anyway, it was another round of my buddies' gathering last nite... as usual la, WITHOUT me!!! haiz... in these 2 yrs, the photos always without me. i felt so left out... *sob *sob *sob & they ALWAYS go for GOOD food when i am NOT around. so so mean of them... argh~!!! tis time round was a treat from Ms Li Huilin with her 1st pay ah! LIN! i shall claim my share when i go back lor, dun u tink u can run away ah.. hahaha... i wanna something as good as theirs! YEAHZ!
& last nite Jun forget to bring "me" along lor! haiz... see la... slowly, slowly my 4 good buddies r forgetting abt me. 1st ting is forget to "bring me out" with them. then when i need to call them, i realised my calling card run out of credit! so after asking around, finally Felicia had a card that still has some credit left (thanks alot, girl!). hence, i was able to give them a call and it was THEN did i realise my presence is NO longer important to these 4 buddies of mine. they actually asked me dun call them.. said no time to entertain me and too busy to bother abt me, still ask me dun call them... *sob *sob *sob!!! when i went thru the trouble of asking Philip, Isaac, Daniel and Felicia for calling card, my buddies din even appreciate me. haiz... see how worthless our 10 years of frenship is...
a photo to show the 4 "heartless" creatures... nv brought me along, still dare "steal" a photo from my blog to include in tis collage... haiz... *speechless*...
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