as i mentioned in my previous entry, wat a day to start work lah. on my bday, i had to report to work at the car company my bro is working in. early in the morning, 6am when my alarm clock went off, i really hate it!!! then my aunt was in the bed next to me, suddenly tok to me in her sleep.. "yoho... wake up lor.. if not u will be late." damn it! gota face the reality. i have to go to work lah. so no choice lor, dragging myself out of my comfortable bed, waking up at 6.40am on a Sat morning, on my bday somemore!!! ARGH~~~!!! so much unwillingness but gota face reality. whahaha...
after abt half an hr travel on MRT, finally i met up with my bro & off we go, walking to the office from Queenstown MRT. i had been to his office for once but really not much impression. then when i went into the office, i saw his boss and another female colleague. after some intro, he brought me around to take a look at all the other areas. from workshop to showroom to toilet to canteen to customer lounge. quite a big place where i need to do a lot of walking liao. hahaha... cool ah! hmm...not much i can mention abt my job nature cos is not really take over my bro's stuff (not able to lah.. he help customers check for the car's prob. me ah... noe NOTHING abt cars lor...), me juz there to help write down customers' details, ans phone calls and some paper work. hopefully all goes well for these 2 weeks... bro is away for reservist from Mon onwards for 2 weeks ah. no one else except for his boss and the female colleague noe tat he is my bro. is better dun tell others too. well, in pri sch, everyone else always noe me as "Weilun's sister". now i am back in "shadowing" my bro ah. whahaha...
anyway, half day at work exchange for... my bday dinner celebration with my family!!! yeahz... long awaiting moment... THANK U very much to my bro for tis treat... whahahaha... we had our dinner at
ROMANEE's Kitchen @
Lau Pat Sat. food still not bad but juz a bit saltish. and there r too many dishes. we cannot finish lor... had to "ta bao" home ah. whahaha... overall, pleasant dinner as all of us had fun and it was a very FULL dinner! stomach bursting! & it had been a while since we sit down as a family, laughed and joked around. whahaha... look forward to next gathering over dinner during Chinese New Year! yeahz!!!

My youngest uncle,
Uncle Eric & his wife,
Auntie Pat & their son... which is my youngest ANGEL cousin..
Wei Zhi
Me with my
Mum &
Dad.. haha... my
Dad is too engrossed in his soup liao... *faint*

Me & my
brother, Wee Loon &
sister-in-law, Jayne
suppose to be Me & my 3 angels...
Wei Hui &
Wei Zhi... but where is
Wei Zhi?

haha... tat naughty boy hide away when my aunt was abt to snap the shot... so here it is, grab him back and have a proper shot lor... yeahz!!! complete with all 3 of them.. my lovely angels...

tat's my cake! specially choosen by my 2nd cousin,
Wei Hui. is a
Tiramisu cake. i am not a
Tiramisu lover but i tink she like it becos of the 2 roses ah. whaha... anyway, nvm lah.. as long as the kids r happy, i am fine with it. hmm.. look at the candles... 2 big ones and 3 small ones... 23yrs old liao!!!

Me & my 3 angels.. i like tis photo very much ah.. cos my face seems smaller! whahaha... no lah... becos we r all look good in tis photo mah, esp my 2nd cousin,
Wei Hui.. she and her wide opened mouth.. she is always with funny expressions for photos lor. whahaha...

"happy birthday to u! happy birthday to u! happy birthday to
Weishan! happy birthday to u!"

when i was stopping
Wei Zhi from blowing away the candles, my dear
Wei Hui was so fast in her actions tat she blew off the candles even before i can make my wishes. whahahah... but nvm lah, make my wishes in my heart oso can... i very greedy, made 3 wishes ah.. hopefully can come TRUE! hahaha...

Me with
Wei Zhi &
Weiqi... cutting the cake... MIA:
Wei Hui ah.. dunno where she run to ah..

tat's my girl ah! helping me to distribute the cake and passing me the plates to put the cakes... Bravo,

oops... caught in action for eating the small piece of chocolate on the cake. heehee... &
Mr Lim Wei Zhi is waiting patiently for his cake ah... whahaha...

ok! here he is... a BIG piece of cake coming up for him... whahaha...

Weiqi is busy distributing the cakes,
Wei Hui is busy distributing the Oreo Cookies with Ice Cream (taste quite nice ah! juz tat it had melted. hmmm....) haha... and in the mean time, she nv forget her cake ah...

Me & my youngest Auntie, Auntie
Cindy... enjoying the cake. "ahhh---ahhhh" haha.. as wat my bro and i always joke abt... she is Ms "Bank" Lim. my financial supporter for studies in Aussie. heehee... without her, I tink i will not be able to realise the dream of stuyding overseas so easily... "thank u very much, Aunt!!!"

look who's acting cute here... whahaha!!! who else other than my silly brother ah. trying to act cute when he is NOT at all cute lah... hahaha... *oops! he so gonna strangle me if he hear all these... heehee...*

Me & Angel ONE,
Weiqi... look after her since she was a baby. carried her whenever she comes to our house. we dun see each other everyday but we r very closely bonded. i still rem the 1st time when she saw me earlier tis month when i 1st came back from Aussie, she came over and gave me a BIG hug. nv forget tat moment... yesterday, she gave me another HUG again... "thanks, girl!"

tis is Angel TWO,
Wei Hui. always always with tat funny and cheeky facial expression. always with unexpected requests which will nv fail to surprise me. a very stubborn girl who has her own way of tinking and doing tings but still is a lovely girl who is very kind hearted to small animals and gentle towards younger kids.

my Angel THREE,
Wei Zhi!!! heehee... his front tooth dropped off so made him look cuter ah... well, a typical boy always jumping up and down. and a hyperactive boy who is nv tired of running around. with him around, we can have non stop laughter. i like to "fight" with him cos his hands r too short to reach me.. surely will be i win ah! whhahaha...

a kiss!!! hahaha... full of saliva lah... but he is very sweet lor... specially came over and tell me in his very gentle and soft voice
"Happy Birthday, Weishane Jie-Jie!" then gave me a kiss...
let's have a look @ wat we ate for dinner ah. well, not completed cos i was too engrossed with the food. whahaha...

the homemade diamond shape
beancurd with some buttered mushrooms. taste very nice... & there r some spinach in it.

big & fat "
xiang gu" (chinese mushrooms) with boiled broccoli.

some other dishes...
Sambal Kang Kong (enough chilli so is juz the rite taste!),
Roasted Chicken (a bit saltish but the chicken is kinda tender) &
Sweet & Sour Pork (not too bad!)
had a wonderful bday dinner... really really enjoyed very much. heehee... so much laughter and fun ah... whahaha... gonna miss all these when i get back to Aussie. muz enjoy all these to the fullest ah!!! shall look forward to the upcoming CNY eve's steamboat dinner. heehee... another round of food, fun and laughter... yeahz!!!!
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