Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Kids r simply wonderful & they nv fail to brighten my day...
*yawnz* *yawnz* tis is wat my reaction was early tis morning @ 6am when i have to wake up so early to catch the 7.30am Citycat ferry to city and then change bus so tat i can reach Mater Hill Hospital by 8.30am. yep! is my volunteer work! 1st day of volunteer session... rather excited and i was not late! so proud of myself ah... from my house here to the hospital is abt half hour away. however due to the timing of ferry and bus, i need to wake up on time... haiz... if not, i will be late when i miss one.
anyway, there i am... on my way to the hospital... feeling sleepy and very very cold. (winter is coming!!! weather changing to damn damn cold sia...) finally reached the hospital... starting my shift @ 8.30am. as tis is my 1st session, i had to follow my supervisor to get my ID pass. is an instant photo taking, so ugly ah!!! i cannot even open my eyes, how to take photo ah!!! haiz... end up my ID pass really very er xin.. u see below lah... arrgghh!!!
after taking my ID pass, i went to the children's specialist clinics to start my work. there r alot of children waiting to see doctors. so there i am with my trolley of toys, colouring, drawing papers and books. approaching every kid tat i see and asked them "would u like to have anything to play with?" seeing their smile make me feel so so warmth... i simply love kids... and bringing happiness to them is the happiest thing i can ever do. one by one, i tried to keep them occupied with something to do, from playing games and toys to drawing and colouring to reading a book. then to my biggest surprise, 3 very very heart warming things happened. 1stly, a little boy came running to me to return the toy car he borrowed. then before he left, he actually came up to me and gave me a warm hug and said "thank u". his action was very very sudden and i din had chance to react in time. i really feel very warm in my heart and really feel very pleasant after tis sweet hug. 2ndly, a little boy came running to me to get the toys from me to play. after i lent him some toy cars, he ran away. then he realise he din thank me, so he came running back to me specially to say "thank u!". his tone is really really very cute and lovely. with tat smile on his face, is simply a perfect thank u i can ever get. 3rdly is tat there is tis little boy who came to return the toys to me and when i said "thank u", he replied me "is my pleasure". and thru out my stay there, he always gave me the sunshine and charming smile whenever he sees me. i can guarantee tat he will be a Mr Gentleman when he grow up next time, well-mannered and charming. handsome little prince charming... haha... *seems tat i attracted many little boys ah...haha...* well, of cos there r other kids, both girls and boys who r very well-mannered and appreciative. they wun make noise when we need to take the toys away, neither do they take tings for granted. which i really really think that they r very well-mannered. it really make me feel great doing my volunteer work ah... haha...
anyway, i look forward to next week for my volunteer work as is a form of stress reliever for me too. though i need to scarifice my sleep, i still tink is worthy. seeing those innocent smile and listening to their lovely voice juz brighten my day and make everything seems less stressful. at the same time, it reminds me very much abt my cousins... haiz... i miss them so so much!!!
took some photos after my volunteer work... show u all ah...
anyway, there i am... on my way to the hospital... feeling sleepy and very very cold. (winter is coming!!! weather changing to damn damn cold sia...) finally reached the hospital... starting my shift @ 8.30am. as tis is my 1st session, i had to follow my supervisor to get my ID pass. is an instant photo taking, so ugly ah!!! i cannot even open my eyes, how to take photo ah!!! haiz... end up my ID pass really very er xin.. u see below lah... arrgghh!!!
after taking my ID pass, i went to the children's specialist clinics to start my work. there r alot of children waiting to see doctors. so there i am with my trolley of toys, colouring, drawing papers and books. approaching every kid tat i see and asked them "would u like to have anything to play with?" seeing their smile make me feel so so warmth... i simply love kids... and bringing happiness to them is the happiest thing i can ever do. one by one, i tried to keep them occupied with something to do, from playing games and toys to drawing and colouring to reading a book. then to my biggest surprise, 3 very very heart warming things happened. 1stly, a little boy came running to me to return the toy car he borrowed. then before he left, he actually came up to me and gave me a warm hug and said "thank u". his action was very very sudden and i din had chance to react in time. i really feel very warm in my heart and really feel very pleasant after tis sweet hug. 2ndly, a little boy came running to me to get the toys from me to play. after i lent him some toy cars, he ran away. then he realise he din thank me, so he came running back to me specially to say "thank u!". his tone is really really very cute and lovely. with tat smile on his face, is simply a perfect thank u i can ever get. 3rdly is tat there is tis little boy who came to return the toys to me and when i said "thank u", he replied me "is my pleasure". and thru out my stay there, he always gave me the sunshine and charming smile whenever he sees me. i can guarantee tat he will be a Mr Gentleman when he grow up next time, well-mannered and charming. handsome little prince charming... haha... *seems tat i attracted many little boys ah...haha...* well, of cos there r other kids, both girls and boys who r very well-mannered and appreciative. they wun make noise when we need to take the toys away, neither do they take tings for granted. which i really really think that they r very well-mannered. it really make me feel great doing my volunteer work ah... haha...
anyway, i look forward to next week for my volunteer work as is a form of stress reliever for me too. though i need to scarifice my sleep, i still tink is worthy. seeing those innocent smile and listening to their lovely voice juz brighten my day and make everything seems less stressful. at the same time, it reminds me very much abt my cousins... haiz... i miss them so so much!!!
took some photos after my volunteer work... show u all ah...
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
宽恕是人生的最美的艺术... to err is human... but to forgive is divine...
hmm.. i juz finished watching the TVB series of "Ah Wang Xin Zhuan". is a story of a guy who is rather slow in his tinking and behaves like a little kid when he is already 30yrs old liao. however, he has such pure heart, such innocent thinking tat to him, he juz wanna pple around him be happy and he will be happy. he ask for nutting in return when he is good to pple. he has no grudges against anyone. his wishes r as simple as when he sees tat pple around him r blessed with happiness, he will be happy. his life is simple as he is easily contented. his life is happy as he noes how to be appreciative..
i am touched by tis story as i really feel tat when one is easily contented and always appreciative towards life, one will be a happy person and always feels good. when one learn to forgive and forget any unhappiness and unpleasant incidents, relationship between pple will be much easier and happier.
tis is really the kind of lifestyle i hope i can have. i wanna be a happy girl who leads a simple life without much requirements. as in i wanna everyone beside me to be happy becos i can bring happiness to them. i am learning how to be contented with wat i have, how to appreciate my life, how to forgive and forget any unhappiness, nv bear grudges. when u have a more open heart to accept pple's good or bad, u will be happier too!
let bygones be bygones.. many tings happen becos it has to happen. we cannot control them neither can we stop them. since it has already happen, all we can do it to look at it from an open view and not ponder over any unhappy consequences. instead, we shld tink of ways to make it better and learn any valuable lesson from the failure.
anyway, i guess there r many pple around me who need to learn to forgive and forget juz as wat i am learning now. is a tough task to learn as not everyone can be tat generous to forgive and forget... no matter wat, i certainly hope i can be better in tis area every day ah!!!!
i am touched by tis story as i really feel tat when one is easily contented and always appreciative towards life, one will be a happy person and always feels good. when one learn to forgive and forget any unhappiness and unpleasant incidents, relationship between pple will be much easier and happier.
tis is really the kind of lifestyle i hope i can have. i wanna be a happy girl who leads a simple life without much requirements. as in i wanna everyone beside me to be happy becos i can bring happiness to them. i am learning how to be contented with wat i have, how to appreciate my life, how to forgive and forget any unhappiness, nv bear grudges. when u have a more open heart to accept pple's good or bad, u will be happier too!
let bygones be bygones.. many tings happen becos it has to happen. we cannot control them neither can we stop them. since it has already happen, all we can do it to look at it from an open view and not ponder over any unhappy consequences. instead, we shld tink of ways to make it better and learn any valuable lesson from the failure.
anyway, i guess there r many pple around me who need to learn to forgive and forget juz as wat i am learning now. is a tough task to learn as not everyone can be tat generous to forgive and forget... no matter wat, i certainly hope i can be better in tis area every day ah!!!!
