heehee... tis holidays is really wat i call "Enjoying"! yeahz!!! yesterday i went to Southbank for swimming with my housemates, Huiying and Wee Hong. It is a man-made beach in Brisbane, Brisbane only beach too. is like a big big swimming pool. alot of pple ah. as is now summer. many Aussie like to there for sun tan and enjoy the sunshine while relaxing. so 3 of us oso went to enjoy the sunshine. (until now my shoulders got sunburnt lah. whahaha...) of cos we took some photos lah... here u r...

Me!!! taken while waiting for the ferry to come...

Me & Huiying on the ferry towards our destination...

Me and Wee Hong with Brisbane city skyline as background

Me & Huiying under the blue blue Brissy sky...

Me @ the man-made lagoon...

Me and Wee Hong @ the man-made beach...
After the swim, Tess joined us after her work. by then me and huiying felt very hungry liao. so there we r, going for our late lunch after swim... heehee...

Fish & Chips & Subway 6 inch Teriyaki Chicken...

Tess, Huiying & Me... Charlie Angels aka 3 "Baobei's" aka S.H.E of Warren Street, St Lucia... :P

self-potrait of me... heehee...
after our late lunch, we chatted for quite a while before proceeding to our dinner. whahaha... yeahz... is food again!!! we keep eating and eating lah... aiyooo....

is us again... heehee... taken while waiting for the train
tis time we go to a Vietnamese and Chinese restaurant for "zi cha" dinner. heehee... not like the type we have Spore ah. but very nice lah... here u r...

Spring Rolls and Prawn "Ho Fun" (the chilli padi really super duper best! Hot sia!)

sweet and sour pork spare ribs... tis one very delicious... little crispy crispy taste...

crispy skin chicken... a bit oily but still not tat bad....
After dinner, we took a train home. as all of us r so FULL. we din wanna sit down and wait patiently for half an hr for the train. we keep walked around the platform and take photos.... wind was blowing strongly so we enjoying taking photos with cold win blowing ah.. whahaha...

me and Huiying trying to act as if it is very cold ah... is summer but we wanna act as if is winter...

Iris: "ah-bish!" off u go...
Wee Hong: ahhhhh... dun kick me... i dun wanna fall into the track...

Darra... tis is where we had our yummy dinner....

someone jump off from the platform??? gosh~~!!!! (whahaha.. guess whose slippers r these? & see how boliao we r...)

me & Huiying.. waiting patiently for the train ah... like tis oso can take photo... tat means we r really wu liao ah!!!!

okok... finally a decent photo of 4 of us... Wee Hong, Me, Huiying Tess on the train back home...
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