background is my bed cos i am studying at my desk lor... see i so hardworking... haha... cool, rite? i oso tink so...

how can i neglect them leh? well, they r my BEST supporters and audience while i am doing my work. heehee... Boris, the Brisbane born teddy bear which i bought in Aussie; Bee Bee, my 18 years old buddy...my dearest favourite; Baby, the Brisbane carebear which i bought from EKKA fun fair in Aussie. they r simply the best!!! oh ya... forget to intro the "teddy bear" in blue... 22 yrs old cute n chubby n bubbly IRIS LIM WEE SAN... haha... **lame**
My Photo gallery with all my dearest ones in Spore... family, cousins, friends... i simply miss every single one of them so so much... LOVE all of them very much & MISS them very much!!! oso muz THANK everyone for their everlasting support physically and mentally. without everyone of them (esp my family and best buddies), i dun tink i can survive till now here ALONE...heehee... let's have an up close and personal with all these 3 VIP in my room. Baby; Bee Bee; Boris... without them, life in Aussie will be damn damn sianz... yeahz!!! they brighten up my day!!! 3 cheers for them!!! hip hip hurray!!! bravo!!!
nice photos leh??? i oso tink so wor... oh no!!! i am getting more and more thick skinned... haha... **i still kinda miss HOME, miss SPORE alot wor... how ah? haiz... y huh??? **
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