Finally... is my turn... after sending off so many frens, today is finally my turn! my turn to board the jet plane and fly off! woohoo~~!!! no longer saying tat sentence "so near yet so far" at the airport cos I will be very near to destination once the plane takes off! & where is my destination leh? of cos is..... HOME SWEET HOME... Singapore!!!
flying off tis afternoon and i can reach home before 12am tonite. in time to catch Year 2007 in Singapore. heehee... some hipcup occured for tis return trip but everything is fine and settled already. so rite now, i am juz very very excited to go home. i cannot imagine how i will feel when i step on the familiar ground after a long while... 10mths only yet i feel as it is 10 yrs ah... whahahaha... last nite i was too excited until i cannot sleep and i force myself to sleep at 4am and woke up at 7am. am i crazy? no of cos... i am juz too excited... heehee...
okok... i shall be off for now to do some last min pack up and arrangement for everything... everyone, await for my return, k? heehee... sound as if i am some big shot sia... *faint*
Sunday, December 31, 2006
Thursday, December 28, 2006
last 2 days...
2 more days... 2 more days to HOME SWEET HOME...
my housemate, Huiying will b going home 1st. so juz now we r discussing abt our going home tingy. seems mixed feelings for all of us ah. juz abt 1 mth ago, we r still excited abt going home and counting down the days to home. now we r juz few steps away to the day to be home. how time flies... though we aren't graduating tis sem, which means we will be back here again for next sem, we still feel weird weird abt leaving here now. juz imagine, for past abt 10 long mths, we had been living under same roof, looking at each other everyday. under the influence of each other and the environment, naturally we will feel weird abt going to end tis and go home. moreover, next yr we will only be here together for juz 1 sem which is only abt 5 mths. to be honest, i really bu she de my two housemates, Huiying and Tess. is true tat at times, we have problems and unhappiness, but we always accommodate and understand. no matter how much we grumble, at the end of the day, we will still stand as 1 family. haiz... everyting has to have an ending, so we oso cannot force it. the good ting is i still have 1 more sem at least to enjoy with them. the last chance for us to have the good moments together. so now i shld not be upset, i shld be happy, happily looking forward to our return next sem and strive hard and happily together for our last sem! Bon Voyage, Housemates!
as for my feelings abt going home... one word to describe... MIXED. in my heart, i dying to fly home now but tink again, seems like there r so many changes for me to follow and adapt. facing myself, family and frens, there will definitely be an interchange period for me to adapt. and as the days draw nearer, many many quest pop up in my head... "how is everyone?" " wat reactions will my family and frens have when they see me after so long?".... i am not afraid i wun adapt cos Spore is still my HOME TOWN. a familiar ground i was borned in, grew up in and live for years. if i cannot adapt, i really deserve scolding ah. so wat am i afraid of leh??? whahaha... one simple word again... UNCERTAINTY!
MIXED + UNCERTAINTY = to my current feelings... guess will be with me till i reach spore. hahaha...
my housemate, Huiying will b going home 1st. so juz now we r discussing abt our going home tingy. seems mixed feelings for all of us ah. juz abt 1 mth ago, we r still excited abt going home and counting down the days to home. now we r juz few steps away to the day to be home. how time flies... though we aren't graduating tis sem, which means we will be back here again for next sem, we still feel weird weird abt leaving here now. juz imagine, for past abt 10 long mths, we had been living under same roof, looking at each other everyday. under the influence of each other and the environment, naturally we will feel weird abt going to end tis and go home. moreover, next yr we will only be here together for juz 1 sem which is only abt 5 mths. to be honest, i really bu she de my two housemates, Huiying and Tess. is true tat at times, we have problems and unhappiness, but we always accommodate and understand. no matter how much we grumble, at the end of the day, we will still stand as 1 family. haiz... everyting has to have an ending, so we oso cannot force it. the good ting is i still have 1 more sem at least to enjoy with them. the last chance for us to have the good moments together. so now i shld not be upset, i shld be happy, happily looking forward to our return next sem and strive hard and happily together for our last sem! Bon Voyage, Housemates!
as for my feelings abt going home... one word to describe... MIXED. in my heart, i dying to fly home now but tink again, seems like there r so many changes for me to follow and adapt. facing myself, family and frens, there will definitely be an interchange period for me to adapt. and as the days draw nearer, many many quest pop up in my head... "how is everyone?" " wat reactions will my family and frens have when they see me after so long?".... i am not afraid i wun adapt cos Spore is still my HOME TOWN. a familiar ground i was borned in, grew up in and live for years. if i cannot adapt, i really deserve scolding ah. so wat am i afraid of leh??? whahaha... one simple word again... UNCERTAINTY!
