Especially for everyone back home in Spore...
Shupei ah, as promised... here r the photos of my school lake. I took it while i was having an hr break today... whahaha... & the 1st 2 photos r taken during my 1st arrival into UQ. compare today's and last yr's, tink the sky last yr seems nicer. heehee... anyway, hope u like it...
To everyone else... juz to share with u guys the lovely lake tat UQ has & the ever wonderful bright bright sky of Australia. enjoy!
Taken in Winter in July 2005

Taken in Spring in October 2006
Jacaranda Tree beside the lake...
Me "sheltered" by the lovely tree...
UQ lake from another view...
the stretch of Jacaranda Tree bside the lake *background: Uni Colleges*
hey hey san.. thanks once again for posting the photos! hee... they're really great.. yepz.. aussie sky is really beautiful.. usually can always capture the sun rays clearly esp on a clear day.. ahhhh... beautiful. =)
yep! yep! aussie sky r really beautiful... i love it very much.. gonna miss it when i go back spore. but well, spore sky has a diff feel lah. whahaha.. our sky line is make up of tall buildings on the cloudy and sometimes bright blue sky. not bad oso... :P
ha.. act i hardly ever look up at the sky here in singapore.. also dunno why.. dont have the feeling ahz.. so sad.. =X
i def look at the computer screen dunno how many more hundreds times than i look up at the sky ahz.. anw in the daytime, simply cant cos the sun is too glaring!!!! ha..
haha... wear sun glasses lah...
hmm... here getting hotter day by day... cos very low humidity, is like living in oven... Summer will be worse... so by then, i tink spore will be better!!! :) (at least spore dun have big fat flies ah!!!)
ooohhh... i forgot about those IRRITATING flies. woah really cannot take it ahz. den come back during summer lahz.. den no need to suffer so much from those yucky things.. ha...
yes yes! i am going back spore for summer hols but not so early. i will most probably go back after dec. heehee...
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