Yesterday, Fiona, Charlotte, Philip & I went around uni to take some photos of the last Spring in our Aussie studies life. with the ending of Spring, flowers start to drop off from the trees. the very lovely scene of Jacaranda (purple flowers) can no longer be seen. however we managed to capture some other lovely "flowery" scenes as well as some really candid shots and also some very loving couple scenes. heehee... here we go, our photo taking around uni...
1st Stop: Forgan Smith Building

i like tis whole background with the combination of the tree and the building... but tis is nOt a very good place to take photo as there is a challenge to jump up tat uplifted pavement.. poor Char.. but the photo effect was good and worthwhile for the effort, isn't it?

lovely couple scene 1: Lesbo dating... whahaha...

Fiona & I @ this tree which I oso dunnO how to describe but i juz like the colour of the tree and once again the building really create a big difference...
2nd Stop: somewhere in front of Law Building...

Philip (up on the tree), Fiona & Char... only half the tree was captured.. look out for the other half in the next few pics...

my fav photo of the day.. lovely flowers & definitely 3 pretty ladies with our charismatic smile.. whahaha...(i hear objection & puking sound! hahaha...) *very thick-skinned ah!*

Only Group Photo as there r 2 girls who are attracted to this tree & so we managed to get someone to take photo for 4 of us... yippee~!!!

Char & her "flowery kiss" ~muackzzzzz~
Stop 3: Fountain next to SSH library

~muack! ~muack! for the flowers...
Stop 4: Next to UQ Lake

1 of the only few remaining Jacaranda Trees... fallen Jacaranda flowers on the grass is just as lovely as they r on the tree... Char & Fiona acting lovely on tis patch of purple flowers...

Candid Shot 1: Miss Charlotte with her "super diaoz" look...

Fiona & Char's "double kayaking" pose...

Is Deepavali! let's go with the festival mood... woohoo~!!!

suppose to be the "spirit fingers" (me & Fiona's actions) & the Cheery smile (Char's action)... did i get the names correct for the actions, Fiona & Char?
Next few photos are the combo of lovely scenes... Main leads of these scenes, Mr Philip and Miss Charlotte... awwww... so sweet sweet ah... loving leh...

Scene 1: Char showing her "passionate feelings" for Phil by giving him a "surprise" hug from the back! woohoo~!!

Scene 2: is time for the guy to do something... Phil showing his "affection" for Char by giving her the "hug" of the century.... sweet sweet leh...

Scene 3: woooo... Char is just so "passionate" abt showing her "affection" for Phil... how lovely ah...

Scene 4: Imagine the 2 of them in Wedding outfit... dun they resemble those wedding photos with poses along the bridge across the water... the bride showing her "affection" for the groom by a "kiss of the lifetime"... heehee...

mmm... compare with previous one, which has a better feel of "lovely couple"??? tis one seems more like "one-sided" love... hahaha...

Candid Shot... i like tis photo as our smile and laughter r so so natural... woohoo~!!!!

fallen Yellow flowers & 3 smilely ladies...

ducky family having a stroll when intruder Phil tried to "ka jiao" them.. there r like a few ducky family strolling around & we noticed tat the family is made up of 1 Father ducky, 1 Mother ducky & 3 ducklings... so i guess in the Kingdom of Duckies, they have tis family campaign of ... "1 is too few.. 2 is NOT enough.. 3 is the right number! have more ducklings to create a bigger Duckies Kingdom.. woohoo`!!!

last photo of the day... Star Jump!!! woooo... yippee~!!!
**pardon me if my entry is too crappy & words r repeatedly used ah... my mind now is so stuck with stuff on statistics and more statistics.. so can't tink properly... haiz...**
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