GOSH!!! the fire detector went off!!!
the fire detector in my house is working!!! haha... well, today the fire detector went off with a sharp alarm, rather scary and damn loud sia! my housemate, Huiying was cooking dinner when the smoke from the oven cover almost the whole house and finally the detector went off with a loud loud alarm. hmm... lucky it can switch off. if not, fireman will come ah.. i quickly climb up and use something to off the button. gosh~! rather scary sia... but thank god is juz a false alarm. my house is made of wood lor, if there is fire, we will all be roasted pig! haha...
Sunday, May 21, 2006
Most enjoyable party in Australia so far... crazy, fun and full of laughter!!!
woohoo!!! yesterday was a great great day with the most wonderful in Australia so far... haha.. is a BBQ bday party for my housemate, Tess and oso one last gathering before exam. almost 15 of our frens came to our house. of cos my frens will not let go of tis chance to dirty my house lah... haha... juz like wat i got during my 21st bday, a cake bath... we oso gave the bday girl a bath of chilli sauce, egg, flour, cake, toothpaste and water. haha... until she is super dirty, smelly and drenched ah! but i noe she enjoy it ah... haha...
we started at abt 6pm then they started to sabo Tess at abt 7plus.. before we could surprise her with the cake.. and the poor cake had been utilised as one of the weapon to attack Tess. haha.. well, we told Tess tat there will be no cake cos we have no time to buy. i noe she is very disappointed, so there we r, bringing out the cake to surprise her. heehee...
then after cutting the cake, drinking session started. wow... we drank so so much tat there r 5 drunk pple! omg!!! vomitting one after another.. act we din drink tat much... is juz tat we anyhow mix the drink so end up everyone gotten drunk very fast. juz imagine mixing pure volka with wine and beer??? then we played games, 1st is number game, 2nd is the game something like 7-up but we used the number "3". is really really fun game but at tat hour when everyone is half drunk, who can tink properly leh? so end up everyone gotten punished and keep drinking the alcohol drink mixed by my fren, Wee Hong.
so slowly, one by one got drunk. Tess, Tash & Baowei r the only 3 gals who r drunk. Tess keep crawling out of her room when we put her there to rest cos we dun have enough pple to take care of the rest, then Tash keep saying " let's go and buy more wine! not enough... still early... shop not close ah!" and Baowei keep laughing from she is drunk till she finally tire out and slept at Huiying's bed. as for the guys, Chin Yew and Wee Hong r the 2 drunk ones. Chin Yew was okay after a while and after drinking some hot drinks. However, the ultimate drunk one is Wee Hong, star of the nite when he is not the bday boy lor... haha... he is so drunk until we cannot move him up the room. end up, my 2 guy frens, Ting Hui and Isaac got to drag him upstairs to my room. then he wanna vomit, but he is too weak to go to the toilet so we can only bring plastic bag for him to vomit. then as he vomit, he keep saying alot of funny tings like "我是偶像派!", "mummy, i should study instead of drinking"... it took abt 4 of us to keep him calm and finally get him to sleep after vomiting for abt 1 hr, using up my full basket of plastic bags. haha... and he still left trace in my room by vomiting a bit at my carpet... aiyo!!! so end up he slept in my room on the floor. i had to be living room master for the nite. haiz... poor me... :( but nvm lah, seeing him like tis, i oso kelian him ah... but i tink he had fun.. lots of fun until now.. cos he will be the main topic for fun and laughter for the rest of the sem with all his funny words and actions during when he is drunk. haha...
anyway, yesterday was really great! a good and fun time to relax before all of us strive hard for exam. though is damn tiring for me and huiying as we had to do all the cleaning up after they left. until abt 4am then we went to sleep. is really tiring ah.. even till now my house still have stain of eggs and smell of cake and eggs... but nvm lah, once in a while for fun and laughter... heehee... oh well, they planning for a 2nd round of drinking session after exam on 24jun, my last day of paper. gosh~! my house again ah... haha... pray hard tat Wee Hong dun get so drunk again... and kick me out of my room again! heehee... however for fun and laughter, i tink nvm lah... heehee...
juz to share some "normal" photos we took cos there r so many candid photos taken yesterday, over 300plus photos... dun wanna make anyone embarrassed, so i shall post some normal ones, if anyone wanna see the cool and nice candid photos, ask from me ba... heehee... when i have time, i will post them in my yahoo photo album. heehee...
we started at abt 6pm then they started to sabo Tess at abt 7plus.. before we could surprise her with the cake.. and the poor cake had been utilised as one of the weapon to attack Tess. haha.. well, we told Tess tat there will be no cake cos we have no time to buy. i noe she is very disappointed, so there we r, bringing out the cake to surprise her. heehee...
then after cutting the cake, drinking session started. wow... we drank so so much tat there r 5 drunk pple! omg!!! vomitting one after another.. act we din drink tat much... is juz tat we anyhow mix the drink so end up everyone gotten drunk very fast. juz imagine mixing pure volka with wine and beer??? then we played games, 1st is number game, 2nd is the game something like 7-up but we used the number "3". is really really fun game but at tat hour when everyone is half drunk, who can tink properly leh? so end up everyone gotten punished and keep drinking the alcohol drink mixed by my fren, Wee Hong.
so slowly, one by one got drunk. Tess, Tash & Baowei r the only 3 gals who r drunk. Tess keep crawling out of her room when we put her there to rest cos we dun have enough pple to take care of the rest, then Tash keep saying " let's go and buy more wine! not enough... still early... shop not close ah!" and Baowei keep laughing from she is drunk till she finally tire out and slept at Huiying's bed. as for the guys, Chin Yew and Wee Hong r the 2 drunk ones. Chin Yew was okay after a while and after drinking some hot drinks. However, the ultimate drunk one is Wee Hong, star of the nite when he is not the bday boy lor... haha... he is so drunk until we cannot move him up the room. end up, my 2 guy frens, Ting Hui and Isaac got to drag him upstairs to my room. then he wanna vomit, but he is too weak to go to the toilet so we can only bring plastic bag for him to vomit. then as he vomit, he keep saying alot of funny tings like "我是偶像派!", "mummy, i should study instead of drinking"... it took abt 4 of us to keep him calm and finally get him to sleep after vomiting for abt 1 hr, using up my full basket of plastic bags. haha... and he still left trace in my room by vomiting a bit at my carpet... aiyo!!! so end up he slept in my room on the floor. i had to be living room master for the nite. haiz... poor me... :( but nvm lah, seeing him like tis, i oso kelian him ah... but i tink he had fun.. lots of fun until now.. cos he will be the main topic for fun and laughter for the rest of the sem with all his funny words and actions during when he is drunk. haha...
