1st ting is to carry and play with my lovely niece, Lynnette! heehee... finally after a few weeks, i got the chance to visit her and look at her. as i was toking and playing with her, she seems to understand and can smile at me. so cute ah... when i carried her, she is so small lah... sleep comfortably in my arms. hahaha... lucky i nv forget how to carry baby ah... she is such a smart girl.. very responsive to voices and music. trying to tok as we r toking among ourselves but of cos watever she is saying r all baby toks... whahaha... "eee-yaa-eee-yaa..." tat was wat she was saying the whole morning... whahaha...
then in the evening, i met up with my pri sch frens. well, shld be last lot of frens i wanna meet up with ah... heehee... somemore pple whom i wanna meet up with but still no chance yet. anyway, see how ah... hahaha... back to pri sch gathering, i insisted tat i wanna go to chomp chomp... so ended up, they all went along with my request even it was raining like nobody's business... horrible wind blowing strong... super duper heavy rain... hahaha... "thanks guys, u guys simply rox ah! very ONZ and help me curb my desire for chomp chomp's food. hahaha..."
after chomp chomp, we headed down to Yunci's house for.... my long awaiting... MAHJONG! yes! yes! yes! din had chance to play the previous time at my house with 2/4 pple... so tis time round, i muz play with my pri sch frens ah.. hands very itchy to play mahjong sia... whahaha... okok... i noe i am setting bad impression by getting them play mahjong with me when they juz saw me after so long but i noe they will understand lah... whahaha... suppose to be over nite mahjong but ended up juz played till abt 12.30am and we went for supper lah. whahaha... and surprisingly, i won ah! i din win alot of $$$ but i am still contented ah... hahaha... i played with Yunci's grandma and very stressful lor... then now win her money, a bit paiseh sia... but then i muz say ah... her "Ah-ma" really very good ah. very alert, even more alert than us ah. still correct our mistake lor... whahaha... hmm.. come to tink, i miss out on taking grp photos with my pri sch frens ah... haahah... nvm, shall await for Chinese new yr to take with them ah... yeahz!
anyway, i am contented liao... played mahjong liao... eat the food i wanna eat and play with the niece i had been longing to see so all seems very good so far... slowly can prepare for special day (heehee), chinese new yr and go back aussie ah! yeahz... oh ya! here is another piece of good news... me going to be auntie again... heehee.. not so soon yet.. shld be in aug ah. yeahz! once again... woohoo~~!!!
& msg for Zhirong... "thanks for ur bday pressie ohhh... is rather unique. something i really nv expect. will bring to aussie ah... heehee... THANKS!!!"
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