Mid Semester Break comes knocking at our door without us realising. last week we r still anticipating its arrival. now we r in it already! as usual, i will cramped whatever i wanna do or travel in the beginning so tat i can be a good girl for the remaining of the week in finishing up my work! but it seems tat my enjoyment for tis break is everlasting... read on tis 4 entries & u will noe y ah... hahaha...
once again, is a road trip with friends. not my usual road trip khakis though as Huiying & Tess are not in Brisbane liao ah. tis road trip here is really a memory recalling trip for me sia. cos i was travelling on the same route as wat we travelled along in the mid semester break last year. same direction away from brisbane, juz tat with a grp of different frens and alot of different and new experiences... overall, it was very very enjoyment! lots of laughter, fun and excitement. a FULL 4 days break off from studies and everything. i wanna more but i noe reality is still cruel! hahaha... anyway, let me bring u thru tis wonderful, enjoyment and exciting journey of ours... pple on board r Me, Fiona, Charlotte, Philip & Isaac.
Day 1 - Departure for Sunshine Coast & Noosa

starting of the journey is NOT on car though.. we have to "claim" our car from the rental company... so there we r, on the Citycat... the sun was so lovely and sunny so Fiona & I decided to "pre-suntan" on board while the other 3 r taking shade inside the ferry. hahaha...
after "claiming" the car, we decided to head to Sunnybank for lunch. juz a note to say, Sunnybank is in the south side of Brisbane while our road trip is to go towards the North side away from Brisbane. so from the central-city area, we had to travel down south and up north. tis is wat i called making FULL use of the car. rarely we have chance to drive around in car here ah... so now is really GOOD and FULL use of it! hahaha... moreover, the driver said "is juz north to south nia... at most 1hr.. very fast one..." driver, who is the driver huh?
during lunch, while waiting for our food to be served... Photo Taking Session!!!

Isaac & Charlotte... Man & Lady in Black!

Charlotte looks good in this photo... her usual cheery smile... nice shot!

Charlotte, Fiona & I... anxiously waiting for the food... and the start of the trip... FASTER!!!

Butter Chicken with rice... yummilicious~!!!

Seafood Combination Hor Fun... looks good & taste even better!!!

Prawn Mee Soup...
i juz simply love tis very very much!!! as i miss the prawn mee in spore!!!

Hainanese Chicken Rice... woohoo~!!!
after lunch, it was shopping around Sunnybank to buy whatever stuff we need for the trip... it took a longer time as i expected. by the time we finished buying, it was almost 2plus. gosh~!!! half a day gone and we r still in Brisbane! hahaha.. anyway, finally at abt 230pm, we r really on our way to Sunshine Coast! woohoo~!!!
but before tat, let me introduce some usual movement during any road trip in the car... tat is to take some 大头贴... heehee...

大头贴1 - Charlotte & Fiona...

大头贴2 - Iris... :D
before the start of our journey, we need to give some short introduction on our travellers for this journey... here it goes:

Main Driver of the trip - Mr Isaac Yang... see how serious he looks when he is driving... concentrating on the road to make everything goes smoothly! haha... thanks for being the driver for these few days!

Me, Iris Lim as the navigator. heehee... is tiring to look at map in the car and trace the map but all was worth it as it was a great trip!

the 3 musketeers who are seated behind the car & tried to make all kind of noises to get everyone's laughing mode activated. Philip is often the target for all jokes, Charlotte is the cheery girl from the group with her smile and laughter, Fiona is another "crazy woman" with non-stop laughter...

Charlotte is trying to show off the drawing of the fish drawn on Philip's arm along the journey... for bigger version of the fish, pls look @ the next entry... drawing of fish on arm, tat is how innovative and creative they can get... aiyooo...

Racer One - Charlotte in action.... vooooommmmm~

Racer Two - Fiona.... voooommmmm.... booooommmmm... the "off-track" finale was a good one... whahaha... Ms Fiona Tan aka Ms Busybody tried to check on next lane racer, Isaac while he tried to over take her. thus, she ended up going off the track as unable to concentrate on own driving... *faint*

the 3 Racing Angels...
qualify for the spokeswomen for the Big Kart Track? heehee...

1st group photo @ the Big Kart Track... tat's our 1st stop... Big Kart Track @ Sunshine Coast. 15mins of go karting around the track... overall was a good experience (my 2nd experience though! & i still had fun!!!)

the angels & the track as the background... is kinda big though... enough to make my butt hurts, enough to make Fiona went home with some bruises and enough to massage all our bodies with constant vibration caused by the car's engine...

