On Saturday morning, i made my way to Movieworld @ Gold Coast early in the morning. Their flight arrived early in the morning and they made their way to Movieworld as their 1st stop. So as i approached Movieworld, my heart was pumping very fast. I did not look around as I walked into Movieworld. My mind is juz abt "where are my kids?", "will they recognise me?", "i juz wanna meet up with them ASAP!". so finally i saw them! i walked to Weiqi and she commented "look! whose tat in the sunglasses! hahaha... is Weishan Jie Jie!!!" GOOD tat she din forget me! then i walked over to Wei Hui and Wei Zhi. Hui Hui shouted my name "Weishan Jie Jie" while Zhi Zhi juz stared at me for a moment and then shouted my name too. hahaha... i knew for tat moment, he forgotten what my name was. haiz... but after a while, he was warmed up and we had crazy moments. heehee...
We took the Scooby-Doo ride as it was more acceptable for the kids. I sat with Weiqi and at 1st we were just screaming for sake of screaming. but as we approached the top of the roller coaster, it was total darkness and i noe my girl was really terrified. she held on to my arms and practically wrap her arms across mine. we continued our screaming and the whole journey down was really FUN and exciting. hahaha...
We went for some Shrek 4-D movie and musical play as my cousins are very much into Shrek's movie. then after lunch, we watched the parade of various Warner Bros' cartoon characters. before going off, Maichi (my cousins' maid) & I decided to try the thrilling rides. my eldest cousin, Weiqi juz refused to join us so we had to go on our own. heehee... thank goodness Maichi was there. as if i was alone, i guess i will not really go for the rides. :D it was good experience as the rides were rather FUN, thrilling and exciting. to me, my personal favourite was Lethal Weapon. however, i would love to try the Superman ride which was not in operation that day. a pity ah... but nvm lah...
the day @ Movieworld ended with lots of FUN, memories, laughter and joy. i tot i could join them for a nite stay at Gold Coast but becos i need to get back to Brisbane to do my work, so i juz had to forgo the chance to have more time spent with my kids. mmm...
anyway, let me share the photos i took during our Movieworld trip...
actually i din really get to see the whole movieworld as my main purpose for tis visit is to meet up with my cousins. Movieworld experience is secondary. so i seriously dun mind a 2nd visit to Movieworld where i can have more time to explore the various area. :D
after the Police Academy's show, we proceeded on to the Scooby Ride...
during lunch time... instead of the actual food, see wat i was enjoying with the kids...
ICE CREAM!!! woohoo~!!!!
During the parade...
Day @ Movieworld ended... & i followed them back to their hotel @ Courtyard Marriott, Gold Coast. rite smap @ the center area of Surfers Paradise, the view is jus marvellous from the top floor apartment... tot i could spent a nite with the kids.. well, i have to realistic. i need to go home and finish up my work so there i was, leaving the hotel unwilling to head back to Brisbane. it was a 2hrs ride home on Bus, train, bus... haiz... BUT all is worth it! as it had been a long long while since i last had so much fun with my cousins. i wonder when will be the next time round tat we can go out and enjoy again...
oh ya... while i was chatting with Maichi. she told me tat back home, those new maids @ my cousins' grandma's house were very envy abt Maichi. they were saying tat Weiqi is a very sensible girl and Maichi is very lucky to be able to take care of her. Weiqi does not have tat "master & maid" attitude and whatever she can do by herself, she will do it. when i heard all these praises abt my girl, i was very very happy and i felt extremely proud being her cousin. i noe tat tis cousin of mine is a very sensible, obedient and friendly girl. by nature, she is very kind hearted and she is always tinking for others. tat is y Maichi said tat in the house, the other maids can get along well with her as she treat everyone with respect. with all these, i certainly hope tat my girl will bring on these virtues as she grow up along her way. going on to sec sch next year, i noe she is not the smartest kid but she is definitely the most loveable kid... i am very proud of my cousin! Way to go, Weiqi!!!
