hip! hip! hurray! woohoo~~~!!! yippee!!! i finally finished!!!! all of them... all 13 assignments for tis sem, i finally conquered every single one of them. tis morning, i went to uni to submit my last report tat is worth 55%. & hereby i wanna thank
Gin ah... "
gin, thank u so so much for helping me read thru last nite. such last min request and u r so willing to help me... really really appreciate ur help. if not, i oso dunno if i can submit on time ah... THANK U very very much!!!
haha... anyway, dunno if i will make it for tis report but at least i managed to finish all of them! yeahz!!! i got back all the other assignments, there r good ones, there r okay ones, there r not so good ones... but watever it is, i did my part to finish all of them on time. so watever marks i get, i juz have to live with it. shall await for my last report's result while revising for exam ah. tomolo is start of study week. next wed, 8 nov i will have my 1st paper. muz jia you to study faster liao... today already gave myself a short break and went to Chinatown to stock up food for exam. whahaha... so tomolo muz be good girl and start studying ohhh... yeahz!!! if i can do it for assignments, i shall do it for my examz. yep!
haha... nutting much to write liao... cos my life now pretty much the same... studies and more studies so i juz had a random photo taking juz now in my room.... whahaha... enjoy ohh...
for those in spore, tis is how my front page of assignment look like... attached to tis green color assignment cover sheet... i had 13 of such green tingy tis sem lor... aiyoo...
tat's me! how i look like after bathing... whahaha... hair wet wet lor...
my lovely buddies lying on my bed now... back: Bacon
Front: Bee Bee, Beary, Boris, Baby
the side of wall against my bed. simply like all these glow in the dark tingy...
my mini photo gallery of all the impt pple in my life... family, frens...
i said i like glow in the dark tingy ah... so here is another side of the wall with some...
haha... somemore here... this set of "winnie the pooh glow in the dark" follow me to Brissy from Sem 1 till now ah... yeahz!!!
my "display shelf"... haha... a bit messy ah...
in front of my table... see my motivation in the middle? yeahz... my lovely photo with my "husband", Edison Chen! whahaha...
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