anyway, yesterday was really great! a good and fun time to relax before all of us strive hard for exam. though is damn tiring for me and huiying as we had to do all the cleaning up after they left. until abt 4am then we went to sleep. is really tiring ah.. even till now my house still have stain of eggs and smell of cake and eggs... but nvm lah, once in a while for fun and laughter... heehee... oh well, they planning for a 2nd round of drinking session after exam on 24jun, my last day of paper. gosh~! my house again ah... haha... pray hard tat Wee Hong dun get so drunk again... and kick me out of my room again! heehee... however for fun and laughter, i tink nvm lah... heehee...
juz to share some "normal" photos we took cos there r so many candid photos taken yesterday, over 300plus photos... dun wanna make anyone embarrassed, so i shall post some normal ones, if anyone wanna see the cool and nice candid photos, ask from me ba... heehee... when i have time, i will post them in my yahoo photo album. heehee...

Me & Huiying before the start of the drinking session when all of us r still awake and there r pple around to take photos for us... haha.. as in proper photos lah...
Group Photo!!! paiseh ah... not too well taken as i used timer... seems a bit out of alignment... heehee...
yeahz... tat is all for the party. tink after exam will have more... and tis is the 1st ever time tat we r so drunk, so high, so happy and so enjoying! really really great!!! making my uni life seems more enjoyable and full of colours ah... heehee...
Thursday, May 18, 2006
Tess' 21st bday dinner... enjoy!
Today is my housemate, tess’ bday!!! Is her 21st bday!!! Happy birthday tess! So me and huiying went out to have dinner with her. We wanna go to Hogs Breath for dinner but end up we alight at wrong stop, so decide to change venue to Pig ‘n’ Whistle. Haha… we ordered our food plus half a glass of wine each. Very exp but once in a while, is ok ba… I had white wine… taste so much nicer than red one ah… haha… then we went for some shopping which each of them bought something home… lucky I came home empty handed which means no need spend $$$. Yeahz!!! Anyway, tess’ actual bday is today but celebration will me tis coming sat with BBQ in my house and a lot a lot of pple coming, yeahz!!!! Very very noisy and fun, I guess. Look forward ah!!! Haha…
We took a lot of photos today..shall share with all ya.. enjoy! I go and watch series liao… heehee…
my fav photo of the nite... do i look nice here? heehee... tat is wat i ate! fish and chips... big and so filling... nice nice...
Fish & Chips for me and Tess & double beef burger for huiying.. the fish is very fresh.. beef is very tender! delicious... yummy!
yeahz! all of three of us r so pretty tonight.. haha...
while waiting for bus, nutting better to do, we decide to make funny faces.. we took like 10 over photos of 3 of us... so tiring... haha...
We took a lot of photos today..shall share with all ya.. enjoy! I go and watch series liao… heehee…

my 1st day of Volunteer work at Mater Hill Children Hospital...
today i started on a very meaningful job! yeahz!!! felt really satisfied...esp mentally.
yes! i am doing volunteery work again! heehee... i signed up for a volunteery work in a local Aussie hospital. i am a Patient Buddy, which means i will play with the kids. my area of work is at the Specialist Clinic where kids go and see the doctor. My job is to go around with my trolley of toys and games to entertain the kids. simple and easy job but full of fun and laughter... the kids r simply lovely and adorable. they r so well educated by their parents that all of them r so well mannered. they will return the toys to me when they finish with it and will not argue for more or take the toys for granted. when they tok to me, they r juz so so polite... which i feel very much appreciated... good feeling... there is tis little girl, abt 2 to 3 yrs old. she is so so cute. she cling on to my trolley as she wanna play with the play dough. then when she finished with it, she came walking to me with the tray, equipment and play dough kept in box, all nicely packed... she is such a good girl... very cute and pretty girl with a nice smile... such a long while since i looked at such innocent children's smile.
is my 1st day of volunteer, every Wed, from 8.30am to 12.30pm, i will be down at the clinic doing my job. is a 1hr travel from my house... today i overslept, hopefully next week will be on time. anyway, i tink i will like tis job cos is really mentally fulfilling and something tat i really enjoyed! it had been a long long while since i volunteered and work with kids... i love tis feeling... :)
yes! i am doing volunteery work again! heehee... i signed up for a volunteery work in a local Aussie hospital. i am a Patient Buddy, which means i will play with the kids. my area of work is at the Specialist Clinic where kids go and see the doctor. My job is to go around with my trolley of toys and games to entertain the kids. simple and easy job but full of fun and laughter... the kids r simply lovely and adorable. they r so well educated by their parents that all of them r so well mannered. they will return the toys to me when they finish with it and will not argue for more or take the toys for granted. when they tok to me, they r juz so so polite... which i feel very much appreciated... good feeling... there is tis little girl, abt 2 to 3 yrs old. she is so so cute. she cling on to my trolley as she wanna play with the play dough. then when she finished with it, she came walking to me with the tray, equipment and play dough kept in box, all nicely packed... she is such a good girl... very cute and pretty girl with a nice smile... such a long while since i looked at such innocent children's smile.
is my 1st day of volunteer, every Wed, from 8.30am to 12.30pm, i will be down at the clinic doing my job. is a 1hr travel from my house... today i overslept, hopefully next week will be on time. anyway, i tink i will like tis job cos is really mentally fulfilling and something tat i really enjoyed! it had been a long long while since i volunteered and work with kids... i love tis feeling... :)
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
end of round ONE - assignments... Winner - IRIS LIM WEE SAN.. Half time now... round TWO - exam starting soon...