MIXED + UNCERTAINTY = to my current feelings... guess will be with me till i reach spore. hahaha...
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
Last proper Dinner in Brisbane before flying HOME...
Last Dinner in Brisbane before we all go home for 2 mths holidays & for Wee Hong, tis is last chance to have dinner with us in Brisbane liao. hmm... since is last chance, i decided to cook some good food for them. heehee... at the same time, clear all the food in my fridge bfore i go home. after tis dinner, is time to sit down and slowly pack my luaggage to go home!
before the dinner, is a round of photo taking... yeahz!
Me & my 2 irritating but fun-loving housemates, Huiying & Tess with a table full of food!
Dish ONE: Seafood Tom Yam Soup (with prawns, crab meat & vegetables)...
before the dinner, is a round of photo taking... yeahz!
Dish THREE: Kangkong with Sambal Chilli Sauce
Dish FOUR: Kangkong with Oyster Sauce (specially for Wee Hong as he dun really take spicy food)
in abt 3 days time, i will be on my way back to HOME SWEET HOME... really getting more and more gan chiong... days pass so so fast... come to tink, abt 1 mth ago, i still tinking when can i go back spore. now is juz 3 days away... heehee...
now is time to tink abt new yr resolution. maybe i will write down my resolution while i am on the flight back home ah... whahaha...
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Happy Birthday to Ivy!!!
is Boxing Day today!!! & is a special day for someone... the youngest among my 2/4 buddies... Ms Ivy Chan! is her birthday today... looking at the photo below, make me rem 1 yr ago, we celebrated her birthday at our 2/4 Xmas chalet. wow... so fast one yr liao... heehee...
hereby sending my warmest wishes to the bday girl...
hereby sending my warmest wishes to the bday girl...
HAPPY Birthday to u!!!
Happy BIRTHDAY to u!!!
Happy Birthday to u!!!
*may all ur wishes come TRUE and enjoy ur day to the fullest!!! have fun & all the very best!!!*
Monday, December 25, 2006
Christmas Party... mini xmas dinner gathering
Merry Christmas!!!
today is Xmas! sending my warmest greetings to everyone out there. may all ur wishes come true and have a great year ahead...
last nite my housemates and i had a mini, peaceful and enjoyable party at home. we each contributed some items for tis party. and we had a gift exchange. heehee... our own form of christmas party and christmas dinner... as Wee Hong are leaving here for good, so for the last time, he decided to cook us a good meal. whahaha... he and his favourite, Mian Fen Gao. woohoo... so tis is our chinese style of Christmas Dinner... & Wee Hong very nice lor... i complained tat i miss Ban Mian, so he tried to change some of the Mian Fen Gao into Bian Mian. whahaha... so funny looking but still taste great. really wanna thank him ah... help me fulfill my craving temporary.. heehee... & Thank u to my 2 other lovely housemates, Tess & Huiying for making tis xmas party a perfect and enjoyable one... i am going to miss all these as tis is the 1st and last xmas we will have together in tis house... :D
after the yummy and delicious dinner, we decided to give our stomach a break ah... before we serve our dessert. so we had our gift exchange. heehee... after 4 rounds of picking the names, we din manage to get it. Tess always pick her own pressie. so at the 5th round, we finally managed to have an even exchange. Huiying gotten my pressie, I gotten Tess', Tess gotten Wee Hong & Wee Hong gotten Huiying's. all juz as nice. take a look at our pressie ah...
Activity time!!! photo taking too... so around the house, we r so busy taking photos here and there... here r some of our lovely and creative photos...
after activity time, is dessert time!!! woohoo... the lovely log cake! well, the variety here r not as much or as nice as those in spore but still better than nutting... & to create more ambience, we decide to save electricity! whahaha.. trying to create a very romantic atmosphere with all the candles... see how creative we r...