Following on... my uncle decided to travel up to Brisbane for a day instead of going to the Tropical Fruit Farm. so there i was waiting for them to arrive in Brisbane and so tat i can spent a fruitful day with them. most photos r not with me so i cannot update all for now. let me juz share wat i have with me.
the day started when they arrived from Gold Coast at abt 11am. i met them at Central Railway station and the kids were feeling hungry so we had some snacks @ Macdonald. then we proceeded on to walk along Brisbane's main street of shopping. i guess the train ride made them very tired. Weiqi keep asking me "when are we going to ur house?" haha... yes! yes! soon... i took them to the City cat ferry terminal at North Quay. there Weizhi shouted out "CityCat" as the ferry came by. we boarded the city cat and i was explaining abt how city cat function as public transport for pple living in Brisbane and how it became unofficial tourist attraction when the city cat tour along brisbane river is a good way to spend almost half a day.. heehee...
anyway, we headed to UQ and my task was to bring them around and show them my campus. it was a very HOT day so before they dehydrate, i better proceed on to my house and let them rest for a while before lunch. when they came to my apartment, Weiqi saw my Bee Bee and she was quite excited ah. she held on to Bee Bee and started to examine her. then she said "how i miss Bee Bee ah... i am bringing her back to Spore." hahaha... do u noe how smart tis girl was? she noe tat Bee Bee is my dearest soft toy. so there was once, she actually "threaten" me with Bee Bee. i did not want to give her something tat she yearned for so she actually took my Bee Bee and held it outside the window. she tried to threaten me to give in, if not... Bee Bee will be flying rabbit. smart girl, rite? but she juz did tat for fun cos eventually she did not fight till the end. i still din give her wat she wanna. hahaha... anyway, it was really funny on how a 21yrs old girl and a 10yrs old girl fight over something using a rabbit as a bait. tat was 2 yrs ago btw...
back to now, after tour around uni, we went to Cyber city for lunch. hahaha... before lunch, we had a round of "arcade" games! well, i am never good at these arcade games. i was trying to entertain Weiqi by playing with her. hahaha... true enough, i was 1st to KO. she is good in these games la... juz tat we r all hungry so we got to make her game KO fast! heehee...
Maybe before i end, let me introduce my angels...
Angel 1 - Lim Wei Zhi (8 years old)
He is a very cheeky and smart boy. hyperactive boy who can't keep still and will always be on my nerves. he will try to irritate me as i always like to irritate him. hahaha... an eye for an eye ah... can see tat he grow up alot... i mean kids really grow so fast. 1 year ago when i saw him, he looks different from tis time round. mmm... i juz pray tat he will rem my name when i go back for hols next year ah. "Wei Zhi, my name is Weishan Jie-jie hor..."
Angel 2 - Lim Weiqi (12 years old)
I am closest to her as i took care of her since she was young. we managed to spend alot of times going out together and having fun together as when she was young, i was still in sec sch. not much commitment in sch or anywhere else so all my free time was spent with her. now tat we grew up, we r busy but we r still very close. she will still be eager to tell me abt her stuff and abt her opinions. as wat i said earlier, i am very proud of tis cousin of mine. i believe with her good nature, she will be well appreciated by pple in future from everywhere. going to sec sch next year, i'm sure she will have heaps of fun! hahaha... i am waiting patiently for her stories... heehee... "Qiqi ah... u make me feel extremely good to be ur cousin..."
Angel 3 - Lim Wei Hui (10 years old)
very very stubborn girl who has her own set of tinking and juz refuses to give in. however, her attentiveness for watever she is doing is beyond wat i can imagine. if she like to do someting, she can be very focus. how i wish she can transform tis set of focus to her studies ah... hahaha... she is stubborn but same as her sister, she is a very kind hearted girl. we can see tat she cares alot for all her love ones. even when she always like to fight with her little brother, we can still see how she will dote on her brother and how she will make sure her brother has a fair share too. i'm waiting for her to grow up faster as i noe she will become a very pretty girl as she grow up for her features r rather sharp. heehee...
there u r, my 3 lovely angels... i am glad tat i managed to have a short moment spent with them. on thurs, they will be going back to Spore. & over these 2 days, i wun b meeting them as they r at Moreton Island now. no matter wat, i am juz grateful tat they r at least here. i noe i will miss them once they go back. yesterday at the farewell in the train, my eldest girl juz refused to look at me but when her Dad said tat i was really going off liao, she finally said bye bye and give me a very nice smile. at the tot of tis, make me feel like crying... cos i really miss the kids very much... i will look forward to going back to spore during chinese new year cos i wanna see them so so much!!!
haha... yesterday, i was rather sad to bid them goodbye. so i bought a 12-pack donuts from Dreamy Donut. hahaha... sound alot? no lor... give here, give there... all 12 donuts r gone! heehee...
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