too fast liao huh? i tink if u r my blog's faithful fan & my frens who always listen to my grumbles, u all shld noe tat i am juz being crappy to say tat i graduate liao... whahhaa... cos GRADUATION is still abt 1 year away for me... yeahz... i am still an UNDERGRADUATE lah... i really wish is my graduation lor... haha... can go back spore faster.. heehee...
shall show the real grp of graduates... yeahz!!! here they r:

left to rite: Wai Juan, Jessie, Baowei, Chin Yew, Tash
all of them r future accountants... heehee... CONGRATULATIONS, guys!!! deserve a round of applause for all of them as they really did their very best for every semester of studies! HIP! HIP! HURRAY!!! yeahz!
anyway, finally attend UQ's graduation. hmm... kinda casual lah. not so formal & very fast. haha... tis time round we have 5 frens graduating together & at the same ceremony. so we act form a supporter grp to help them take photos, carry things, buy pressie and flowers, act as driver and cameramen, cheer leaders. at the same time act as their Daddy & Mummy as their families din attend. is a really tiring job lor... haha... whole grp of us into 2 cars going around the campus b4 the ceremony to take photos at diff corner of uni for remembrance. with all of us wearing formal & carrying flowers around, we feel tat we r like going thru marriage ceremony. with the 1st car (all the graduates plus a fren as cameraman) & 2nd car of all the helpers, cameramen, cheer leaders... haha... u noe how kua zhang the 5 of them r.. we had abt 6 cameras. at the end of the whole ceremony, 1 memory FULL, 1 LOW batt. then during the ceremony, we had a very good cooperation with photo taking & cheering. since we had so many cameras, we had 3 pple station at the most strategic location to take video, photo & photo from the actual big screen. then another 2 camera at the aisle back to seat after they get their cert to take their photos with cert. rest of us r the cheer leaders.. cheering for each of them when they go on stage.. haha... is like some war game with strategy planning... faint sia... (i cheer until i no voice liao ah!!!) helpers r more tired out than the graduates ah... whahaa... anyway, here is a grp photos of all of us... graduates & the supporters!!!

Bottom Row (Left to Rite): ME, Jessie, Fion, Tess, Chin Yew, Jia Kang, Baowei, Tash

Celebration Dinner (@ 10pm lor... HUNGRY sia!!!) is a TREAT from our graduates ah... so so KIND of them... really wanna say a big big THANK YOU!!! they wanna show great gratitude to us, helpers for running around for them & helping them out... hahaha...
okok... follow on is 2 rounds of steamboat dinner @ my house to continue celebration... & now it marks the end of the Jan Sem... starting a brand NEW sem tomolo... looking forward sia... whahaha...
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