is after exam & we shall have FUN & more FUN!!! Road Trip up on the schedule... 3 days 2 nights Mount Tamborine Road Trip with Fiona, Philip, Charlotte & Isaac was simply amazing and awesome. we had so so much fun playing the activities, exploring the nature and driving around. of cos along the way there were non-stop laughing moments with crappy jokes & crazy photo-taking poses. i shall write less and let u guys enjoy the photos instead. here it goes:
Day 1: Purlingbrook Falls, Springbrook National Park & Glow Worms Cave

"tree cave" @ the entrance of the national park...

118m high.. Purlingbrook Falls, one of the must see place in Queensland. esp after heavy rainfall, the water flowing down the fall will create a very amazing scene... the day when we were there, there was only light shower in the morning.

Sista-hood @ Purlingbrook Falls...

Phil, Fiona and Char @ the stream with a "standing pose" heehee...

Girls' Power @ the stream with a "squating pose" haha..

Isaac @ the stream with a "act seh & emo pose" wooo...

Mr Yang is feeling emo again... in deep thots as he crossed the bridge...

recognise any similarities in the expressions and actions of the 4 of them? some of the very familiar actions and expressions which u will see on MSN... try to recall and match to their actions accordingly.. will reveal ans in my next few entries...

The Natural Bridge & the arch created by lava from Mount Warning many many years ago... this is a picturesque scene which many Brisbane brochures abt nature walk used as their cover page...

see the bottom of the photo... there are pple equipped with big floats and enjoying a water splashing experience at the Natural Bridge cave...
Under the Canopy of Love,

the passion between me and Char formed a heart shape tat ties the 2 of us closely together... hahaha...

HOWEVER, when it became Fiona & Char, it was always a one-sided love... poor Char having to tolerate "dao" Fiona...

we r @ the Queensland and New South Wales Border... seriously a border with a gate (broken) separating the 2 states. as with day light saving now, if we go thru to NSW, we will experience a time difference... heehee... here we r @ New South Wales State Border...

back to homeground, we r at the Queensland State Border.. i still prefer tis side of the border... grass r greener, pple r friendlier, air is fresher and life is BETTER!!! Queensland!

Initial D effect...
did Isaac perform some drifting leh?... hahaha... wait long long lor... is all abt effect from the camera la...

back in the accommodation... is time for some indoor game... MAHJONG!!! woohoo~!!! long awaiting moments.. my last opportunity to have khakis for mahjong in Aussie lor..

told Isaac i wanna a QC for tis photo during the game liao.. cos tis set of tiles is Phil's... hahaha...
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