Yippee!!!! Finally!!! Today is a special special day!!! It marks the last assignment of the semester which means I am free from any essay and presentations!!! Yeahz!!!! Finally I can have a good rest, no more late nites, no more sleepless nites, no more worrying tat I cannot finish on time, no more forbidding myself to go out becos I need rush assignments and no more going to library to do till late at nite liao… haha!!!! Although all these r juz temporary freedom, I will still treasure and feel good abt it. Haha… I shall enjoy my short short freedom till end of tis week before I start to prepare for my exam which is less than a mth away. There is no more excuse for not doing well tis time round which means I am more stress ah!!! Nvm… wait till after tis week then worry.. come to tink, I look forward to the BBQ party at my house tis weekend ah… haha…
Oh ya! Today is my formal presentation for hotel management operations. Yes! Is formal which means I need to wear suit and court shoes, something which I dun really enjoy doing lor.. but for my presentation, have to lah. In my formal wear, carrying my heavy laptop, I went to sch for class early in the morning at 10am. My presentation was at 3pm so is a whole day event ah… lucky I have my grp mates ah… if not, I will look kinda weird in formal when whole uni pple r so casually dressed… haha… 2nd formal presentation ever since I come to UQ. cos here pple dun really dress up for presentation, not like in spore.. formal wear for presentation is a norm in business studies.. haha.. anyway, so here I was with my formal wear presenting with my grp mates. We had a time limit of 10mins for 4 pple to speak. Can u imagine how fast each of us has speak? & we only practise together tis morning for 3 times. So there we r, into the tutorial room, in front of my tutor and classmates, we presented on our topic! I started the presentation and immediately I made a mistake in my speech lor… haha… dunno if anyone can spot it, anyway, it went on pretty smoothly. I tink we all exceed time limit but my tutor din say anything, so nvm ah.. haha… tutor’s comment was tat we did a good job, it was the best presentation he had ever seen for today and in fact is so far the best one among all his classes. Well, we r not very convinced by his comments lah cos we tink there r rooms for improvement. Anyway, since he said is good, so we shall look forward to the marks to see how good we r ah!!! Haha… nan de have formal presentation, of cos muz take photos. All thanks to Aileen’s camera… so I am able to share with u guys my photos… heehee… here u r:
Me in my formal wear @ Business faculty Roof Top Terrace Cafe.. nice view leh... heehee... *how do i look? do i look smart??? haha...*
my grp mates, Grace (left) & Aileen (rite)... tat is our sunshine smile before presentation when Grace scared us by looking at a spoilt clock at the cafe & said "is 3pm already! (3pm suppose to b our presentation timing)
is us again!!! haha... after presentation.. tis is still sunshine smile but is with relieve and happiness!!! haha.. *hmm... i tink i look weird here lor... but nvm lah, the other 2 look nice, so can ah...*
tat is my whole grp (Grace, Aileen, Louis) with my tutor Mr Brett Walker (very frenly tutor.. havoc one leh.. learn martial arts and had tattoo on his arms)
Oh ya! Today is my formal presentation for hotel management operations. Yes! Is formal which means I need to wear suit and court shoes, something which I dun really enjoy doing lor.. but for my presentation, have to lah. In my formal wear, carrying my heavy laptop, I went to sch for class early in the morning at 10am. My presentation was at 3pm so is a whole day event ah… lucky I have my grp mates ah… if not, I will look kinda weird in formal when whole uni pple r so casually dressed… haha… 2nd formal presentation ever since I come to UQ. cos here pple dun really dress up for presentation, not like in spore.. formal wear for presentation is a norm in business studies.. haha.. anyway, so here I was with my formal wear presenting with my grp mates. We had a time limit of 10mins for 4 pple to speak. Can u imagine how fast each of us has speak? & we only practise together tis morning for 3 times. So there we r, into the tutorial room, in front of my tutor and classmates, we presented on our topic! I started the presentation and immediately I made a mistake in my speech lor… haha… dunno if anyone can spot it, anyway, it went on pretty smoothly. I tink we all exceed time limit but my tutor din say anything, so nvm ah.. haha… tutor’s comment was tat we did a good job, it was the best presentation he had ever seen for today and in fact is so far the best one among all his classes. Well, we r not very convinced by his comments lah cos we tink there r rooms for improvement. Anyway, since he said is good, so we shall look forward to the marks to see how good we r ah!!! Haha… nan de have formal presentation, of cos muz take photos. All thanks to Aileen’s camera… so I am able to share with u guys my photos… heehee… here u r:

Another ting ah… Sunday was Mother’s Day.. I very good girl ah… I called home to wish my mummy and granny happy mother’s day lor… haha.. is juz go good feeling to call home.. even in spore, I oso dun get mushy with them lah cos my house dun have such mushy practice. Well, but I feel really warm to be able to tok to my granny, mummy, aunties, brother and brother’s gf. Home is still the best and perfect place to be at… family is forever the most wonderful lot of pple who can be there whenever and wherever I need them. Okok… shall stop all my family tok again… heehee… if not home sick ah… haiz… last sentence… *I miss spore very very much!!!*
Arrgghhh!!! Last nite another round of knocking ah… at 1am… but din last… lucky ah… hopefully from today onwards dun have liao ah!!! Exam coming, dun make us pissed off or irritated lor… *hmm… currently, there r tension in my house between my 2 housemates…haha… hopefully tomolo will be FINE!!!*
Last update… my left ankle is swollen!!! All thanks to the ice skating shoes… my skin rub against the shoe until skin peel off and now my ankle is very painful and swollen. I din take care of it and din apply cream so yesterday was very bad ah… thank god today din stop me from wearing my court shoes ah… now the pain is back again… haiz… siao liao… when will the swell go off ah???
Okok… shall go take my bath and watch my TVB series ah… my long long wait for today!!! Haha…
Arrgghhh!!! Last nite another round of knocking ah… at 1am… but din last… lucky ah… hopefully from today onwards dun have liao ah!!! Exam coming, dun make us pissed off or irritated lor… *hmm… currently, there r tension in my house between my 2 housemates…haha… hopefully tomolo will be FINE!!!*
Last update… my left ankle is swollen!!! All thanks to the ice skating shoes… my skin rub against the shoe until skin peel off and now my ankle is very painful and swollen. I din take care of it and din apply cream so yesterday was very bad ah… thank god today din stop me from wearing my court shoes ah… now the pain is back again… haiz… siao liao… when will the swell go off ah???
Okok… shall go take my bath and watch my TVB series ah… my long long wait for today!!! Haha…
Monday, May 15, 2006
a FULFILLING day with 1st ICE SKATING in my life & 1st DIM SUM in Aussie!!!
yesterday was a fulfilling day.. wanna blog abt it last nite but i was too tired to tink and write & moreover i am rushing my presentation due today and tomolo so here i am, blogging abt the happenings now before i continue with my last presentation/assignment for the semester!!!! yeahz!!!
yesterday, i went for my 1st YUM CHA DIM SUM in Australia!!! very contented and fulfilling. so so full after eating all the siew mai, xia gao, BAO, porridge, lor mai gai, etc... very very delicious!!! yesterday was mother's day too so the YUM CHA restaurant at Sunnybank was so so crowded with long queue even before it opened. my housemates & i woke up early 8am to go city to meet my other frens at 9am so tat we can reach as early as possible. total there r 13 of us, sat at 2 different table. the guys among us very gentleman, keep serving us w/o us gals getting up from our seats ah... haha... after eating and taking photos, there r still food left lor... end up my fren from another table had to play "zhong ji mi ma" to clear the food as for my table, we gave most of the left over stuff to the only guy fren at my table, haha... then end up the bill totaled up to be $224... which was abt $17.20 per person. is quite exp but ou er is still ok ah... if not i will be damn broke ah...
here r some of the photos taken during the DIM SUM...
yesterday, i went for my 1st YUM CHA DIM SUM in Australia!!! very contented and fulfilling. so so full after eating all the siew mai, xia gao, BAO, porridge, lor mai gai, etc... very very delicious!!! yesterday was mother's day too so the YUM CHA restaurant at Sunnybank was so so crowded with long queue even before it opened. my housemates & i woke up early 8am to go city to meet my other frens at 9am so tat we can reach as early as possible. total there r 13 of us, sat at 2 different table. the guys among us very gentleman, keep serving us w/o us gals getting up from our seats ah... haha... after eating and taking photos, there r still food left lor... end up my fren from another table had to play "zhong ji mi ma" to clear the food as for my table, we gave most of the left over stuff to the only guy fren at my table, haha... then end up the bill totaled up to be $224... which was abt $17.20 per person. is quite exp but ou er is still ok ah... if not i will be damn broke ah...
here r some of the photos taken during the DIM SUM...

