Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Dilemma!!! i hate it...
haiz... who wanna set themselves in such irritating situation leh? u tink making tough decisions very fun meh? but as wat i said, life is nv smooth sailing. there r juz moments when u need to give up and face the music in life and make a decision. and when u make a choice, u have to live with it, no regrets and dun keep harping on it.
y i say all these ah? haiz... i am set in a dilemma now. a situation which i am neither here nor there. i seriously dunno what to do. no matter wat option i choose, i will lose something. i have to choose an option tat is with minimum losses and disruption. there r fixed cost already incurred so i need to be careful with my choice now. but it is realy a difficult moment. i hate such situation. i am really at a point which i dunno wat to do at all. i can keep asking pple for advice but eventually i am the one who need to make a choice and live with it. no matter wat option i choose, i wun regret but i juz wanna b extra cautious with my choice.
can bring in wat i learn in my subject "Tourism Policy and Planning" ah. in tis sub, we learnt from case studies on how to identify the area of prob, cause of prob and give alternatives (solutions) and then evaluate which is the best alternative. i nv expect i can use wat i learn in class in real life situation. whahaha...
area of prob: my driving licence... unable to continue with my driving lessons.
cause of prob: need fulfill a 6mths continuous stay in Aussie before i can go back Spore to convert to Singapore licence. so die die oso need to get my licence by tis Dec. and stay put in Aussie from Jan to Jun to fulfill the 6mths
alternative 1: stop my driving lessons now. already learnt 15 lessons and spent AUD$750 on them. (tat's the fixed cost tat is incurred) then go back spore after grad next yr and start learning all over again.
alternative 2: continue learning. try to get the licence by Dec. if still unable, try to get it until possible. then decide on how to fulfill the 6mths stay after getting it.
evaluation of alt 1: all my past effort and money will go down the drain. completely wasted.
evaluation of alt 2: bound with all restrictions (eg: cannot travel out of Aussie at all for 6 mths continuously) and lots of uncertainities ahead.
conclusion: i chose alternative 1. i shall stop driving now. yes, it will be waste of my money and effort but i really cannot afford to take the risk to go on and try and end up i dun get it in Dec, i will incur more cost. in my heart, i feel so bu gan yuan to give up now cos i really put in effort and try very hard to learn every lesson. i give up now means i got to start all over again in spore next time. however, i dun wan to go ahead for a battle tat i have no confidence in. even my instructor oso advise me to stop now and learn in spore cos he dun tink i can perform up to standard under pressure by Dec. is really my biggest mistake to over look and din check thoroughly before starting to learn. i have a price to pay for tis serious mistake i made. really idiot me... now i juz wanna get over with exam fast and start to work again and earn back my AUD$750. although i am doing part time while learning driving... not enough ah!!! i muz earn back double, recover my money losses and mental losses. after i go back spore then i wan to get my driving licence so i muz earn my money now!!!
morale of the story: look carefully and tink carefully before u leap. once u start, u got to live with ur choice. cos once u choose to give up, u have a huge price to pay.
i noe some of u may tink the way as my brother. how come i choose to give up now even without giving it a try until Dec. if Dec i really fail, at least i tried for it. the problem is if i wait till Dec, i will incur more cost. tis driving is already an unnecessary cost for my studies here and now i act incurred a reducdant amt of cost. if i wait till Dec and yet i din get it, wun i incur more cost? tat is y i said is dilemma... but now i made my choice liao... i wun regret. i will live with it... frens reading my blog now... muz support me, k? heehee...
Sunday, October 29, 2006
i've done it! yes!
haha... anyway, dunno if i will make it for tis report but at least i managed to finish all of them! yeahz!!! i got back all the other assignments, there r good ones, there r okay ones, there r not so good ones... but watever it is, i did my part to finish all of them on time. so watever marks i get, i juz have to live with it. shall await for my last report's result while revising for exam ah. tomolo is start of study week. next wed, 8 nov i will have my 1st paper. muz jia you to study faster liao... today already gave myself a short break and went to Chinatown to stock up food for exam. whahaha... so tomolo muz be good girl and start studying ohhh... yeahz!!! if i can do it for assignments, i shall do it for my examz. yep!
haha... nutting much to write liao... cos my life now pretty much the same... studies and more studies so i juz had a random photo taking juz now in my room.... whahaha... enjoy ohh...

