh~~!!! and on Mon when i am having 2nd paper, another housemate, Tess will be finishing her examz too. OMG~!!! agony again... last sem i am the last one... tis sem i am the last one again... u tell me how to continue get motivated for revision with both housemates finished with examz and enjoying life, watching shows and having a good time. i seriously in need of some good motivating factors for me to keep on working hard, stay focus until i go thru 17 Nov ah. arrgghhh!!!! 1 moe week... 7 more days... i will overcome it! if i can do it last sem, i am sure i can do it tis sem. "faith... belief... motivation... focus... positive attitude... buddies, i need all of u now! pls pls report to me tis very min... okok?"
alright... enough of complains, self consoling and talking... is time to get back to my notes again... dun seems to rem wat i studied earlier liao... whahaha... i tink i grumble too much... :P
* 7 days to end of examz*
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
parcel of warmth, surprises and love...
watever it is, let me get to wat i wanna say for today's entry lah. u noe ever since i come Aussie, wat is the one ting tat will make me happy even when the worse ting can happen? heehee... PARCEL! yes! a parcel or card or watever it is from HOME! yep! yep! not tat i am greedy or wat. juz tat i love the warmth feeling when i received a parcel or card from HOME. i dun need expensive stuff. juz a simple letter or card is extremely pleasant surprise for me. i juz love the warmth and valuable feeling when the postman knock on my door and pass me a card or parcel, attention to "Lim Wee San". heehee... i cannot describe tat feeling but i juz feel extremely heart warming and happy when i see every parcel or card on my hand. guess tat is the nearest connection to HOME tat i ever can have at tat moment.
anyway, today juz as i was in my sweet sweet dream, i received a pleasant surprise from HOME. heehee... yep! San San sent me a parcel ah. yeahz... i was sort of expecting it to arrive tis few days as she msn to tell me last week. just tat she was so secretive, nv tell me wat it is. no matter wat, i still anxiously waited for it and looking forward to carrying the parcel in my hand ah. heehee...
"San San! i've got it! thank u so so much for the parcel. aiyooo... u buy me tissue and plasters, all so cute one... i wun use it for sure lor. whahaha... but i really love it. thanks! thanks! as for ur instruction, open the card week by week, okok lah... i try to keep to it. but if i too curious, itchy hand go open, oso can hor? heehee... no matter wat, THANK U!!!"
and today's parcel gave me a tot. heehee... so i went around my room and took out all the stuff tat i received from HOME ever since i come to Aussie to study. so here u r, presenting all the valuable and precious parcels and cards i received from HOME Singapore!!!

Sunday, November 05, 2006
lovely little angels... ^_^
today i juz received a photo of the lovely baby girl from my cousin. which means she had discharged and everything is going on well. good good... when i saw the photo, cannot hide my excitement and happiness ah. keep smiling... all my examz stress and troubles r gone... gone for tis moment when i am admiring the photo of my niece. i shall be back in dec to see her. heehee... cannot be there for her 1st mth but nvm, i will try and get some pressie for her. woohoo~~!!!
okok... here is a photo of the baby girl.. cute or not ah?

Baby Joyce
Her features very feminine hor.. shld b a very pretty girl when she grow up ah.. whahaha...
hmm... whose baby shall i await next leh? whahaha... maybe my brother's ah... then i can really become "direct" auntie! yeahz!!!
Saturday, November 04, 2006
Triple S Theory from IRIS1000
Newly invented theory from course code IRIS1000:
whahaha... i invented tis theory when i was too sian from all the notes... notes after notes, words after words... is all over my mind and nutting seems to stay on... all juz flowing in and out of my mind so easily. can anyone tell me how to keep all these in head until after 17 Nov? argghhh!!!
haiz... act study for so long, shld noe how to handle examz symptons but i juz get so sick lah... let me fa xie a bit... as wat jas say, 2nd last sem liao... muz endure ah!!!
okok... enough of grumbles and complains liao... back to all the notes now... sickening they r but is sinful on my side if i dun "eat" all of them up ah! whahaha... see lah, crazy me using all the weird weird words.
*side note*:
*juz as i was writing tis entry, i saw a new course/subject code from Yong Kiat's msn nick: "SLP1001"... whahaha... we all became inventors for new course/subject codes ah... previously we have "TVBS1000" (bachelor) to "TVBS7000" (masters). whahaha...*
Thursday, November 02, 2006
Motivation!!! i need u ah... where r u? pls come back to me, k?
today i went for a industry placement briefing. is part of the module i am taking next sem. some students will be selected to go for tis industry placement. however to qualify for it, there is a series of criteria to fulfill. 1st of all most, most basic one.. academic requirement. all along the uni require students to have at least a cumulative GPA of 5 to qualify. from next yr on, they r looking for students with at least GPA of 5.5 and on top of tat, the student need to be top 30 students within the whole grp of students taking the course ah. aiyoo... i tot i juz need to maintain my current GPA or make it better to qualify. now not only muz i get a good GPA, i still need to maintain within the top 30 students ah. for today's briefing, my lecturers only called those qualified students to go down and told us tat hopefully next yr's 1st meeting, they will still see the same lot of us. haiz... i definitely hope so ah.
u say lah... isn't tis additional stress for me? how to get better GPA and at the same time maintain my standing within top 30 ah? honestly, i have doubts ah. but no matter wat i will try my very best!!! pia all the way... do or die... heckcare 1st... juz do 1st. 1st of all i tink to get back all my motivation... "motivation!!! come back to me faster, can??? plssss...." 2nd ting is to write a good profile write up abt myself to send to my lecturer for review. my aunt said my profile write up cannot make it ah. whahaha... tink i need sit down and do a good one liao. 3rd is i wanna settle my tasmania' s stuff leh. tot of going down to travel agency to get stuff on tasmania tomolo. but i muz see if i can finish studying part of my tings today or not. if not, no need go tomolo liao. studies more impt.
oh ya... come to mention... i nv tot my lecturers will use the "top 30 students" tactics to choose suitable students for the placement ah. i tot tis kind of method only used in pri or sec sch in spore ah. academic standing base on results. whahaha... nv knew in uni still use such way ah. anyway, keep fingers cross... i wanna maintain!!!! i can do it! yes! i can!!! i will & i muz!!!!
*today when i went to uni, i saw someone driving a car with a "L" plate. haiz... he is learning car lor... then when i came back, i saw a car... "toyota corolla ascent". haiz... same design as the one i used to drive when i was learning my driving... mmm... i miss someting ah... miss wat, dun need say u all oso noe lah... cannot say i super duper love tat.. but i juz feel no good when out of sudden, is taken away from me without me even proving to myself and others that i can do it and finish it perfectly ah! fated and destined ah... haiz....*
okok... back to studies liao... if not, no need finish liao...