my schedule started with work. heehee... today is the day i report for work for my job placement. kinda drag to go cos tomolo is hols. me already in hols mood. anyway, still manage to drag myself all the way to work and i'm glad tat i went! cos my 1st task of the day was something i love and enjoyed! one of the manager wanna me to go and check out some info on Melbourne and its attraction cos there is a conference in Melbourne soon. she need to give these info to the delegates attending the conference. whahahaha... something i LOVE to do ah! looking up info on a place and its attraction is something tat i juz enjoy doing very much and moreover, i juz went to Melbourne during winter last yr lah. heeheee... kinda easy task. however the last task she gave me was a test of my speed ah. she need send out a courier mail by 5pm and she asked me to get ready all the stuff for her at 4.30pm. i need to dig out the items from a box tat was super duper messy ah! well, end up, we still manage to get it done in time and at 5pm, she said "ok! u may go off now!" woohoo~~!!! 1st time at work, i can OTD - On The Dot! & today i really wanna OTD cos i have a date!
heehee... is a date with my housemates, Huying & Tess lah. cos tomolo is start of mid term break and tomolo is start of long weekend hols and today is late nite shopping @ suburb so we decided to go Indooroopilly for a shopping spree! yippee!!! well, for me, i cannot shop much cos i did a round of shopping on Mon and spent quite a bit of $$$ ah... today is purely relaxation for me... so after work, i rushed off to catch the bus and try to meet up with my housemates asap. their lessons ended much earlier and so they went for shopping 1st. after dinner, we quickly start our shopping before the shops closed at 9pm (is consider late nite here liao... >_<). i was juz going around with them to see see look look and their speed was so SLOW ah. considering our speed, i told them "dun tink we can make it to all shops ah! whahaha..." so we try hurry a bit but still not tat good progress. well, understandable oso lah cos need try on clothes mah. all along, i juz see see look look without trying on ANY clothes. until when we reached the 2nd last stop, gosh~!!! i was poorer by $20 when i stepped out of the shop. haiz... i saw tis top, not really my usual style but i tink is nice & so i tried and ended up it is now hanging in my wardrobe liao. hahaha... not implusive choice cos is really quite nice lah! i din buy 2 pieces lor when it stated "2 for $35" cos i noe i only wanna buy tat one. anyway, by then it was abt 9pm. after last stop, we hurried to bus stop & we had to wait for abt 30mins for last bus back home so there we r, back to the food court to get a drink while waiting & tat was wat we did in the midst of waiting...
tis photo session @ Indooroopilly ended in lots of laughter and with alot of pple looking @ 3 of us. then we headed to the last bus and off we went, HOME! & upon reaching home, huiying & tess finally agreed to my idea of having a..... FASHION PARADE!!!! heehee... to show case wat we bought mah. :D
here u r:
here u r:
Title of Show: Fashion Parade @ Warren Street 2007
Theme of Show: Casual Wear
Participating Models: 3
still look good when taken @ a slightly further distance... & i tink i look kinda tan here ah... hmmm... effect of weekly swimming ah!
anyway, end of parade ah! before pple complain tat i am too FREE again. i better stop all my nonsense... BUT is for time being only... cos tomolo is another round of DINNER FEAST!!! :D but before the feast, i will still study hard & prepare info for my site visit on Sat ah! i haven forget tat i am still a student here lor... :P
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