Thursday, October 26, 2006
Official last day of studies for Sem 2, 2006
had 2 disappointment and 1 satisfaction and 1 challenge today. well, generally, it was a different summary.
the 1st one is challenge. it has nutting to do with uni lah. is abt my driving. today my instructor asked me to try turn around driving. i dunno if tat is call 3 point turn. on paper it stated "turn around" driving. anyway, really challenge lah cos i need to use the reverse gear. gosh~ i am still rather unsteady abt the gear lor. now ask me use reverse gear after 1 try, i din manage to do it so my instructor demo once for me to see. 2nd time when i did it, with his gudiance, i manage to do it but is not a perfect one definitely. hopefully next lesson i can master it. hmm... driving is slowly making some progress, i juz hope i keep it constant. the car still stall on me but i am having slightly more confidence. i really need more practices and time. can i finish it by Dec? really doubt it ah cos my instructor has so many students lor. haiz...
2nd one is abt my disappointment. 2 of them. both r abt my studies lah. i am not really a result oriented person but i noe results do tell a hundred things and good results will be one tat most pple wanna see. remembering my aunt's words "if u aim for pass only, then wat for u study overseas leh?" i will nv forget tis sentence lor. is not her words tat r hurting or pressurising. is juz tat i really agree with wat she said so i die die oso muz remind myself tat i DO NOT wanna aim pass only. i wanna aim higher!!! much higher!!! so tat in case, i have room to drop down which i dun wan lah. haiz... but tis time, i really need to drop down liao. 1st result for hospitality small business was below satisfactory level. (guess leona will agree with me too). our grp presentation din fare well so overall for tis subject i can only aim for a Grade 5 liao which i really dun wanna. 2nd one is my Tourism Destination Marketing. tis subject has no exam so is base on the report we do. gotten back my last submission for the report. haiz... below expectation. i aim for Grade 7 for tis subject and i fall short on my expectation. short of 1 mark to my desired Grade 7. haiz... who to blame, myself lor... i admit tat tis submission was not up to standard. i really din do well. haiz... i promise myself to be sad for a while only... cos i still need buck up and earn back my marks else where. exam still not over yet, i still have hope to earn back my marks else where. i shall, i will and i muz!!!! push push... i need push myself further... further and further... no pressure, i tink i wun work ah.
lastly, the happy ting. heehee... got an email from my lecturer tat i was pre-selected for the Executive Shadowing Program, a placement program for one of my subject next sem. heehee.. something i yearn for and something which is rather hard to get cos they expect a certain GPA marks as part of the pre-requisite. hopefully i can maintain my standard and make it all the way until i secure a placement within a company lah. i aim for events or tourism companies ah. heehee... anyway, shall go for the meeting session next week and see how.
okok... last report in progress... 20% done only lah. slow ah... argh~~!!!
oh ya... juz to share an interesting note. rem the photos of the purple flowers i posted earlier? is called Jacaranda and according to some of them, if the Jacaranda flowers fell and hit ur head, u cannot graduate ah! whahaha... today i walked pass 3 Hong Kong students. a flower juz drop in front of the guy and he said "lucky it din hit my head ah!" whahaha... guess tis rumour had been rather wide spread ah. heehee... i oso quite particular and "ban tang" ah. so i oso dun wan the Jacaranda flowers drop on my head lor... heehee... but very fast all these purple flowers will be gone so for those graduating soon, no need so worry lah... whahaha...
