*Blow Wind Blow* woohoo~~!!! i can still feel the cold air blowing around me when i'm in my bedroom now lah. whahaha... today i had a good "blow wind blow" as the wind today was super duper strong. for abt half a min, we r rooted to the floor, unable to move at all as the wind was too strong... ohhh... forget to intro, today i went to Redcliffe with
Fiona. is a place located abt 1 hr train-ride away from Brisbane city & is usually a holiday destination for local during their holidays and a place for overseas tourists to visit as day tour. i had to do a tourism report for this place and so i had to go for a site visitation. & my dearest fren,
Fiona is a very very lovely girl!!! she agreed to accompany me to Redcliffe. ~muacks to her~!!! so we decided to have a pinic @ Redcliffe while i collect info for my report. heehee...
off we went... to....
REDCLIFFE (the site of Queensland's first European settlement in 1824; Safe, sandy beaches and scenic parks span Redcliffe's 22km of glorious coastline, which is also dotted with the rocky red headlands that give the city its name.)

Hornibrook Bridge - one of southern hemisphere's longest bridges... 2.8 kilometre

map and info board of Redcliffe City

from afar, they look like pebble-shaped rocks piling up along the beach...

on a nearer view, is SAND BAGS! whahaha... i was kanna cheated lah. :P

according to my perspective, tis is a "LAY-GO" building... pple who walked past it r still figuring out if tis is a residential unit or? well, kinda artistic building which do not really fit into the surrounding... heehee...
after a long long walk from Woody Point to Sutton Beach, we had been breathing in cold air after cold air along the coast line. it was refreshing but is juz too much at one go. & we r feeling hungry!!! so there we r, deciding to locate a good place for our mini pinic. heehee... away from the birds of cos if not there goes our lunch ah! so is LUNCH TIME!!!

our mini pinic consists of Orange-Passion Juice (mixture from concentrated juice and water), Tuna Sandwiches (Tuna in Olive Oil & Tuna with mustard mayo seeds), Egg Mayo Sandwiches & Caesar Salad! *yummy!*

i juz love the Caesar Salad!!! oops~! my hair damn messy lah... (well, all the way thru, our hair had not been tidy before, worse coming up in next few..)

the blue blue sky, the blue blue sea, the sandy beach, the lovely environment & .... a cutie ME! whahaha...

let's embrace the wind! woohoo~~!!!

smell of charcoal & burning wood... i tot they uses electric stove for BBQ here ah... how come tis grp of pple r using charcoal and wood? hmm... probably the food will taste better but do u noe there is an impact involved here for the environment? hahaha... trying to put my report in my bloggy ah...
Fiona @ the very unique stage... there is a back stage for pple to exit from performance, very pro sia... cool~

*welcome! *welcome!
on the floor of the stage it wrote: "All the world's a stage,And all the men and women merely players.They have their exits and their entrances,And one man in his time plays many parts,His acts being seven ages." - sound familiar???

big head shot! heehee...
Fiona & I @ the Settlement Cove Lagoon
Side Track:
Fiona is my good fren from UQ. she is my pri sch fren, Yunci's JC fren. hee... i dunno who she is initially and Yunci intro us thru MSN. so we chatted on MSN before i came to Aussie. i'm really glad tat i managed to know Fiona here as she is really a great fren. always ready to accompany to those weird weird place which i had to go. Ipswich lah, Redcliffe lah & more ah. nv complain somemore. my best groceries shopping Khaki, my best cardio workout & swimming khaki! is really nice to have her here with me in Brisbane. i forget to include her in my previous previous entries abt frens who made impact in my life (sorry, gal!!!). so here u r, presenting to everyone, my pretty & lovely buddy from UQ, Brisbane, Ms Fiona Tan!

is cold with the strong wind blowing... but i juz wanna enjoy the yummy ice cream! heehee... new flavour from Paddle Pop, Triple Choc Crunch! yummilicious~!!!

wat do u tink tis is? is carpeted grass ah... wow... super exp lor... where is tis located at leh???

HERE!!! the Settlement Cove Lagoon!
is a very very beautiful man-made lagoon. they wanna create a resort style feeling for tis lagoon & so they tried very much to beautify the surrounding. tat carpeted grass was used to replace those normal grass. see how much they r paying to make tis place attractive & tis is a place which is one of their selling point for Redcliffe.

an island created in the middle of the lagoon... does tis look like Spore's very own, Sentosa? heehee...

clear blue water of the lagoon... y issit blue, i still figuring out cos... the floor is not blue in colour... instead it is...

tis is not wallpaper hor... is the bottom of the lagoon. cos the water is so clear tat i can take such up close photo of the floor area of the lagoon. gosh~!
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