in the morning, me and Tess went for it. we were nearly late but lucky bus was fast so we were ON time... heehee... then we noted our attendance. both of us were reserves, juz in case pple din turn up and we will take over. & our job will be disturb flags to the general public so tat they can wave as the parade goes on. then the person in charge came over to me and asked me to go over and hold on to a board for 1 of the athlete's name as i tink someone din turn up. so there i am, with the athlete's name "Ben Turner", standing in front of Vintage Car No. 23. well, tis parade is such tat the athletes will sit in their individual vintage cars and parade from start of Queen Street (supposely a pedestrain street) to end of George Street into Parliment House for public to take a look @ their favourite athletes. as the athletes arrived, we r suppose to start everything soon... then Ben Turner came over to my side & greeted me. well, it is their basic manners here that they will greet anyone before starting a conversation.
as Ben Turner toks to the driver of the vintage car... guess wat i did? yeahz!!! for the very very 1st time i held on to a Commonwealth Games GOLD medal!!! Ben is the gold medalist for the weight lifting event he took part. yeahz!!! the medal was heavy... is very well carved! is damn damn nice!!! really love the feel for it sia!!! yeahz!!!! haha....
after a short whilel, the parade started... & there i am, with the board with Ben's name on it. i had to hold it rite up so tat everyone can see his name. it was tiring job with my hand up rite... till now still a bit aching. haha... but is worth it!!! yeahz!!! & the crowd was very very supportive. they really love their athletes very much... someone whom they r so proud of... i saw lots of school kids with mini and big posters shouting out to names of athletes and stretching out hands to shake their fav's hands. many had strips of paper to ask for signatures. gosh.... i dun see all these in spore i guess. cos sporean arent tat supportive for such events after all. but tis is really the scene i wanna see and get involved in, how i wish i was like the kids, able to shout out to the names of my fav athletes. haha... i oso saw many adults (abt 50 to 60 yrs old) going after their fav athletes. heehee... in fact i saw 1 of the athlete whom i was rather familiar. she was the triathlete that won the GOLD medal for women's race. i was very touched and cried when i watched her race cos it was a splendid moment when she crossed the finishing line and everyone cheered for her! can u imagine, when u did something proud for the country, ur fellow country pple cheer for u??? tat is a SPECTACULAR moment i can be sure of! well, juz tat i had to be in position so i din go for her signature. but is good to see her cos she is really nice and friendly.
okok... end of story telling... let u all see the photos and slowly enjoy ba... heehee...

in the middle of the parade with the large crowd... see these kids in uniform here??? they r the best supports for all the athletes with the ever lasting cheers and screams... guess they really enjoy ah!! haha...

Overall it is a great experience!!! I look forward to more of such events which I can be part of them once again. Yeahz!!! ** oh ya... see that red polo tee i wore??? u tink is free to me??? well, u r WRONG, so very the WRONG. I need to return the polo tee lor... so sad ah... thot can keep as momento... haiz... Tess & i decide to keep it for a longer while. if they called to ask for it, we will then make excuses tat we r too busy to return. will do so asap. haha... **
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