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
my motivation to keep me going... finally i found it! whahaha...
yes! i need some motivating factors to keep me working on my last assignment ah... a 55% report which i have no heart to do at all. my working pace is damn slow lah. aim to finish by this Sunday (report due on Monday) and yet i am not even half way thru. haiz... my heart only tinking of relaxing and sleeping to rejuvenate for exam ah. whahaha... crazy me ah...
so finally today i found some motivating factor for me to work towards tis last report. yes! i am going to Hobart in Tasmania for my summer holidays after exam. woohoo~~!!! it is located abt 3 and a half hrs flight away from Brisbane, south of Aussie. Tasmania is a state tat is "separated" from the mainland of Aussie. Hobart is the capital city of Tasmania. yep yep! i yearn to go there cos heard tat is pretty country style, very lovely. heehee... finally!!!!
my travelling dates will be 30 Nov to 5 Dec. juz in time to come back for my frens' convocation on 6 Dec. whahaha... 6 days 5 nites in Hobart. heehee... need plan my itinerary after exam liao. after my last report, shall try book accommodation 1st. oh ya! forget to highlight 1 important point ah. for tis trip, i am on my own. yeahz!!! i am travelling ALONE. cos most pple r graduating tis end of yr, some going else where so cannot find travel khakis ah. but nvm lah, let me see how it is like to travel alone. heehee... hmm... haven't tell my aunt abt me travelling alone but nvm lah. since i can come here and study alone, i tink she wun object to me travelling alone. whahaha...
anyway, travelling alone has pros and cons. pros will be tat i can be the main and only decision maker, no need ask for so many opinions, can juz go ahead with watever i have in mind. cons will b tat a bit lonely along the way and no one to look out for me in times when i need help. but nvm lah, let me see how good i fare when i travel alone. whahaha... shall update u guys after my trip with all the photos and comments. woohoo~~!!! can't wait to fly off now ah... but before tat i still have last reports and 3 examz papers to go thru.
so here is my greatest motivation!!! my long awaiting and well deserve summer holiday trip to Hobart, Tasmania! yeahz yeahz!!! :)
Saturday, October 21, 2006
3 Cheers to all the Mothers in the world!!! All of u r the best!!! heehee...
dun misunderstand ohhh... i din say all these becos i am going to become mother lah. i said all these becos i juz received an email from my eldest cousin, the mother to be in abt 17 days time. and it sets me to recall how i saw 2 mothers change rather alot ever since they gave birth. 1st mother was my 2nd elder cousin. she gave birth to a baby girl earlier last yr. in the past she is not a "children" person. she dun even noe how to carry a baby but now she is a mother of a 1 yr old girl. and definitely she had changed alot. now a person with more patience. heehee... 2nd one is my sec 2 form teacher, Ms Lock. she is a mother of 2 lor. can u guys imagine, a teacher whom many pple known as "ah-lian teacher" became a mother of 2. and when i listened to her describe to me how she felt when the 1st child was born, i really cannot imagine tat was Ms Lock. whahaha... last yr i went to her house before i came over. gosh~! she is so different, a very responsible mother, although her temper is still there lah. whahaha... but definitely a changed person too. now the 3rd example which is my eldest cousin. she will be a changed person too. heehee... see the wonder of being a mother and looking at ur little angels grow up... woohoo~~~!!! hmm... i wonder who will be my 4th example ah? i kinda hope is my sis-in-law lah. so tat i can become auntie again and my parents can finally become ah gong and ah ma. whahaha... well, we shall see leh...
oh ya... tok so much.. forget to intro my little niece who will be born in abt 17 days time. my cousin told me tat her name will be Lynnette. if i din rem wrongly, her husband's surname is Yip. so my dearest niece will be called Lynnette Yip. heehee... she din tell me wat is the chinese name going to be. i shall ask again. haha... anyway, tis is a nice name. i shall look forward to my little lynnette to be born soon. my cousin ask me "sent" telepathy to the little one to be born in the period when the horoscope Scorpio starts as there r too many Libras in my house. whahaha... quite true ah... i do hope tat the next time when i tok abt my little niece, is when she is born ah. heehee...
