woohoo!!! yesterday was a great great day with the most wonderful in Australia so far... haha.. is a BBQ bday party for my housemate, Tess and oso one last gathering before exam. almost 15 of our frens came to our house. of cos my frens will not let go of tis chance to dirty my house lah... haha... juz like wat i got during my 21st bday, a cake bath... we oso gave the bday girl a bath of chilli sauce, egg, flour, cake, toothpaste and water. haha... until she is super dirty, smelly and drenched ah! but i noe she enjoy it ah... haha...
we started at abt 6pm then they started to sabo Tess at abt 7plus.. before we could surprise her with the cake.. and the poor cake had been utilised as one of the weapon to attack Tess. haha.. well, we told Tess tat there will be no cake cos we have no time to buy. i noe she is very disappointed, so there we r, bringing out the cake to surprise her. heehee...
then after cutting the cake, drinking session started. wow... we drank so so much tat there r 5 drunk pple! omg!!! vomitting one after another.. act we din drink tat much... is juz tat we anyhow mix the drink so end up everyone gotten drunk very fast. juz imagine mixing pure volka with wine and beer??? then we played games, 1st is number game, 2nd is the game something like 7-up but we used the number "3". is really really fun game but at tat hour when everyone is half drunk, who can tink properly leh? so end up everyone gotten punished and keep drinking the alcohol drink mixed by my fren, Wee Hong.
so slowly, one by one got drunk. Tess, Tash & Baowei r the only 3 gals who r drunk. Tess keep crawling out of her room when we put her there to rest cos we dun have enough pple to take care of the rest, then Tash keep saying " let's go and buy more wine! not enough... still early... shop not close ah!" and Baowei keep laughing from she is drunk till she finally tire out and slept at Huiying's bed. as for the guys, Chin Yew and Wee Hong r the 2 drunk ones. Chin Yew was okay after a while and after drinking some hot drinks. However, the ultimate drunk one is Wee Hong, star of the nite when he is not the bday boy lor... haha... he is so drunk until we cannot move him up the room. end up, my 2 guy frens, Ting Hui and Isaac got to drag him upstairs to my room. then he wanna vomit, but he is too weak to go to the toilet so we can only bring plastic bag for him to vomit. then as he vomit, he keep saying alot of funny tings like "我是偶像派!", "mummy, i should study instead of drinking"... it took abt 4 of us to keep him calm and finally get him to sleep after vomiting for abt 1 hr, using up my full basket of plastic bags. haha... and he still left trace in my room by vomiting a bit at my carpet... aiyo!!! so end up he slept in my room on the floor. i had to be living room master for the nite. haiz... poor me... :( but nvm lah, seeing him like tis, i oso kelian him ah... but i tink he had fun.. lots of fun until now.. cos he will be the main topic for fun and laughter for the rest of the sem with all his funny words and actions during when he is drunk. haha...
anyway, yesterday was really great! a good and fun time to relax before all of us strive hard for exam. though is damn tiring for me and huiying as we had to do all the cleaning up after they left. until abt 4am then we went to sleep. is really tiring ah.. even till now my house still have stain of eggs and smell of cake and eggs... but nvm lah, once in a while for fun and laughter... heehee... oh well, they planning for a 2nd round of drinking session after exam on 24jun, my last day of paper. gosh~! my house again ah... haha... pray hard tat Wee Hong dun get so drunk again... and kick me out of my room again! heehee... however for fun and laughter, i tink nvm lah... heehee...
juz to share some "normal" photos we took cos there r so many candid photos taken yesterday, over 300plus photos... dun wanna make anyone embarrassed, so i shall post some normal ones, if anyone wanna see the cool and nice candid photos, ask from me ba... heehee... when i have time, i will post them in my yahoo photo album. heehee...
we started at abt 6pm then they started to sabo Tess at abt 7plus.. before we could surprise her with the cake.. and the poor cake had been utilised as one of the weapon to attack Tess. haha.. well, we told Tess tat there will be no cake cos we have no time to buy. i noe she is very disappointed, so there we r, bringing out the cake to surprise her. heehee...
then after cutting the cake, drinking session started. wow... we drank so so much tat there r 5 drunk pple! omg!!! vomitting one after another.. act we din drink tat much... is juz tat we anyhow mix the drink so end up everyone gotten drunk very fast. juz imagine mixing pure volka with wine and beer??? then we played games, 1st is number game, 2nd is the game something like 7-up but we used the number "3". is really really fun game but at tat hour when everyone is half drunk, who can tink properly leh? so end up everyone gotten punished and keep drinking the alcohol drink mixed by my fren, Wee Hong.
so slowly, one by one got drunk. Tess, Tash & Baowei r the only 3 gals who r drunk. Tess keep crawling out of her room when we put her there to rest cos we dun have enough pple to take care of the rest, then Tash keep saying " let's go and buy more wine! not enough... still early... shop not close ah!" and Baowei keep laughing from she is drunk till she finally tire out and slept at Huiying's bed. as for the guys, Chin Yew and Wee Hong r the 2 drunk ones. Chin Yew was okay after a while and after drinking some hot drinks. However, the ultimate drunk one is Wee Hong, star of the nite when he is not the bday boy lor... haha... he is so drunk until we cannot move him up the room. end up, my 2 guy frens, Ting Hui and Isaac got to drag him upstairs to my room. then he wanna vomit, but he is too weak to go to the toilet so we can only bring plastic bag for him to vomit. then as he vomit, he keep saying alot of funny tings like "我是偶像派!", "mummy, i should study instead of drinking"... it took abt 4 of us to keep him calm and finally get him to sleep after vomiting for abt 1 hr, using up my full basket of plastic bags. haha... and he still left trace in my room by vomiting a bit at my carpet... aiyo!!! so end up he slept in my room on the floor. i had to be living room master for the nite. haiz... poor me... :( but nvm lah, seeing him like tis, i oso kelian him ah... but i tink he had fun.. lots of fun until now.. cos he will be the main topic for fun and laughter for the rest of the sem with all his funny words and actions during when he is drunk. haha...
anyway, yesterday was really great! a good and fun time to relax before all of us strive hard for exam. though is damn tiring for me and huiying as we had to do all the cleaning up after they left. until abt 4am then we went to sleep. is really tiring ah.. even till now my house still have stain of eggs and smell of cake and eggs... but nvm lah, once in a while for fun and laughter... heehee... oh well, they planning for a 2nd round of drinking session after exam on 24jun, my last day of paper. gosh~! my house again ah... haha... pray hard tat Wee Hong dun get so drunk again... and kick me out of my room again! heehee... however for fun and laughter, i tink nvm lah... heehee...
juz to share some "normal" photos we took cos there r so many candid photos taken yesterday, over 300plus photos... dun wanna make anyone embarrassed, so i shall post some normal ones, if anyone wanna see the cool and nice candid photos, ask from me ba... heehee... when i have time, i will post them in my yahoo photo album. heehee...

Me & Huiying before the start of the drinking session when all of us r still awake and there r pple around to take photos for us... haha.. as in proper photos lah...
Group Photo!!! paiseh ah... not too well taken as i used timer... seems a bit out of alignment... heehee...
yeahz... tat is all for the party. tink after exam will have more... and tis is the 1st ever time tat we r so drunk, so high, so happy and so enjoying! really really great!!! making my uni life seems more enjoyable and full of colours ah... heehee...
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