before i start, i muz clarify. i am busy with my studies, busy with an essay due next week, busy with a presentation due in 2 weeks time and a report which require me to go on a field trip next week to gather info and pics. so overall i am BUSY! is juz tat i chose to be LAZY when my brain is lack of "power" to continue on writing the essay. writing bloggy is much easier. cos the flow juz come by... whahaha... okok, is all excuses but i juz like all these excuses. *blek*
for a start, let me show u guys wat i ate for dinner last nite with my housemates. heehee... we went to
Salt & Battery, the ever-popular fish & chips @ Hawken Drive, somewhere near my house. i tink pic tells the story so without much of my comments, here is the photo of the yummy food tat make us continuously saying "i am so FULL" till we get home:
yummy! yummy! is really delicious lor and value for money!
as i was typing my essay, i looked left, rite, center, around my room & these caught my attention. whahaha... something tat i will flip thru whenever i feel like it. it "cure" some of my homesickness at times. here they r:

photo card, friendship card, xmas card, farewell photo album, farewell gift... these r the most precious items i ever can have... cos is FULL of feelings, memories & encouragement...

not tat i am bias, but tis is really my fav of all. cos i realised tat some of the photos here, i din even rem taking them before lah. wonder how did
Jas manage to dig out from her tons of photo albums. hahaha...
with tat, it strike me a topic for bloggy (how i wish is equally as easy to strike me with ideas for my essay ah!). "miracles of my life"... meaning additional "gifts" given to me in life. yes! these additional "gifts" r referring to FRIENDS! friends who left me greatest memories of all, friends who impact my life, friends who had been thru ups and downs with me. friends whom i will still rem even is 10, 20, 3o yrs later. not exaggarating but to me, friends really form an impt part in my life. without most of them listed below (photos maybe shown somewhere in my previous entries ah, so pls bear with the repetition. :D), i guess i wun be wat i am today. apart from family, they r really the "gifts" of life...
"Gift" No. 1: Primary Sch Friends from 6A'1996 WPS
with more than 10 years of friendship (more to go!), i am glad tat they r still in my life. even without constant contact or meeting up, we r still existing in each other's life. meeting up once in a while had been something which i am treasuring very much with this grp of childhood frens...

taken during steamboat dinner in Dec 2005
"Gift" No. 2: 2/4'98 AMKSS buddies
we juz hit our 10 yrs of frenship! well, more to go definitely! with them around, i noe i can have non-stop laughter, enjoyment, "suaning", jokes and fun. so far, it was all good! once a yr gathering had been going on fine. i really really hope it will go on & on.

latest photo taken @ my house in Spore during our gathering (not complete force cos some r MIA).
"Gift" No.3: My Spice Buddies
for past, present, future, i juz noe tat they r always my NO.1!!!! a grp of frens i really cannot live without. in any aspects, they played an impt role. making me having non-stop laughter, "suaning" whenever they can, irritating me whenever possible, encouraging me whenever in need, helping me with small & big matters whenever they can and many many more tat they r there for me. is the mutual connection tat i share with every single of them tat r impt. (getting mushy here but is TRUE lor!)

my farewell dinner with them before i came back to Brissy in Feb 2007.
"Gift" No. 4: "S.H.E" from 2B26 NP
yes! juz 2 of them. Patricia and San San. during poly years, they r the greatest support i ever can have. they bear with my nonsense and mood swings during our poly years. whenever i am overwhelmed with studies, CCA stuffs, relationships & many more, they r the ones who will come by and give me a pat on my shoulders. simple action and words from them r juz good enough to make me hang on and go on further.

we r the "S.H.E" from 2B26 NP. whahaha... kinda bu yao lian ah..
"Gifts" No. 5: Mentoring Committee
not tat i will mention them very often. not tat many of u will noe their presence but they r someone who had great impact in my life during my poly years. they hang on with me for tat 1 yr in the mentoring committee. bearing with all my crazy ideas, unreasonable requests, emotional feelings & inexperience leadership. many ups and downs in the committee tat we went thru. days of hardwork and many sleepless nites tat we went thru together to get tings done r juz countless. & at the end of the day, i am glad tat i survive with them thru tis 1 yr. & i tink i still owe every single of them a word of sincere "THANK YOU!"

photo taken back then in Year 2004 before we step down as committe members
"Gift" No. 6: My housemates cum buddies in Australia
overseas studies life would not been tat interesting and bearable without them. they r, my 2 wonderful housemates cum buddies in Australia, Huiying & Tess. in fact, they r my "family" in Australia as whenever i wake up in the morning here, i will see them. all the experiences i went thru with them r precious memories tat i will bring along with me when i leave Aussie at the end of studies. long hours of chit chatting and gossiping sessions, long hours of movie marathon, long hours of house spring cleaning and our all time fav of pizza and fish & chips dinners will definitely be something tat i will miss.

photo taken during Summer graduation in Dec 2006. we r attending as our friends' supporters. in a few mths time, we will be attending the ceremony as GRADUATES! a moment tat we had been longing for & at the same time, a time tat we noe we will have to say "GOODBYE"...
okok... so much for now. can get back to my essay writing liao. pardon me for being too longwinded and mushy. hahaha... as these 2 attributes r in-born lor. whahaha... :P