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Spore, i miss u... 2/4'98, i miss u too...
oh ya... juz now i was reading ivy's and aileen's blog. gave me some ling gan to update my blog liao. ivy's latest entry is the E-Family Tree for 2/4, so funny and full of fond memories ah. Ivy, thank u so much for putting it on ur blog. heehee... then on aileen's blog, she wrote abt wat we can miss abt home when we r in a faraway land. not the physical buildings, food or people. is juz the environment, atmosphere, daily lifestyle tat we encounter.
i really understand how aileen feel cos i am feeling the same as her too. some times it is not abt the people or tings back home tat we miss. it is the environment, daily happenings back home tat we yearn to feel and see it again. for those who been to my house, u guys shld rem tat there is a church in front of my house. i kinda miss the sound of the big bell of the church tat will always give me morning call @ 7am from mon to fri and 9am morning call on every sat and sun. i oso rem how it will sound for continuously 15mins on Xmas eve at the strike of 12. on top of all these, i miss waiting for my grandma to come back from her morning exercise, miss going to market to shop for food with my grandma and miss going to walk around toa payoh central when i am free, miss going to library and read chinese novels and cook book. come to tink... i did not do any of the above for almost 1 year. i really really miss it so so much. haiz... y am i getting so easily home sick ah? i dun mind working or staying away from home but i guess i cannot tahan such long duration. if in between, there is a break, i tink i will feel much better. haha... "not going home at the end of the yr" will not be something i will say again cos i long to go home now. not so soon but i tink i will definitely be heading home. hopefully i can fulfil all my tasks here before i head home for CNY and my bday. heehee... frens in spore, wait for me to go back home, k?
after writing so much, i forget wat i wanna say abt family tree of 2/4. haha... anyway, all i wanna said is tat without 2/4, my sec sch life or i shld say my life now probably will not be so colourful. it is the bunch of buddies and frens from 2/4 who added so much fun, laughter and colour to my life. without them, i will nv be in contact with basketball, i will nv have the experience to get punished in sch to clean up the storeroom, i will nv be punished to stand under the hot sun for spinning books, i will nv be punished to stand for a 2 hrs chinese lesson, i will nv noe wat class spirit and team spirit is. not the 100% united type of class we r, but we r definitely those who will somehow appear for each other in times when help is needed. i really miss all the fun, laughter, jokes and craziness back in 2/4. heehee... i wanna continue all these but kinda hard lah cos all busy mah... nvm, when i go back spore, u guys muz spare some time for me, can? then we can go out and catch up again. heehee...
Monday, October 16, 2006
Lovely UQ Lake in Spring...

Jacaranda Tree beside the lake...
Me "sheltered" by the lovely tree...
UQ lake from another view...
the stretch of Jacaranda Tree bside the lake *background: Uni Colleges*
Sunday, October 15, 2006
Queensland Multicultural Festival 2006

today super duper tired ah!!! early in the morning at 5.30am i woke up to get ready to catch the 7am citycat so i can be on time for my volunteer work @ Queensland Multicultural Festival. heehee... my job is act to assist at the back stage area if there is anywhere tat needs help. however, the very last min arrangement was to ask me to go to another location to help out for the "Premier Photographic Awards" exhibit display. it was a "people's choice award which general public can vote for their fav photos out of all the photos as displayed. and the theme is "queensland people in places". whahaha... i had been repeating the same set of words to dunno how many pple lah... whenever pple approached, we got to tell them abt it. and to my surprise, aussie pple r really interested in all these lah. if u put these in spore roadside, i dun tink there would be pple willing to really listen to us telling them more abt it or they will ask "do i get to win anything when i vote?" & most prob they will be disappointed to hear the ans is "nope, only the winner of the award will get a prize, as general public, we juz vote." anyway, as i said before, volunteering in aussie is definitely a diff feeling as volunteering in spore. in watever u volunteer, u will feel tat u will have the due respect and well treated. i would not reckon this to be happening in all volunteery event in spore lah. whahaha...
from morning 8am till afternoon 2.30pm i had been standing and toking non stop lah. my thorat is so dry and i finished 4 bottles of mineral water liao. my legs r totally numb. no feel at all lah. whahaha... but it was kinda fun cos tis is the 1st time i am at tis festival and i guess it will be the last time too (next yr, tis period, i shld be in spore liao). anyway, today's event brought back fond memories and gave me some new inspiration.
