It is the gold mine hill in Melbourne where in the olden days, many pple act went to dig for Gold. The whole hill was kept as it was in the olden days with a stream which allow tourists to try their luck to dig for “gold” if there is any. To inject the feeling of the olden days, pple working at the hill are dressed up as the pple in the olden days. As there are many gold miners from all over the world, we can see the different level of living condition of different pple. Of cos, almost all these miners, there are Chinese. And guess wat? Haha... I found my early “ancestors” (same surname wor...) who opened a medical hall. Whahaha...

look @ wat i am touching? how i wish tat is mine... is real GOLD! if is mine, i really dun have to work, dun have to study.. i will be a rich girl who can own everything! whahaha... cool sia!!!
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