so this time round, is juz me. is juz me shouting to myself "today is the last day of uni!" & having a "mini" celebration on my own. hahaha.. well, at tis very moment, i am still holding on to an assignment which is due tomolo. so i oso cannot go out for celebration ah. my celebration with the rest will be tomolo's steamboat dinner. at tis moment, juz let me have my own way of celebration. i decided to put down my assignment for a while and head for the kitchen. can u believe it, i nv step out of my room ever since i had lunch at abt 1pm. it was like 9am go out for breaky, 1pm go out for lunch and after i done my laundry at abt 2pm, i was stuck in my room all the way till abt 6pm. din even go toilet ah! miracle sia! hahaha.. so i need a break! i decided to head for my fav place of the house, the KITCHEN! (Grace named me Iron Chef in Facebook so i muz live up to the name! hahaha..)
i decided to cook myself some proper dishes for dinner to award myself "无惊无险,又过了一个 Semester! woohoo~!!!" juz one short summer of 1 week class and 2 more assignments for tat course, i shall welcome my thesis with both hands! i hope is happily as i dun wanna to work on a thesis which is dreadful. come to tink of tat, i need to spend some time to seriously think abt how i shld set my time line and work on my thesis ah. hmmm...
it had been a long long way since i ate rice and dishes at home! hahaha.. conclusion today is tat i shall NOT do tis often. cos i am super FULL after the rice and dishes ah! gosh~!!! 1 person share is juz so so hard to digest and finish up ah. haha... & my rice cooker very funny one. cannot cook less than half a cup of rice, if not the cooker wun cook my rice. so i had to force in abt 3/4 cup of rice which is kind of torture ah! i dun wanna keep overnite food oso so bo bian had to eat up all SLOWLY~!!! of cos, i still enjoyed my dinner tonight! it was yummilicious ah! heehee... not i wanna praise myself lor. :D & 2 days ago, Grace and Cindy made a very interesting comment. they saw tat i lined up all my ingredients tat i will be using to fry my bee hoon nicely and neatly by the side of the stove so tat i can reached any of them. so Grace was saying is like restaurant kitchen, so organised. hehhee.. Grace, thanks for ur compliment ah! for tis, i muz really thanks my 2nd Auntie. she was the one who "imparted" me tis neatness and organised way of cooking. i juz can't do wat most pple will do. cook, cut and prepare at the same time. i will juz mess up the whole kitchen and burn my food. heehee...
okok.. enough of my crap, photo time!
okok.. back to my essay now.. need to do up nice nice and submit it tomolo morning. so tat i can really say "I'm done!" heehee...
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