as i was walking to my work area, i over heard tis father telling his sons and daughters "hey children, is not time for u guys to get cranky. u r here at a multicultural festival, i wanna u guys to be exposed to as much as possible. australia is not only abt australians, we r having more pple from other countries. australia is getting more multicultural therefore it is impt for u guys to noe the different cultures and lifestyle." i was kinda touched by these words lah. the father is really teaching the children abt the rite stuff. who said aussie only have racial discrimination? i understand to a certain extend, some aussie still have the very extreme tinking as to when they see some diff races or religion or cultures pple. but overall, multiculturalism is still very encouraging in aussie.
then fond memories r seen when i see pple toking into the walkie talkie. it reminds me on how me and my mentoring buddies act work so hard for every event tat we held (esp the outing cum telematch in NP) & how me and my tourism and leisure mgmt coursemates cooperate as one to do up a wonderful career events for NP students during our last yr of studies. i feel so good and wonderful whenever i am involved in all these events. i guess is in my blood ah... i juz LOVE and ADORE the feeling of organising events, planning events and running events. heehee... from mini scale, i hope to step up and reach for larger ones... can i? yes! i can! i will and i muz!
heehee... is time to study hard again... yep yep... assignment time again. haiz...
Thursday, October 12, 2006
Happy Birthday to Waileng!!!! :)
okok!!! juz as i post the previous entry... i muz rem to wish my dearest best fren from pri sch. i noe her since i was 11 years old. our frenship had been for a decade liao lah... now tat we r 22yrs old, i noe her for 11 yrs liao... she is none others than Ms Lee Waileng! our future doctor...
girl ah!!! Happy Happy 22nd Birthday!!! hope u had a wonderful day today... well, of cos ur day shld be brighten up even more cos u received a lovely SMS from a lovely friend from aussie... heehee... tat's ME of cos! woohoo~~~!!!! sorry tat i cannot be in spore to celebrate for u but nevertheless, u will have my blessing and best wishes! let's go out for some fast shopping and long hrs of chit chat when i go back spore for hols, k? heehee... rem our previous date, from lunch date, we can chat until dinner date lah... long time fren, there will be more 11 yrs to go, yeahz? :)
Joyce's Bday Dinner @ Blackjacks Restaurant
anyway, on 7 Oct evening, Huiying, Tess, Me, Leona, Felicia, Joyce, Philip & Wee Hong went to Blackjacks restaurant at Conrad Casino in the city to celebrate Joyce's bday. we had buffet. not really worth the money i tink but overall was a great nite. had lots of laughter while chatting abt wat happened during our 1st sem in Union college, wat happened for the past 1 yr & abt who is up to marry 1st among all of us... whahaha... we all agree Huiying will get married 1st lor... heehee...
of cos on such a wonderful nite out, cannot go home without taking some lovely photos lah... so here u r:

Front: Leona, Huiying
taken outside Conrad Casino

(did u guys realise our grp photo over dinner table always taken in tis long long way? whahaha... cos we always lazy to move around and gather... tat shows how "piggy" we r lah... :P)
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
"Yes, I do!"... "1st Cry"... "Xmas in Sydney!"
Part 1:
with regards to my earlier entry on my bro's ROM today!!! whahaha... is held @ Marriott Hotel, poolside terrace pavilion. the place is very nicely furnished according to my aunties and cousins' descriptions. nice ambience lor... can imagine ah... anyway, i called my bro earlier when he was on his way to Marriott with Jayne. manage to tok to him for a while when he was driving (oops!). tink he quite nervous lah. whahaha... but as usual, always act tough when he is act very gan chiong lor... make me oso gan chiong for him. heehee... then i called my auntie at abt 7pm spore time which is the timing for the solemnisation. then the phone was passed around when i act tok to so many pple at one go lah. my parents, my grandma, my aunties, my cousin, my uncle... everyone's 1st quest is "how have u been?", 2nd quest is "when r u coming back?". whahaha... anyway, the main point for tis call is to wish my bro and "attend" the ceremony lor. heehee... yes! i did... whahaha... my auntie finally left the phone on the table beside my brother and i could heard everyone's conversation so clearly. my auntie put me on speaker so i dare not breathe loudly lah... whahaha... so quietly, i sat and listen to the ceremony thru the phone... here it goes:
Justice of Peace (JP): do u guys wanna it to be in English or Mandarin?
my bro: English will do.... thanks...