Sunday, December 24, 2006
~~~Final 7 days...
final 7 days!!! or 1 week sound shorter leh??? whahaha... anyway, in 7 more days i will b going HOME!!! back to spore... my hometown... a familiar ground which i had been missing so so much for tis past 1 yr. i noe u guys in spore miss me leh... heehee... dun worry, i will be back soon... real soon! so wait for me! then can go out chit chat, shopping, sing KTV, mahjong and many more!!! woohoo~~!!! juz the tot of it make me so excited liao. tess had been saying the same sentence day and nite regarding going home "yeahz!!! going home soon ah... shuang ah!" whahaha... listen until we super sian liao.. but still i understand her feeling cos in my heart, i have same tots as her... i feel shuang ah! can go home finally... heehee...
**final 7 days to HOME SWEET HOME...
before going home, another good meal with my housemates again. whahha... we all getting fatter and fatter after days of eating and eating ah... here r our evidence...
Tess, Huiying, Waijuan & Me @ Fu Yao Restaurant...
Tess, Huiying, Waijuan, Wee Hong...
Entree... soup of the day.. oso dunno wat soup ah... whahaha... but taste not bad...
Dish ONE: Shan Dong Chicken... suggested by ME... rather normal but still not tat bad...
Dish TWO: Sweet and Sour Pork... suggested by huiying... she and her sweet and sour pork... whahaha...
**final 7 days to HOME SWEET HOME...
before going home, another good meal with my housemates again. whahha... we all getting fatter and fatter after days of eating and eating ah... here r our evidence...
Dish FOUR: Hong Shao Beancurd
both suggested by Waijuan. the beancurd is nice!
Dish FIVE: Fish... dunno wat fish, suggested by Wee Hong. finally we eaten a whole line fish here & is really nice!!! whaha.. crispy and tasty..
overall still taste ok... but i like the food at the vietnamese restaurant i went with my housemates previously. heehee... taste better! siao liao... everyday eat and eat... whahaha....
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Final 10 days~~~
today is the day i had been waiting patiently... dun misunderstand, today is not the day i am going home lah. today is the final 10 days countdown... i told myself tat i can start to countdown to 31st Dec when is 10 days away. hahaha... so i shall start my countdown from today. i dunno if is becos i had been away from Home for abt 1 yr, i really yearn to go home now. for tis moment, i had enough of my Aussie experience. i juz wanna go back spore to my family, frens and life. let me feel for it and recharge before i come back here and start all over again for the last sem. heehee... from today onwards, everyday will have at least 1 entry of countdown! heehee... to share my excitement, yesterday i went to cut hair with my housemates. oh well, we juz trim a bit lah. so tat when we go home, our hair not so messy. heehee... here it is...
***final 10 days countdown to HOME SWEET HOME!!!
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Sunshine Swim cum Yummy Dinner
heehee... tis holidays is really wat i call "Enjoying"! yeahz!!! yesterday i went to Southbank for swimming with my housemates, Huiying and Wee Hong. It is a man-made beach in Brisbane, Brisbane only beach too. is like a big big swimming pool. alot of pple ah. as is now summer. many Aussie like to there for sun tan and enjoy the sunshine while relaxing. so 3 of us oso went to enjoy the sunshine. (until now my shoulders got sunburnt lah. whahaha...) of cos we took some photos lah... here u r...
Me!!! taken while waiting for the ferry to come...
Me & Huiying on the ferry towards our destination...
Me and Wee Hong with Brisbane city skyline as background
Me & Huiying under the blue blue Brissy sky...
Fish & Chips & Subway 6 inch Teriyaki Chicken...
Spring Rolls and Prawn "Ho Fun" (the chilli padi really super duper best! Hot sia!)
After the swim, Tess joined us after her work. by then me and huiying felt very hungry liao. so there we r, going for our late lunch after swim... heehee...
after our late lunch, we chatted for quite a while before proceeding to our dinner. whahaha... yeahz... is food again!!! we keep eating and eating lah... aiyooo....
tis time we go to a Vietnamese and Chinese restaurant for "zi cha" dinner. heehee... not like the type we have Spore ah. but very nice lah... here u r...
After dinner, we took a train home. as all of us r so FULL. we din wanna sit down and wait patiently for half an hr for the train. we keep walked around the platform and take photos.... wind was blowing strongly so we enjoying taking photos with cold win blowing ah.. whahaha...
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