then after DIM SUM, 8 of us went to ICE WORLD for ice skating... is my 1st ice skating after living for 21 yrs ah... haha... i NEVER ice skate in spore before lor... and i gave my 1st time to Australia. at 1st very scare ah... cos dunno how to skate then like very tough... then when i put on the skates and went onto the ICE, i was very scared. my frens went in pair but i dun wanna cos i scare i fall down and pull down my fren. i decided to try on my own slowly... holding the bar by the side, i slowly slowly learn to balance and go on my own... then after a round of holding the bar... i manage to step further away from the side and balance on my own... in fact i quite proud of myself ah!!! at the end of the day.. i can balance and i manage to skate on my own slowly lor... not those expert but at least i can skate!!!! & i din fall down at all lor!!! haha... (dunno is good or not good ah... pple say nv fall down, surely cannot learn how to skate lor... )yeahz!!!! yippeee!!!! haha...
here r some photos taken at ICE WORLD...

after a whole day of event, we still went for coffee ah... (photos not ready yet, shall upload next time). when we went home, we r all very very tired... & when i calculated how much i spent... DIM SUM plus ICE SKATE plus coffee & all the transportation... total $50.60 ah... so exp ah!!! so broke now... haiz... & i feeling very bad cos i have presentations due today and tomolo & yet i made myself so tired. almost forget to print lecture notes for today's classes. haiz... now muz made up... do work ah!!! is last presentation and yet i am so lazy... wake up!!! last one liao... muz work hard hard!!!
Saturday, May 13, 2006
peaceful nite of sleep & enjoyable bball session & 1st time ice skating upcoming & last 2 presentations!!!
heehee.. i had a peaceful nite last nite... as in no more 3am knocking tat wake us up. thank god ah...
then tis morning i had a good run during basketball session. haha... really had a lot of fun and laughter during the games with the guys keep cracking jokes. haiz... i realise i very lousy ah.. always not doing enough to help the team but only making the team lose balls. i noe dun take it so seriously but really feel bad... *basketball mates, so sorry ah... i really not as good as u guys...*
anyway, today game was really very tiring... i run until my leg is aching. dunno y oso. then when i came home, after bathing and lunch (maggi mee!!!) i feel like sleeping ah... so i decide to take a nap. end up i slept for 2 hrs... gosh~~!!! i slept at 2am last nite, woke up at 8am and then slept for 2 hrs in the afternoon. haha... tat is how pig i am... then tot tat i exercise a bit, so good and healthy... end up i finish up my half pack of potato chips... all my running gone liao... *faint ah* haha...
hmm... i am going for ICE SKATING tomolo!!! 1st time ah.. i nv tried ice skate before... and i really dunno how to lor. is different from roller blade i tink. even if is roller blade, i oso not good ah cos i only tried once. haha... dunno how it is like tomolo, later lost balance, how? scary sia... better dun fall down ah... will take photos and show u guys... yeahz!!! & i feeling quite guilty ah.. cos i have 2 presentations next week. Mon and Tues, & tomolo i am going out. gosh~~~!!! last 2 liao & i cannot control. very very bad ah... though i finish the Mon presentation already, speech oso ready but Tues one still not done. and i need to discuss with my grp mates on Mon. hmm... later after tis, i need to burn midnite oil since i wanna go out tomolo. & i need to wear formal on Tues, but i haven't iron my clothes... haha... shall do it on Mon nite then. haiz.. kinda ma fan... formal wear means long sleeve, suit, skirt or pants and high heels... legs pain ah... i need climb hill to my house ah... arrghhh!!! anyway, bet u all oso miss my formal wear look or some of u nv see before... haha... shall upload photos after i take.
hmm... how come i can say take photos here and there when i dun have camera now leh? as in mine is spoilt lah... yeahz!!! all thanks to Clinton! haha.. i borrowed his digi cam for Tess' bday on tis coming Thurs, we having BBQ on sat... haha... so wanna take photos. so i borrowed from Clinton. heehee... he so nice to lend me.. thank u so much, boy! yeahz!!! so long nv take photos... i waiting for my digi cam to come in end of June!!! heehee....
ookok... guess tat is all tat i wanna update today... before i go... shall show u all a photo which i tink u guys will scream at me upon seeing it cos i have my best buddy with me here... haha... enjoy!!!
then tis morning i had a good run during basketball session. haha... really had a lot of fun and laughter during the games with the guys keep cracking jokes. haiz... i realise i very lousy ah.. always not doing enough to help the team but only making the team lose balls. i noe dun take it so seriously but really feel bad... *basketball mates, so sorry ah... i really not as good as u guys...*
anyway, today game was really very tiring... i run until my leg is aching. dunno y oso. then when i came home, after bathing and lunch (maggi mee!!!) i feel like sleeping ah... so i decide to take a nap. end up i slept for 2 hrs... gosh~~!!! i slept at 2am last nite, woke up at 8am and then slept for 2 hrs in the afternoon. haha... tat is how pig i am... then tot tat i exercise a bit, so good and healthy... end up i finish up my half pack of potato chips... all my running gone liao... *faint ah* haha...
hmm... i am going for ICE SKATING tomolo!!! 1st time ah.. i nv tried ice skate before... and i really dunno how to lor. is different from roller blade i tink. even if is roller blade, i oso not good ah cos i only tried once. haha... dunno how it is like tomolo, later lost balance, how? scary sia... better dun fall down ah... will take photos and show u guys... yeahz!!! & i feeling quite guilty ah.. cos i have 2 presentations next week. Mon and Tues, & tomolo i am going out. gosh~~~!!! last 2 liao & i cannot control. very very bad ah... though i finish the Mon presentation already, speech oso ready but Tues one still not done. and i need to discuss with my grp mates on Mon. hmm... later after tis, i need to burn midnite oil since i wanna go out tomolo. & i need to wear formal on Tues, but i haven't iron my clothes... haha... shall do it on Mon nite then. haiz.. kinda ma fan... formal wear means long sleeve, suit, skirt or pants and high heels... legs pain ah... i need climb hill to my house ah... arrghhh!!! anyway, bet u all oso miss my formal wear look or some of u nv see before... haha... shall upload photos after i take.
hmm... how come i can say take photos here and there when i dun have camera now leh? as in mine is spoilt lah... yeahz!!! all thanks to Clinton! haha.. i borrowed his digi cam for Tess' bday on tis coming Thurs, we having BBQ on sat... haha... so wanna take photos. so i borrowed from Clinton. heehee... he so nice to lend me.. thank u so much, boy! yeahz!!! so long nv take photos... i waiting for my digi cam to come in end of June!!! heehee....
ookok... guess tat is all tat i wanna update today... before i go... shall show u all a photo which i tink u guys will scream at me upon seeing it cos i have my best buddy with me here... haha... enjoy!!!

