let's see... wat did i do for tis new year? lunch and dinner gathering with family and relatives. visiting relatives to collect ang baos. hahaha... a midnite movie with my cousins, auntie and uncle, mahjong session with auntie, uncle and grandma. hahaha... fruitful Chinese New Year! & here r some highlights for this festive period...
17 Feb 2007 - Chinese New Year Eve 2007
is a day i always looked forward to since young. tis is the day when everyone in the family will gathered together for Steamboat dinner! & i can see my grandma running in and out the kitchen bringing out bowls after bowls of soup base and ready cooked food. she will nv stop and sit down and eat with us. hahaha... tat's my grandma...
tis yr grandma's house is exceptionally crowded ah. cos we have additional guests. heehee... my sis-in-law came along with my bro and not only did she joined us for dinner. she oso cooked fried bee hoon. taste not bad & my cousin, Weiqi simply love it. hahaha... & my eldest cousin, Seow Wai & her family oso joined us for dinner. so there i am playing with my lovely niece, Lynnette while everyone is busy at the "Lao Yu Sheng". heehee... in the midst of everyone running around, toking abt, me & bro made use of the good chance to take photos with our lovely niece, Lynnette! heehee... she look so cute with big round eyes, ever alert to listen to watever is going on in the surrounding.
21 Feb 2007 - Chinese New Year 4th Day
today is a visit to my cousin, Seow Yin's house with my grandma, bro and sister-in-law. heehee... it had been 1 long yr since i last saw my eldest niece, Joyce. she grew up sp much. last yr when i saw her, she was still using her butt to move abt. tis time round, she can run abt. we had fun running after the bubbles and trying to catch them. her smile is very lovely. typical little girl smile, innocent and pretty. i really had great fun playing with her and i am really going to miss all these.
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