Isaac & Philip @ the go kart track... oh... btw, for anyone who wanna go for tis Go Kart Track, pls wear covered shoes as tis is one of the requirement.

before we went off, we saw tis Kidstrack. heehee... is juz one circle round the area...
Next stop was supposed to be the Bellingham Maze. However, when we reached the maze, getting all excited abt exploring and getting lost in the maze, the lady at the counter told us they would be closing soon. therefore it is not advisable for us to start our maze journey @ abt 440pm when they closed at 5pm. haiz... so we had to leave to Maze and planned for a next day visit if possible. looking @ the time, is gonna b 5pm! everything will be closed by then, so our next stop & final stop for the day is Super Bee Honey Factory. (juz 2 stops today... sound very few, rite? hahaha...)

Me & Super Bee Honey teddy bear... eh wait! there is another BEE standing behind me... but tat BEE look kinda weird leh... a BEE with specs on... hahaha... the "nerdy" bee... :p

OMG~!!!! Fiona ah!!! wat r u doing sia? nv knew u r so "civilised" sia...

G'day Mate! Welcome to Super Bee Honey Factory! presenting to u the bee products of the factory... Super Bee very own Honey - Super Bee Honey, Iron Bark Honey, Raw Honey, Yellow Box Honey... etc...
after the bee factory, it was on the journey again. tis time round, it will be an hr drive straight to our accommodation @ Noosa. an hr drive from Brisbane to Sunshine Coast & now another hr more to Noosa. wooo... tiring sia... but is juz the beginning of the days of fun and laughter... hang on~!!!
Upon reaching the accommodation, we had to unload our bags, rest a while and go out to buy some food items for our dinner over the 2 nights. the accommodation or i shld say the Chalet looked-alike unit is self-contained. we can cooked our own meals. heehee... so i suggested to cook some Mee Siam with my Mee Siam cooking paste & Bah Ku Teh with the paste. however, after the hrs of shopping @ Sunnybank, we cannot get 1 more packet of Mee Siam which means not enough Mee Siam to go for all. the contingency plan is to change the food for dinner! Bah Ku Teh went ahead without much problem. as for the main dish, I suggested Fried Bee Hoon. with my uncertified cooking skill, "anyhow" cooking method & the limited cooking facilities within tat small kitchen, i managed to cook the dinner by abt 10pm. whahaha... well, i started cooking at abt 8plus to 9pm lor. so by 10pm is already a miracle. moreover tat frying pan is SOOOOO big tat i need to divide my bee hoon into 3 portions to cook it properly with all other ingredients. mmm... they din complain of any stomachache or vomit, so i guess my Bee Hoon passed! hahaha...

while waiting for the dinner to be served, Ms Fiona & Ms Charlotte decided to start on some "lesbian" pose. heehee...

tat's the Fried Bee Hoon with luncheon meat, eggs & vege.
looks kinda okay, i hope it tasted okay for them ah! hahaha...

Bah Ku Teh...
with not much pepper taste. overall is still okay for me lah... *lian, tat's the bah ku teh packet which u gave me!*

do u noe wat is the best part abt cooking? the best part is after u messed up the kitchen with ur cooking, u juz have to sit down and relax after the meal while someone else clears up ur mess in the kitchen for u! hahahah... thanks to the guys, i managed to sit down and chill... tat's the way to go, guys! contribution in the kitchen is very important! hahahaa...

Charlotte, r u trying to advertise for the Lychee drink? but y ur facial expression look so weird? & y did Philip gave tat "欠扁" face? philip, dun do tat again leh... if not, i will really do it manz! whahaha...

the moment tat i had been waiting for long!!!! “开台” ah!!! is Mahjong time... woohoo~!!!! finally i can give a grand opening ceremony to tis set of minature mahjong set brought all the way from Singapore to Brisbane by my family. does tis scene really reminds anyone of the usual chalet scene? it certainly did reminds me of the chalet sia!!! *pong! *gang! *chi! *HU!

see how good girls we r... brushing teeth before sleeping... but then hor... y muz we take a photo in the toilet sia? aiyooo... really photos ANYWHERE and EVERYWHERE!
End of Day 1 - Exhausted but still excited as there r more to come!
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