JP: ok. can we start now?
my bro: yes, we shall.
(everyone quieten down... including me over the phone...)
JP: Mr Lim Wee Loon, will you.... blah blah blah (dun rem all lah)
my bro: Yes, I do! (1st yes, i do...)
JP: will you go through.... blah blah... will u?
my bro: Yes, I will!
JP: Ms Tan Min Hui (he pronounce wrongly the name for twice lor!), will you... blah blah...
my da-sao: yes, i do! (2nd one...)
JP: will you go through.... will u?
my da-sao: yes, i will!
JP: ok.. Mr Lim, u may place the ring on her left hand, 2nd last finger
JP: Ms Tan, u may place the ring on his right hand, 2nd last finger
JP: Mr Lim Wee Loon and Ms Tan Min Hui, I hereby in the honour of everyone present, pronounce you 2 as MAN and WIFE!!! (@ tis moment, i wanna cheer liao lah!!!... hahaha)
clapping and clapping went on... then i was "recovered" by my auntie. my bro gotten very busy liao... so i oso ended my call then. heehee... cannot be there physically but for tat very few mins, i was there mentally. heehee... once again, Congratulation, brother!!! u r finally married! :)
Part 2:
juz called my auntie bfore the ceremony and was told by her tat my eldest cousin from my father's side will be giving birth on tis coming 10 or 11 Nov. heehee... rem i told u guys tat my cousin was pregnant? yes! she is due to give birth in Nov, yep yep! another nov baby in my house... heehee... is going to be a baby girl lah. woohoo!!! i emailed her and ask for the baby's name liao. when she reply me, i shall update u guys. meanwhile, let me pray hard tat is due on Nov 11, 11/11... nice lor... and may god bless my cousin and the little baby with good health and happiness... i cannot see the birth of the baby, but i can feel for it... yeahz!!!
Part 3:
my BAOBEIs r coming to aussie!!! yes! yes! during the end of yr sch hols, they r going to New Zealand for holidays and shun bian go to Sydney. my uncle told me shld be around Xmas period. yippee!!! i have company for my xmas liao... whahaha... if they r in Sydney during then, i shall fly down to Sydney and meet them. i miss them so so much lah... yeahz yeahz!!! details shall be confirm at a later date so i shall await the good good news... woohoo!!!!
okok... i shall end my excitement here and concentrate on my tourism policy essay, if not i cannot sleep tonite liao... heehee... :)
Specially dedicated for my beloved brother, Wee Loon and his wife-to-be, Jayne...
All the very very best!!!!!!!
Hope u like the pressie tat i gave u guys...
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
A parcel tat delight the receiver as well as the sender... :)
well, yesterday my aunt told me tat they received the parcel i sent back last mon (postman very efficient ah!!! i sent on monday, friday already reached spore liao... whahahaha). in the parcel there r presents for my brother and cousins. is my brother's ROM tomolo so i sent a pressie to send my best wishes to his wife and him. glad tat he like it... he better like it lor... not cheap leh... whahaha...
