Philip's Bday Celeration!!! so juz who is Philip? well, for the benefit of my frens in Spore, he is my fren uni lah... whahaha... y am i so excited abt his bday leh? cos tis is the 1st bday celebration we have in Brisbane ever since uni started. heehee... before i start the ball rolling, let me juz intro u the main lead of the day... here u r:
Dinner was @ Cybercity in Chinatown as suggested by the bday boy himself. hmm... as we din had the time to prepare bday gift for him, so the dinner was a treat for him. and he is damn lucky lor. can celebrate with so many girls... my housemates & i with his housemates and a fren. see how lucky tis guy can be ah... so many girls, really enjoy life ah... whahaha!!! here u r, our dinner:
act bday boy wanna go for dessert after dinner @ Freestyle. but we r juz too FULL to absorb any yummy dessert. so for the sake of not wasting the dessert, we decided to give it a miss and instead, juz find a place to chill out! yeahz! heehee... so long nv chill out ever since we came back from hols tis time round. Chill Out @ one of the bar restuarant in city!
great bday dinner celebration and a fruitful chill out session! had a long long chit chat session abt alot of tings. some r very enlightening, some very pleasant, some very interesting, some r making pple envy and alot alot more. overall, i guess everyone who is involved in the chit chat session had a great time sharing views, advices and comments. heehee... look forward to more of such session ah... cos not much chance to do it liao... esp with my 2 housemates, huiying and tess. last sem tat we r going to be spending together in Aussie. gonna miss all these good old times... :D
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