Friday, May 12, 2006
is 3am!!! & there r loud knocking sound from next door!!! OMG!!!
gosh!!! guess wat happen last nite? at 3am, there r a series of loud bang and knock at some kind of wall or door coming from my neighbour house. somehow is from their side lah... initially is quite soft, then slowly became very loud and get louder! really irritating!!!
then my housemate, huiying called my hp cos she tot i sleep liao. she wanna check it out but she din dare go downstairs and see. act i was juz fell asleep when i was disturbed by tat loud noise ah! i opened my door, then huiying came out and asked me how. so i decided to go downstairs and see wat happen. i wanna open the main door to see wat is going on but huiying said better dun. so i juz said, in tat case, we go back sleep lor. shld be fine after a while. so there we r, returning to our room.
but we din sleep well. huiying had her handphone ready and she already press "000" to call police if really something happen. tess, my the other housemate oso woke up but she din come out of her room. she cannot sleep well, so she watched her series. as for me, i oso cannot sleep well after tat. i still heard some noise then i keep tinking there r some noise downstairs. i became rather paranoid. until all the way till abt 6am then i sleep. i was suppose to wake up at 7am to go to uni with Tess, end up i din wake up ah...
i oso dunno wat cause the noise. i asked my neighbours from another side, they said they din hear anything... so i oso puzzled ah. dunno wat act cause the noise. pple tell me maybe is some one got locked out of the house so they trying to get his/her housemates' attention to open the door. well, watever it is, i juz hope tonight will be a peaceful nite!!! i need some good sleep ah!!! tomolo i still need go play bball lor... lookin at the time now.. is already 1am... *fingers cross... no more disturbance tonight!*
then my housemate, huiying called my hp cos she tot i sleep liao. she wanna check it out but she din dare go downstairs and see. act i was juz fell asleep when i was disturbed by tat loud noise ah! i opened my door, then huiying came out and asked me how. so i decided to go downstairs and see wat happen. i wanna open the main door to see wat is going on but huiying said better dun. so i juz said, in tat case, we go back sleep lor. shld be fine after a while. so there we r, returning to our room.
but we din sleep well. huiying had her handphone ready and she already press "000" to call police if really something happen. tess, my the other housemate oso woke up but she din come out of her room. she cannot sleep well, so she watched her series. as for me, i oso cannot sleep well after tat. i still heard some noise then i keep tinking there r some noise downstairs. i became rather paranoid. until all the way till abt 6am then i sleep. i was suppose to wake up at 7am to go to uni with Tess, end up i din wake up ah...
i oso dunno wat cause the noise. i asked my neighbours from another side, they said they din hear anything... so i oso puzzled ah. dunno wat act cause the noise. pple tell me maybe is some one got locked out of the house so they trying to get his/her housemates' attention to open the door. well, watever it is, i juz hope tonight will be a peaceful nite!!! i need some good sleep ah!!! tomolo i still need go play bball lor... lookin at the time now.. is already 1am... *fingers cross... no more disturbance tonight!*
Thursday, May 11, 2006
My Group mates from Singapore...
hmm... in the midst of finishing my last 3 assignments. 1 group essay due tomolo and 2 presentations due next mon and tues respectively... faster faster finish liao ah!!! can't wait for it to finish!!!
anyway, wanna show u some of the photos i took my Hotel Management Operations Group mates during lecture and while we r struggling to finish our essay in library. haha...
My group mates for hotel management operations, Grace and Aileen... 2 pretty ladies from Singapore! *is so much nicer to work with Sporean as we can joke and laugh together as we do our work... haha... **
see tat small small guy in the middle.. yeahz! tat is my lecturer for Hotel Management Operations. he very nice and cute one.. always being bullied by the class. haha.. *tis photo is taken by Grace.. instead of paying attention, tis is wat she is doing in class lah.. so naughty.. more to go lor.. see next one..*
see! another pic by Grace again, with her handphone.. trying to get our attention... but i very good girl lor.. listening to the class, not like Aileen.. aiyo, so naughty... nv pay attention... haha...
look who's tat! haha.. is my dear Aileen, trying to get the whole cookie into her mouth... caught in act by Grace. lucky i finish mine.. if not, i will be like her... haha...
see... me and Aileen so good girls ah... working so hard for our essay... & Grace is there with her handphone trying to capture our hardworking look.. but nv inform in advance... so ugly lor!
yippee!!! here we r! in the midst of doing our project, we have some photo taking session to relax! haha... my marvellous grp mates from Spore! yeahz...!!!
anyway, wanna show u some of the photos i took my Hotel Management Operations Group mates during lecture and while we r struggling to finish our essay in library. haha...

btw, my photos r "stolen" from Grace & Aileen's webby... so at tis moment, 3 of us r showing abt the same few photos... haha...
Sunday, May 07, 2006
Women R Special...
haha... tis is wat i "steal" from Aileen's blog.. very interesting & true so decide to share with the rest of u..
Something for all women:
A little boy asked his mother, "Why are you crying?"
"Because I’m a woman," she told him
"I don’t understand," he said.
His mum just hugged him and said, "And you never will."
Later the little boy asked his father, "why does mother seem to cry for no reason?"
"All women cry for no reason," was all his dad could say.
The little boy grew up to become a fine young man, but he was still wondering why women cry.
Finally he put a call to God, "Dear God, why do women cry so easily?"
God answered his question.
"When I made the woman, she had to be special. I made her shoulders strong enough to carry the weight of the world, yet gentle enough to give comfort.
I gave her inner strength to endure childbirth and the rejection that many times comes from her children.
I gave her a hardness that allows her to keep going when everyone else gives up, and take care of her family through sickness and fatigue without complaints.
I gave her sensitivity to love her children under any and all circumstances, even when her child has hurt her very badly.
I gave her strength to carry her husband through his faults and fashioned her from his rib to protect his heart.
I gave her wisdom to know a good husband never hurts his wife, but sometimes tests her strengths and resolve to stand beside him unfalteringly.
And finally, I gave her a tear to shed. This is hers exclusively to use whenever it is needed."
"You see my son," said God, "the beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, the figure she carries, or the way she combs her hair. The beauty of a woman must be seen in her eyes, because this is the doorway to her heart - the place where love resides."
how issit?? is it special and meaningful? girls, do u feel tat u r special in any way u look at urself? haha...
Something for all women:
A little boy asked his mother, "Why are you crying?"
"Because I’m a woman," she told him
"I don’t understand," he said.
His mum just hugged him and said, "And you never will."
Later the little boy asked his father, "why does mother seem to cry for no reason?"
"All women cry for no reason," was all his dad could say.
The little boy grew up to become a fine young man, but he was still wondering why women cry.
Finally he put a call to God, "Dear God, why do women cry so easily?"
God answered his question.
"When I made the woman, she had to be special. I made her shoulders strong enough to carry the weight of the world, yet gentle enough to give comfort.
I gave her inner strength to endure childbirth and the rejection that many times comes from her children.
I gave her a hardness that allows her to keep going when everyone else gives up, and take care of her family through sickness and fatigue without complaints.
I gave her sensitivity to love her children under any and all circumstances, even when her child has hurt her very badly.
I gave her strength to carry her husband through his faults and fashioned her from his rib to protect his heart.