as for my cousins, whahaha... so funny lah... act is my eldest cousin, Weiqi's bday so i sent a card back to wish her happy bday. then i shun bian sent a bag of sweets with lots of funny characters to them. these sweets r bought during Ekka and i dun wanna eat all ah... will get diabetics ah... so there i am, sending all back to them, hoping tat 3 of them can share. guess wat happen? whahaha... Weiqi tot is all for her lah. aiyoo... tat girl ah... forever so BA DAO... poor little Wei Zhi was so unhappy as the sister FORBID him to touch the sweets. he keep asking my aunt go and get it for him cos he like the "skeleton" sweets very much. poor boy ah... i guess the 2nd girl, Wei Hui also din had much chance to touch the sweets. okok... i shall go and look for somemore funny character sweets and tis time round, i will pack them into individual packets, stating their names to prevent any fighting and BA DAO-ness again... heehee... i can imagine when they fight over the sweets and when Weiqi dun allow her brother touch it lah. she ah... forever so naughty...
come to tink, i've been away from spore for almost 8 mths liao. not a yr yet but i really do miss my little BAO BEIs so so much... wonder how they r now? r they taller? miss miss them so so much... all the fun times we had every sat when we can go running around Toa Payoh central and the library. argghh... when can i do tat with them again? haiz... I WANNA GO BACK SPORE but... can i? committed to finish driving before i go back spore so if i dun finish, means i cannot go home... argghhh!!!
Sunday, October 08, 2006
Lovely Spring in Aussie
as promised, here r the photos for Spring. heehee... i juz took some along my way to play basketball tis morning. din take a lot as cannot find those really nice scene. there is a stretch of the Jacaranda trees at the field in front of my house. however, today there r so many pple at the field, i paiseh take photos with them in it. whahaha... so i juz let u have a look at some of these.

PS: look @ all the photos... don't the background of the blue blue sky looks lovely? Aussie's blue sky is the best! something i will miss forever when i go back to Spore... heehee...
Saturday, October 07, 2006
"pls stop pulling me!"
haha... y am i saying such theory at the beginning? well, i am trying to say tat now i feel as if i am a rubber band. i am trying to stretch myself, whether is over stretched, i oso not sure. haha... i am giving myself challenges after challenges and is like i dun even noe if i am up to all the stress i am forcing myself to face lah. act all the stuff tat i am doing, everyone is doing everyday too. juz tat at different level of abilities cos ur level of abilities and mine and someone else' differ. act i am not someone who can really multi task. i will end up making a blunder in everything. so i always choose to slowly one ting at a time. but at times, there r juz too many tings for u to take ur own sweet time so u have no choice but to force urself to juz do it together.
i am really testing and challening my own abilities cos i am trying to do alot of tings at once now. so far the effect has not really turn bad and i am still in control. but i juz feel tat i am over stretching myself... juz like an over stretched rubber band. i wun tear apart, i guess but i juz dun wanna be torn apart at the most vulnerable stage. yes! i will endure and embrace any challenges as faced. juz another abt 1 mth, i will be having my 1st exam paper. last mth of struggles, assignments and headaches. after the sem end, part of my stress will be gone temporary. all i left to face is driving, work and my daily life. heehee.. which shld be rather okok by then.
it had been a long long while since i last slept soundly thru the nite. ever since i come to aussie, i nv had a good nite sleep whenever the sem is on. i always will wake up suddenly half way thru the sleep at nite and tends to wake up very early. the only time when i felt tat sleep is the most valuable ting and i can really sleep tat long is during holidays, my winter holidays here abt few mths ago. so i really really look forward to my end of yr holidays! i wanna earn back all my time for sleeping!!! i wanna have a good good sleep.... good and sound sleep... can i have it pls???
& i tink i am at max at tis moment... pls stop pulling me!!! i will have my own way to get thru everyting, juz dun keep adding on... (who am i trying to say all these to leh... myself lah... i muz stop overestimating myself and try give myself some breathing space...)
okok...tat is all.. back to ever-lasting ASSIGNMENTS... haiz...
*oh ya! today is a very wonderful day cos is bday of 4 pple whom i noe... 1st is my lovely younger cousin, Weiqi's. she is 11yrs old tis yr! miss her so so much lah... 2nd is Yiling's. haha... poor girl in Sydney now, unable spend bday in spore but nvm. in sydney shall be a diff experience! 3rd is Joyce's. heehee... last yr celebrated her bday together with my frens in aussie. i noe she will love it tis yr too! lastly... is my "husband". whahahaha... yep yep! is EDISON CHEN's bday today too! woohoo~~!!! so juz wanna say... "HAppy Birthday to all 4 of them! yeahz!!!" *
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Farewell to Tash!!! & Congratulations to Nelson!!!
