Day 2 - Eumundi Markets
early in the morning, we woke up to be in time for the BIGGEST market @ the Sunshine Coast & Noosa region. woohoo~!!! my fav mini pancakes, i'm coming!!! Eumundi Market has all kinds of stuff ranging from accessories to handicrafts to paintings and more. is very very BIG and is the well-known market for tat region. Many locals and tourists will make it a point to stop by Eumundi Market on either every Sat morning from 6am to 2pm or every Wed morning from 8am to 1pm to have a feel of tis BIG and crowded weekend market of the region. Highly recommended for a visit!

here's our breaky, Mini Pancakes & German Sausage Rolls! each of us chipped in $20 and see how much we can eat in the market for breaky. hahaha...

Mini Panackes!!! tis place of pancakes look a bit weird, rite? the lady din extort our money by giving us less pancakes or ice cream when we paid FULL amount lor. is juz tat i have 4 very "considerate" friends who ate up the pancakes while i tried to get more food for them. see how nice they treated me la... haiz... poor me...

Strawberries with yogurt & Strawberries and Banana with yogurt

rem the drawing of fish i tok abt in my Day 1 entry? here is the fish on Philip's arm drawn by Charlotte. & we found a look-aliked fish magnet @ the market. whahaha... the thick lips fish!

Ms Piggy was drawn by Piggy Fiona Tan on Philip's arm (yet again!) & we found the piggy look-aliked magnet too! hahaha... i reckoned the fish looks much nicer than the pig ah... tis pig is kinda distorted ah. hahaha...

see wat we found! anyone can guess by the look of the stall on the background? further clue, pls concentrate on wat Charlotte is holding...

yeahz! is the Portuguese Tarts! hahaha... nice & yummy~!!!

Isaac & his natural look... whahaha... he was trying to pinch on the bread crumbs from the super duper salty bread Charlotte bought. the outer part is covered with salt and more salt so Isaac decided to try for the inner part. hmmm... while he is enjoying, we shall capture the natural side of him. hahaha...

see wat the girls found? tat's part of our childhood!

"英雄难过美人关" OR "美女难抵英雄式"??? whahahaha..

i love my Mango Ice Stick! yummy~!!!

Cafe Sentosa? am i in Singapore??? whahaha...

wooooo... the Brides of the market were looking for their grooms & so our dearest Philip & Isaac were approached by them. hahaha... see how "charming" they r to be able to attract the ladies...

a wedding photo tat was kinda destroyed by the intruder, Charlotte! hahaha...

$25 for hair plaits... Charlotte's hair plaiting in progress...

tat's how it look at the end... pretty pretty, colour combination was good...

is Fiona's turn! smile & pose for a photo~!

the end product... Rainbow & purple combination... looks colourful from far...

did i pre-warn u guys tat there r many lesbian shots during the trip? oh well, let me tell u now then... here is one of the lesbian shots taken after lunch. looks kinda natural hor... well, Charlotte does tat almost every now and then la so she is so used to it. is a natural instinct for her already. whahahaha...
after the market & lunch, is time to head to the beach! hmmm... juz as when Charlotte, Fiona & Philip got ready in their swimming gears, the sky decided to change & not give us a good face ah. but is okay, they shall go ahead with their beach fun, is juz without the sun. hahaha... while they enjoy the beach, Isaac & I decided to head for coffee ah. it is to perk us up for the remaining of the day lor... then as we tried to walk towards the beach, the sky is really turning against us. it gave reaction to Philip's earlier question of "did anyone bring umbrella?" gosh~!!! it started to pour! before i could go and recover them with their towels, i saw 3 of them running up to us. Sorry guys! we wanna go down and fetch u guys liao...
anyway, there r no photos of the beach but we have stories from them. 2 versions though. see which u believe la...
Version 1: Charlotte's side of story -
a little girl surrounded them and apparently the girl was attracted to Philip and went to hug Philip. the little girl is only 6 yrs old. so we can imagine a little girl, 6 yrs old is only tat tall so when she hugged Philip, she will be hugging his legs! hahaha... as wat Charlotte described, the little girl was only interested in Philip, ignoring the other 2 girls. hmmm... Philip, i nv knew u can attract little girls tat much sia...
Version 2: Philip's side of story -
the little girl ambushed them & she was only interested in playing with Fiona. whahaha... so she was close to Fiona all the while. mmm... Fiona seems to have tat motherly instinct to attract young kids ohhhh...
so whose sound more convincing? well, i will go with Charlotte's version! whahaha... more descriptive and detailed!

after all the rain & beach, here r the looks of 3 of them... trying to warm themselves with the coffee i've got.
Then along the way back to the chalet from the beach, some commotion was happening at the back of the car... haha... some "x-rated" show went on... let's have a look:
rain & rain... even when we got back to the chalet, it was still raining! how r we suppose to have our BBQ leh? aiyoooo... but nvm ah. we shall go ahead with the BBQ under the limit shelter in front of the chalet. BBQ in Aussie is fun and good as it is CLEAN! no charcoal involved. all electric. hahaha... i like it! but i still miss the smell of charcoal during BBQ & the food tat have tat charcoal smell... anyway, tis BBQ was clean for me too as i was not cooking ah! my job was to get the stuff for the BBQ chef and oso became the food taster cum QC officer. heehee...

let me do the introduction of the 3 BBQ chefs - Isaac, Charlotte & Philip. Chef's assistant - Fiona...

when all of the chefs r diligently cooking, tis assistant here is being lazy! trying to pose for photo instead of looking after the corn.... aiyoooo... later burn ah!

mmm... tis is better. at least Fiona is not lazing around anymore... but wait! wat is tat cheeky looks on Philip's face? gosh~!!! act cute looks lor! cannot make it ah!!!!

while the food is cooking, have a quick pose, girls!! say cheese~!!!
becos the BBQ electric stove is wide enough so there were 2 sides of cooking going on. hence, the chefs r divided into 2 groups. hahaha... with tat, there was a "competition" between the grps. their task is very simple. juz make sure the food r all cooked & tat all of them r well done as in no raw meat. the judges r Me and Fiona. our task is to cut open the food and make sure all r well-cooked before we say "yes" to the food to be placed on the dining table. if is a "no", it has to go back to the stove to be cooked again. heehee...
here is the 1st group of cooking:

looks kinda yummy, rite? cos is very BBQ-liked... black black, brown brown one... whahaha... guess who does tis belongs to?

yep! yep! the chefs for tis set of cooking r Isaac and Charlotte... they had 2 one-time passes & 1 two-times passes. overall their chicken wings r the best product. lamb was good too as it was one-time pass.

tis side of the stove looks much "cleaner" & produce more varieties of food. whahaha... so whose is tis then?

yeahz~! is Philip's cooking! mmm... one man show! so shld have some handicapped points ah. well, his cooking was rejected a few times before passing but effort do count la. hahaha... & becos of the varieties of food, some credits r given too!

the Lamb cooked by Isaac & Charlotte... how does it look? well, tis is one-time pass product..

Philip's lamb... looks kinda diff but juz as good i guess... as i am not taster for the lamb lah... haha...

the overall products of our BBQ feast! woohoo~!!! there r chicken wings, sausages, scallops, corn and lamb chops... well, overall both teams scored well. so i declared now tat it is a TIED! both teams r WINNERS!!!
tat's end of Day 2...
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