I gave her wisdom to know a good husband never hurts his wife, but sometimes tests her strengths and resolve to stand beside him unfalteringly.
And finally, I gave her a tear to shed. This is hers exclusively to use whenever it is needed."
"You see my son," said God, "the beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, the figure she carries, or the way she combs her hair. The beauty of a woman must be seen in her eyes, because this is the doorway to her heart - the place where love resides."
how issit?? is it special and meaningful? girls, do u feel tat u r special in any way u look at urself? haha...
i miss my frens in spore!!! i am so proud of myself!
is Sunday again!!! which marks the end of a week & a start of a new week.. haha.. let me recall wat did i do tis whole week.
hmm.. 1st, Monday was a holiday as it is Labour day. so NO sch! yeahz~! then on Tuesday, i went to sch for my 1st ever lecture even since mid term break abt 2 weeks ago... then from Wed to Fri i had been doing the stupid assignment tat will due tomolo, 8May! a 2000words essay, 40% weightage. everyday is facing my dear lappy to do research and more research.. lappy, xin ku le.. work so hard every day. haha...
then yesterday was Buddha Festival in Brisbane. there is a carnival @ south bank & there r fireworks display. but guess wat?? i am NOT part of any stated above! i was HOME on a saturday when everyone is out having FUN!!! both my housemates, Tess & Huiying went out with my other friends to watch MI3 & the fireworks while i had to stay home. haiz... in the morning when they asked me to go, i was so so tempted so i tried so hard to finish my essay by 4pm. however, i noe i had more to do after the essay so i really cannot afford to go and have fun ah. i surely will feel damn guilty. so i chose to stay HOME when there r so many distractions and temptions. so at abt 6.30pm, they went out. i stood at the door to say BYE BYE with so much sadness in my heart. i am HOME ALONE!!! quite sad lor.. very unbalance ah.. everyone went out & i am HOME. then worse ting is i need eat dinner myself.. sad... worst worst ting is i heard the fireworks damn loud from my house here but i cannot see anything!!! (another round of fireworks tonight ah...arrgghh!!!) so after dinner, i gave myself a short break. i called HOME to tok to my aunties but it was a short while as they r busy. then i called Junwei. haha... nutting much but jus to irritate him. he was telling me he having dinner @ Fish & Co with Seafood platter, ask me wanna eat or not.. he so mean ah!!! oh well, i called him to ask him help me buy Digital Camera for me. heehee.. he is one person i noe i can always always rely on. cos i noe he wun turn his back at me & he surely will help me. heehee... is jus so secure and good with Jun around but then i muz clarify ah!!! Jun & I r juz close good buddies... we r close but tat's it ah! u pple out there, dun anyhow tink ah... haha
then at nite i chatted with Hui & shuwei on MSN. is such a great feeling to tok to pple from spore... i tok until i dun wan sleep. end up slept at 5am. haha... somehow i really miss all of them in spore so so much. dunno y, tis sem i feel more strongly abt it. i juz wanna tell the whole world how much i miss all my frens in spore!!! they r the best buddies i noe for years... they r the ones who went thru with in my toughness time in pri, sec sch & poly. they r the ones who nv turn away from me whenever i need them, they r the ones who r always always there for me in good and bad times. i juz wana my frenship with every single one of them to last for as long as it can go, no matter where i am, they r a grp of impt pple to me! *folks in spore, i thank u for ur tolerance towards me & thank u for accepting me as wat i am.. i simply love & miss all ya so so much!*
oh ya! forget to congrat myself! my scarifice work! i din go out last nite, rite? so i manage to finish my 2000words essay (due tomolo) & my grp presentation (due to discuss tomolo). haha... i am so so proud of myself. now i need pia for the rest of my assignments & look forward to 16 May, my temporary freedom before examz!!! haha... cool~~!!! get back to studies now... yeahz!
hmm.. 1st, Monday was a holiday as it is Labour day. so NO sch! yeahz~! then on Tuesday, i went to sch for my 1st ever lecture even since mid term break abt 2 weeks ago... then from Wed to Fri i had been doing the stupid assignment tat will due tomolo, 8May! a 2000words essay, 40% weightage. everyday is facing my dear lappy to do research and more research.. lappy, xin ku le.. work so hard every day. haha...
then yesterday was Buddha Festival in Brisbane. there is a carnival @ south bank & there r fireworks display. but guess wat?? i am NOT part of any stated above! i was HOME on a saturday when everyone is out having FUN!!! both my housemates, Tess & Huiying went out with my other friends to watch MI3 & the fireworks while i had to stay home. haiz... in the morning when they asked me to go, i was so so tempted so i tried so hard to finish my essay by 4pm. however, i noe i had more to do after the essay so i really cannot afford to go and have fun ah. i surely will feel damn guilty. so i chose to stay HOME when there r so many distractions and temptions. so at abt 6.30pm, they went out. i stood at the door to say BYE BYE with so much sadness in my heart. i am HOME ALONE!!! quite sad lor.. very unbalance ah.. everyone went out & i am HOME. then worse ting is i need eat dinner myself.. sad... worst worst ting is i heard the fireworks damn loud from my house here but i cannot see anything!!! (another round of fireworks tonight ah...arrgghh!!!) so after dinner, i gave myself a short break. i called HOME to tok to my aunties but it was a short while as they r busy. then i called Junwei. haha... nutting much but jus to irritate him. he was telling me he having dinner @ Fish & Co with Seafood platter, ask me wanna eat or not.. he so mean ah!!! oh well, i called him to ask him help me buy Digital Camera for me. heehee.. he is one person i noe i can always always rely on. cos i noe he wun turn his back at me & he surely will help me. heehee... is jus so secure and good with Jun around but then i muz clarify ah!!! Jun & I r juz close good buddies... we r close but tat's it ah! u pple out there, dun anyhow tink ah... haha
then at nite i chatted with Hui & shuwei on MSN. is such a great feeling to tok to pple from spore... i tok until i dun wan sleep. end up slept at 5am. haha... somehow i really miss all of them in spore so so much. dunno y, tis sem i feel more strongly abt it. i juz wanna tell the whole world how much i miss all my frens in spore!!! they r the best buddies i noe for years... they r the ones who went thru with in my toughness time in pri, sec sch & poly. they r the ones who nv turn away from me whenever i need them, they r the ones who r always always there for me in good and bad times. i juz wana my frenship with every single one of them to last for as long as it can go, no matter where i am, they r a grp of impt pple to me! *folks in spore, i thank u for ur tolerance towards me & thank u for accepting me as wat i am.. i simply love & miss all ya so so much!*
oh ya! forget to congrat myself! my scarifice work! i din go out last nite, rite? so i manage to finish my 2000words essay (due tomolo) & my grp presentation (due to discuss tomolo). haha... i am so so proud of myself. now i need pia for the rest of my assignments & look forward to 16 May, my temporary freedom before examz!!! haha... cool~~!!! get back to studies now... yeahz!