1st event:
My fren from Malaysia, Tash went back to KL. she graduated last sem, stayed here to work and earn money & now she is going home for good. haiz... there goes another fren. we had a farewell for her last thursday (will post photos after i get it from the rest). then on monday nite, she came over to my house to get some photos from me and stayed in my house to chit chat till rather late. i tot tat was last time seeing her. haha... well, then in the afternoon yesterday, my fren said he has car today, asked us if we wanna go airport send her off. so off we go! me, Fion, Wai Juan and Nelson went to airport to send Tash off. she was very delighted to see us there. had a small chat with her before she board the plane (juz reminded me tat we din take photos lah... argh!). she hugged me and fion before she went in the gate. it was really a sad moment. tis sem, tis is 2nd time i see a fren leave us at the custom exit, down the escalator ah... haiz... then we hanged on around to bid her goodbye at the glass door from level 2. then me and fion got kinda sad and we were joking tat how near r we to HOME ah... well, u see ah... airport is where we go home from mah. so at tat moment 2 of us really really miss HOME so so much cos from there we can go HOME liao. we r so "near" yet so far... i told them, the next time round when i go airport, is my turn to go home liao! i dun wanna bid anyone goodbye liao... haha.. but i dun tink so ah... cos seems tat next few weeks, another few frens r leaving too. hmm...
2nd event:
yep yep! last min invitation and decision. is Fion's cousin, Nelson's convocation. he studied Masters in QUT and had his convocation yesterday. he had an extra ticket. QUT's convocation's ticket very exp... need money buy one. somemore each ticket cost 18bucks. not worth to waste it. originally Wai Juan wanna go but he had something on. so Nelson asked if i interested when we were along our way to airport yesterday. not wanting to waste the ticket, i agreed. haha... i oso wanna take a look how it is like. so there i am, with Fion & Nelson's mother, auntie and cousin at his convocation. a short one as compared to UQ's. juz abt 1 hr 15mins only. we were seated at the 1st few rows. can see him so clearly lah. whahaha... he had a long way to tis Masters degree ah... spend so much money and effort. really feel happy for him! Bravo! & tat reminds me tat i wanna graduate fast fast too! i wanna go HOME for good, once and for all. i really cannot wait to see myself in tat gown in next July. when Nelson's mother asked me when i graduate, i so reluctant to say next yr. i wanna say end of tis yr lor. whahaha... anyway, nvm lah... another sem only. i will endure! although in my mind, i really dying to go HOME for good... dun wanna come back liao. not juz go back for hols, is really go back for good... i will wait patiently... heehee...
okok... shall some photos we took yesterday. not all cos i haven't get it from Nelson. :)
Monday, October 02, 2006
My present after the mid term break!!! wat a good pressie sia...
for mine... act i cannot complain liao... cos mine really okok lah. juz a bit draggy but at least i have ample time to study which means no excuse again not to score liao... okok! shall JIA YOU!!! here is mine:
8 Nov, 2.30pm - 4.30pm: International Gaming Management
13 Nov, 11.15am - 1.15pm: International Hotel Management
17 Nov, 11.15am - 1.15pm: Hospitality Small Business Management
okok... not as bad lah... 1st day of exam is on 4 Nov which i din kanna, last day is on 18 Nov, oso not my business. but maybe among my housemates, i am the last one to finish again. haiz... need endure with their "freedom" after exam for at least a week lah... huiying finish on 11 nov lor, tess finish on 14 nov lah.... argh!!!
PS: HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO SAN SAN!!! ya lah! ya lah! prettier lah... whahaha... stay pretty and cheerful forever, k? & all the very very best! wait for me to go back to spore! u, me and pat go and have a good good meal & have a good time catching up! whahaha... :)