heehee... over exicted me cannot hide my happiness for the end of tis course, HOSP7000 = International Hotel Management Operations. i am finally relieve and relax. intensive mode teaching means 13weeks lecture stuff being shorten to only 6 seminars of 4hrs each within 8 weeks. is juz so crazy to go for class on fri and sat from 10am to 3pm once in every 2 weeks. is really information overload!!! now tat all r done, i am juz so so happy... yeahz yeahz!
today was the debating session. we had a morning of very very interesting debating session. From the topic on "shld sex tourism be legalised?" to "is labour turnover a threat to hotel industry?" to "hotel industry is unethical" to empowerment increase hotels' employees' efficiencies", the whole debating session was juz so interesting, exciting, challenging and nerve breaking, nerve breaking for speakers as we had to stand in front of the class to present our speech. we were all shaking and shivering. i had a hard time stablising my hands sia. but i juz had to brace thru tat 3mins and still worry abt pple not understanding me & not to go over time. whahaha... in the end, i actually forget abt my team's team line for our argument! :p but overall i juz felt tat our debate was GREAT! Bravo, team! we did a good job! coordinated very well & very attentive and supportive. good speakers (sorry for my mistake ah!) & very responsible support personnels! no matter if we won the debate, we r the BEST! woohoo~!!!
as for the presentation yesterday, i tink overall we did a fairly good job to keep it within time limit and be clear of our points. no overloading of information for the audience and we addressed the topic well. had a video of our presentation but is with a fren. still waiting for it to come to me before i can load it. mean while, let me juz share some photos taken with my class & during lunch with some of them.
Video taken while we r having lunch... trying to introduce the food... heehee...
lunch was great... company was fun... & we had good time laughing at all kind of silly jokes & enjoying the good food. heehee...
now i can have some breathing time and space before i head into my next research paper. the most scary one of tis semester... my business research methods' research paper. haiz... how to do a paper for a topic which it understand me but i dun understand it leh? aiyyyoooo... before i start cracking my head for it, i shall have a good nite sleep. i miss my comfortable bed so much sia... & is time for me to recover my loss of membership fees by going to the Gym ah! aiyoooo... Fiona!!! Cardio session pls!!!!
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