Friday, May 05, 2006
while waiting.. here is wat i did..
while waiting for my stomach to digest so tat i can bath.. here is wat i wrote in chinese:
会和朋友一起去MELBOURNE 旅行。这里是冬天,所以MELBOURNE 会很冷。一定要在冬天去感染MELBOURNE 冷冷的天气。哈哈哈。。。
haha... so long nv write chinese.. very hard ah.. as in the sentence structure weird weird one and write very long ah. then when i hand write chinese in the postcard i sent home, Dad said tat my chinese words very ugly... so mean!!! then when i wrote chinese is Pat Pat's bday card, i keep writing wrong word, need to correct dunno how many hundred times... haha... my Higher Chinese all throw back to 王老师 liao... haha...
anyway, i have GOOD news!!! as i mention in my earlier blog, i am struggling with the essay. now i am half way thru. thank god! however, i feel tat is not a good essay, like no substance like tis. dunno can pass or not wor... scare scare..
会和朋友一起去MELBOURNE 旅行。这里是冬天,所以MELBOURNE 会很冷。一定要在冬天去感染MELBOURNE 冷冷的天气。哈哈哈。。。
haha... so long nv write chinese.. very hard ah.. as in the sentence structure weird weird one and write very long ah. then when i hand write chinese in the postcard i sent home, Dad said tat my chinese words very ugly... so mean!!! then when i wrote chinese is Pat Pat's bday card, i keep writing wrong word, need to correct dunno how many hundred times... haha... my Higher Chinese all throw back to 王老师 liao... haha...
anyway, i have GOOD news!!! as i mention in my earlier blog, i am struggling with the essay. now i am half way thru. thank god! however, i feel tat is not a good essay, like no substance like tis. dunno can pass or not wor... scare scare..
i am in CONTROL!!!
Current Location: Uni Library -- my fav place when i am rushing assignment as i can access to all the books i wanna & faster internet connection (though my house oso broadband, uni seems to be better.. hmm...)
anyway, when i am in library on a friday means i have assignment due soon!!! cos friday is my off day lor... no sch lor... haiz... i have an essay due on Monday, 4pm!!! is a 2000words individual essay and a weightage of 40%!!! can someone pls kill me??? juz kill me!!! so much percentage and i am not even half way thru & here i am still blogging... haha... **diao** so so dead...
after tis essay, still not end of story yet for me.. next fri will be due for my GROUP assignment... 3000words, 50% weightage... equally dead but tis one still got pple share load with me and we r almost done! haha... sporeans r effective in group work leh... cool~~!!! BUT THEN, still not the end yet. cos the week after next, i have 2 presentations on 2 consecutive days, Mon and Tues. both of them r to be compiled by ME!!! esp the one on MON, i need get it done by next wed cos i need to go thru with my grp mates...
u see lah... so damn packed... so damn stress... and wat i am doing tis few days leh??? slacking & more slacking... is true tat i am doing some work and research but i am so so easily distracted. i can juz go day dream w/o even realising time is passing so so fast. i can tink abt all kind of tings tat is not going to happen in the near future as in is end of sem or end of yr tingy. and in the morning, i am so so lazy tat when i set my alarm clock at 8am, i can juz off it when it ring and continue sleep till 10am. aiyo!!! tis cannot work here ah... cos day is getting shorter with winter coming, i need wait up early to do work before it gets dark and i get moody. but y am i still so lazy and lethargic?? cold weather is no excuse... PMS is no excuse... i am juz plain lazy.
i have motivation to do work. tat is after all these in this 2 weeks, i will be free for a moment to do whatever i wanna before examz. but y am i not doing as wat is suppose to be done?? the devil spirit in me is active again... is chasing away all my guardian angels... making me so so distracted, so so not focus... i need to be in control of myself, my emotions and my behaviour!!! but words dun count... i need to have action! i am trying to conquer all these evil devil in me... if by the end of today, i am able to complete my 2000 words essay, i am almost there to kill them all! & if by end of tis weekend, i am able to complete my presentation slides, i am halfway thru. i will be successful, 100% success if i can finish my part for the grp assignment!!! 3 tasks to be completed within this weekend... possible?? YES!!! as long as i say NO to all the evil devils!!!
Chanting in process:
**evil evil devils, get away from me! stay out of my way! i am in control of myself.. my life. U! U ALL! dun com and disturb me... LEAVE me ALONE!!! i will not surrender and let u all take over from here... i will fight fight till the end! we shall see... u win or i win... ~humph~! u all tink u r powerful?? oh well, i am going to prove u wrong! so so wrong! i will not be defeated by u! u evil devils! 谁怕谁!**
okok... end of chanting and complains... back to reality, back to essay! finish intro liao... 700words... now left body and conclusion! ganbatte, 伟珊!!!
anyway, when i am in library on a friday means i have assignment due soon!!! cos friday is my off day lor... no sch lor... haiz... i have an essay due on Monday, 4pm!!! is a 2000words individual essay and a weightage of 40%!!! can someone pls kill me??? juz kill me!!! so much percentage and i am not even half way thru & here i am still blogging... haha... **diao** so so dead...
after tis essay, still not end of story yet for me.. next fri will be due for my GROUP assignment... 3000words, 50% weightage... equally dead but tis one still got pple share load with me and we r almost done! haha... sporeans r effective in group work leh... cool~~!!! BUT THEN, still not the end yet. cos the week after next, i have 2 presentations on 2 consecutive days, Mon and Tues. both of them r to be compiled by ME!!! esp the one on MON, i need get it done by next wed cos i need to go thru with my grp mates...
u see lah... so damn packed... so damn stress... and wat i am doing tis few days leh??? slacking & more slacking... is true tat i am doing some work and research but i am so so easily distracted. i can juz go day dream w/o even realising time is passing so so fast. i can tink abt all kind of tings tat is not going to happen in the near future as in is end of sem or end of yr tingy. and in the morning, i am so so lazy tat when i set my alarm clock at 8am, i can juz off it when it ring and continue sleep till 10am. aiyo!!! tis cannot work here ah... cos day is getting shorter with winter coming, i need wait up early to do work before it gets dark and i get moody. but y am i still so lazy and lethargic?? cold weather is no excuse... PMS is no excuse... i am juz plain lazy.
i have motivation to do work. tat is after all these in this 2 weeks, i will be free for a moment to do whatever i wanna before examz. but y am i not doing as wat is suppose to be done?? the devil spirit in me is active again... is chasing away all my guardian angels... making me so so distracted, so so not focus... i need to be in control of myself, my emotions and my behaviour!!! but words dun count... i need to have action! i am trying to conquer all these evil devil in me... if by the end of today, i am able to complete my 2000 words essay, i am almost there to kill them all! & if by end of tis weekend, i am able to complete my presentation slides, i am halfway thru. i will be successful, 100% success if i can finish my part for the grp assignment!!! 3 tasks to be completed within this weekend... possible?? YES!!! as long as i say NO to all the evil devils!!!
Chanting in process:
**evil evil devils, get away from me! stay out of my way! i am in control of myself.. my life. U! U ALL! dun com and disturb me... LEAVE me ALONE!!! i will not surrender and let u all take over from here... i will fight fight till the end! we shall see... u win or i win... ~humph~! u all tink u r powerful?? oh well, i am going to prove u wrong! so so wrong! i will not be defeated by u! u evil devils! 谁怕谁!**
okok... end of chanting and complains... back to reality, back to essay! finish intro liao... 700words... now left body and conclusion! ganbatte, 伟珊!!!
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