Merry Christmas!!!
today is Xmas! sending my warmest greetings to everyone out there. may all ur wishes come true and have a great year ahead...
last nite my housemates and i had a mini, peaceful and enjoyable party at home. we each contributed some items for tis party. and we had a gift exchange. heehee... our own form of christmas party and christmas dinner... as Wee Hong are leaving here for good, so for the last time, he decided to cook us a good meal. whahaha... he and his favourite, Mian Fen Gao. woohoo... so tis is our chinese style of Christmas Dinner... & Wee Hong very nice lor... i complained tat i miss Ban Mian, so he tried to change some of the Mian Fen Gao into Bian Mian. whahaha... so funny looking but still taste great. really wanna thank him ah... help me fulfill my craving temporary.. heehee... & Thank u to my 2 other lovely housemates, Tess & Huiying for making tis xmas party a perfect and enjoyable one... i am going to miss all these as tis is the 1st and last xmas we will have together in tis house... :D
after the yummy and delicious dinner, we decided to give our stomach a break ah... before we serve our dessert. so we had our gift exchange. heehee... after 4 rounds of picking the names, we din manage to get it. Tess always pick her own pressie. so at the 5th round, we finally managed to have an even exchange. Huiying gotten my pressie, I gotten Tess', Tess gotten Wee Hong & Wee Hong gotten Huiying's. all juz as nice. take a look at our pressie ah...
Activity time!!! photo taking too... so around the house, we r so busy taking photos here and there... here r some of our lovely and creative photos...
after activity time, is dessert time!!! woohoo... the lovely log cake! well, the variety here r not as much or as nice as those in spore but still better than nutting... & to create more ambience, we decide to save electricity! whahaha.. trying to create a very romantic atmosphere with all the candles... see how creative we r...
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