tis course is abt some career management and personal goals issues. my lecturer will get guest speakers to speak to us abt their career achievements, their interest and companies' info to let us learn from their these real life experiences. so every week is 1 hr of guest lecture, 1 hr of my lecturer's lecture and 1 hr of discussion abt the readings.
overall, i felt it was okay. i agreed tat some guest lectures r pretty sianz. but tis cannot help it oso. it is not within my lecturer's control. and there is something tat he mention today, really shut everyone's mouth from voicing out their views. he asked for our views and there r pple saying tat "guest speakers r not entertaining enough, not able to grab our attention... our attention span is usually 50mins only... irrelevance of guest speakers' speech... blah... blah... blah..." i mean no offence to anyone but i juz feel tat their views really not useful at all. as we all understand the term "guest speakers". they r being invited to speak to us without MONEY!!! & we can control how each and everyone speaks, rite? but my lecturer din ans in tis way. instead he said:" when we had tis type of guest lectures in Ipswich Campus (another campus as my course r spread across 2 campuses), the guest speakers r often more vibrant and active as compared to here cos they dun feel tat engagement and eagerness from u guys." hahaha... tat really shut everyone up cos it was our fault actually lor. i really feel in tis way lah. will u enjoy speaking in front of pple who seems so lethargic, not interested and not engaging enough?
then there r a few pple who even dare to question the lecturer : "will all these guest lectures be included in examz?" hmm... i guess if is included in examz, probably will get 100% attendance and attention ba... tat's human nature which is something i agreed too. cos at times i will react better to examz related issues but i wun be tat mean to totally ignore issues not related to examz or courses without examz lor. i guess is a usual phenomenon here tat we will get almost 100% for 1st lecture (to get the course profile and knoe wat is required of the course) & last or revision lecture (to get exam tips!) & for non-examable courses, u wun really see much pple attending lectures for each week unless special instruction from lecturers. very, very typical style of students studying here. probably dun apply so much to international students cos we r paying fees like double of domestic students ah... whahahha... each lesson cost us abt 100bucks lor. how to be so wasteful ah?
anyway, morale of story here.... before u question others, pls question urself. have u made any effort tat is worth pple putting equal or more effort for u?
so much for tis... heehee... now wanna share some photos with u guys lah. nutting special. juz some wu liao photos taken when i feel kinda free. hahaha...
okok... y did i mention food now sia? argh~~!!! i'm feeling hungry now. better dun tink abt it. shall go and sleep instead. whahaha... good nite!!!!
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