finally... i cooked the mee siam. heehee... it do look kinda good... but becos the gravy soup is not enough so we had mee siam tat is kinda dry ah... hahaha... but i still tink the mee siam is good! yeahz!!! happy and satisfied as when i dun feel like studying, cooking is the best way out!
this 2 days of cooking and eating, eating and cook was really very 爽... dun need to care abt assignments, dun need to bother abt anything. juz bury myself in the kitchen preparing food and enjoying them after tat. hahaha...
Friday Dinner - Sporean style Mee Siam

Sporean style Mee Siam... yummy~!!!

Mee Siam with beancurd, prawn and eggs... delicious!!!

haha... the 小白菜 tat was too salty with the soya sauce paste...
Saturday Dinner - Hakka Abacus Seeds
my 2nd time cooking this dish in Brisbane... yeahz... tis time round, it was more successful as maybe i managed to "hire" 2 helpers. hahaha...

Fiona & I trying to make the yam and flour stick together and become a dough!

finally we did it!!! now we need to roll them into the shape of abacus seeds...

Isaac busy cutting up the various types of ingredients for the dish...

mess after we "played" and "meddled" with the dough...

here r wat we made out of tat dough... small little and chewy "abacus seeds"

but these shallots seems too powerful for Isaac. even i cannot take it when i tried to cut the shallots ah... aiyooo...

crazy girl sia... cleaning and scrubing the table top still so happy... aiyooo...

whahaha... we din expect the abacus seeds to love each other so much to stick on together... so we had to separate them 1 by 1...

Chef Fiona Tan in action.... oi~! look out for ur pan ah... dun look @ camera lor...

Chef Isaac Yang in action... hahaha... he oso dun care abt his pan... later burn ah!

Experimental item... Dark Soya Sauce Abacus Seeds... not tat rite leh... mmm...

yeahz! tat's the one manz! after 3/4 days of hardwork, we finally did it!!! our traditional Hakka dish - Abacus Seeds... yummy~!!!
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