My "victory" items from the trip... haha!!!

Yeahz... is my fav time of the sem... ONE week mid semester break to rejuvenate and enjoy... before i struggle and mug for assignments after assignments, i went on a 4 days 3 nights road trip with my 2 housemates,
Huiying &
Tess (my 2 beautiful drivers while my job is to plan the route, navigate the direction & lead the way with the directory) to Sunshine Coast & Noosa, north to Brisbane. is abt 1 and a half hour drive. we rented a car & there we go! 3 girls on our 1st ever road trip in Aussie... yeahz!!! yippee!!!
Photos Part 1
Our best companion for the trip... "小红" .. love her so so much for bringing us around... miss her ah... *haha*
Ready to GO! yeahz... well equipped with our bags, pillows & FOOD!!
Big Kart Track.. very exciting & fun.. no seat belts wor.. feel like flying out ah.. haha.. $29 for 15mins but worth the $$$!
Glass House Mountain.. y issit call glass house mountain leh? haha.. according to description, when light shine on it, it can reflect like a glass.. but i din really see it lah cos we lost our way along the way to the scenic lookout.. haha.. next time i will go again then i see if is really reflection of glass...
Glass House Mountain in the background... does tis photo look like postcard picture?? haha...
to be continued...
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