MERRY CHRISTMAS to ALL!!! May all your wishes come TRUE and have a BLESSED new year ahead...heehee... this year is my 2nd year celebrating xmas in Brisbane. difference from last year celebration: different location as i am in my NEW house, different company as my ex housemates had gone back to home country, different type of food as last year was chinese style while tis year is more westernise. HOWEVER overall, i had FUN! i was feeling very excited when i woke up in the morning. in the afternoon, when i went to buy stuff with Phil, i was feeling happy and excited until Phil complained that I "自high"... hahaha... festive season mah.. festive mood... Photos for the nite...

Gift Exchange... & the 3 gingerbread man..
Xmas Feast... (for tis feast, i was being "forced" to eat 3 items which i usually dun prefer to eat.. all thanks to Mr Philip Boey!)

Roast Lamb... Phil's cooking wor... taste not bad... (1st item tat i dun usually eat)

Oven-baked chicken wings.. my dish!

Fresh Oysters from Coles... Phil's idea... (2nd item which i nv eaten before!)

Choc Cherry Mud Log Cake... is very chocolate.. RICH! my choice of cake as my preference of Tiramisu is nOt available...

Mashed Potato with Brown Onions & Mushroom gravy...

Felicia's grandaunt secret recipe of Macaroni Salad.. yummilicious.. i like it alot...

Phil's salad... lettuce, apple and cucumber with mayo..

Phil baked Gingerbread Man!!! hahaha... (3rd item, GINGER! tat i dun like to eat). but these gingerbread man not very "ginger" taste.. so is still okay overall. heehee...

let the power combine... here r all the yummy food we had for Xmas Feast.. 3 pple only but the amt of food enough for abt 7 to 8 pple ah! hahaha...

Felicia, Philip & I...

Philip enjoying his oyster... everytime oysters.. from Fishy guy, he shld be call Oystery guy ah! hahaha..

Felicia & Santa Claus... she is holding on to the Muscat Wine...

Me & Santa Claus... crackers crack!

our party hat! heehee...

Me & Philip with our party hat!!

Felicia & Philip..
after Felicia and Philip went off after our gift exchange at abt 12am, i went back to my room to wait for Spore's timing, 12am to open another xmas pressie with my Spice Buddies via Skype video conversation... meanwhile, i decided to have some photo taking session... heehee...

self potrait again... i am an expert in taking photo myself ah!

the brightly lit up Santa Claus shining on my balcony glass panel..

xmas gift exchange.. i got a pair of candles... nicely wrapped up with reindeers..
at abt 10plus (spore timing), my 4 Spice buddies and Huilin's bf, Ziqi suddenly appeared in front of my screen! hahaha... we arranged to meet up via Skype video conversation for xmas gift exchange. so there we r.. initially i had some problem speaking to them via the mic. i can hear them clearly and listen to them tok abt me behind my back.. they very mean la... bully me! gang up and bully me! hahaha... actually i very excited ah. when i heard their voices over the speaker, i can't believe my ears. when i saw their faces on my screen, i was really thrilled! so so long nv see them or hear their voices.. mayb not Jas since i last saw her abt 2 weeks ago. but still i miss all of them so much... yeahz! had abt 2 hrs chat with them till we exchange pressie ah. ahha... i got my pressie here so juz open only. it was a few pair of earrings from Junwei. thank u very much, boy! :D we laughed and joked and it was really funny lor. cos they have 5 pple there and i am alone here. aiyoooo... how to counter 5 mouths speaking together sia? hahaha... nevertheless, i still love such "gathering" with them. really miss hanging out with them...
see how i captured their faces...

before theY staRt their game of Taboo, i snapped a shot of them... can u guys see all their faces?? heehee...

these pieces of Starbucks tissues carried alot of meaning and encouragement. in each of them contain words of encouragement and advices from all 4 of my Spice Buddies. they specially wrote for me and asked Jas to bring over to help me tide over the current situation i am facing. seriously and frankly speaking, i THANK GOD for being so so kind to me. kind enough to give me 4 precious angels and make them my best Spice buddies. facing them, i have no doubts, no questions, no worries. facing them, i noe where i can be at, i noe where i can rely on, i noe who i can turn to. facing them, i noe no matter how bad situation is, how silly i can be, they juz wun turn against me. to me, they r more than frens. they are family, they r my brother and sisters... getting emo here again.. haha.. okok.. last words.. "THANK U, buddies.. sorry to make u guys worry for me.. i really love and miss u guys so so much..." *huggies*
okok... end of 2007 Xmas... in abt 5 days time, new year, 2008 coming! wat r my new year resolution leh? mmm...
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