Day 5 - Depart Fremantle for Perth City
time to leave Fremantle and head back to city. how much i like Fremantle for the building structure, i still have to move on ah. hahaha...
Upon reaching Perth City, i met up with Chieh, a fren whom i got to noe during my New Zealand trip. we met up for lunch and catch up with some of our recent happenings. then with her BF's help, we found the famous apple strudels' shop which I am supposed to bring back at least 1 box of apple strudel to Brisbane. thank goodness Chieh was there to help. hahaha...
Then at nite I met up with Chien Yuan for dinner. that blur sotong locked himself out of his room so he was late for dinner! make me wait for him for so long. haha... lucky he brought me to eat some yummy korean food and sweet sweet dessert. if not, i will kuai kuai jiao till he cannot take it ah. hahaha... he ah... drove a car without the top! hair so messy lor... but it was very cooling with the wind splashing on my face... nice... well, it was great meeting up with Chien Yuan for some catching up and we decided that last day of my trip will be a meal at his house. which he will intro someone to me... heehee... look out for the next few entries la... for nOw, juz take a look @ Mr Chen Chien Yuan..
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