My Housemates aka My best buddies from UQ... Left to rite: Huiying & Tess

Most comfortable spot in my house... My BED!!! i simply love it... with all my buddies... left to rite: Baby, Bee Bee, Boris...

My Living Room!!! Blue Theme... one mth later will be Red Theme... innovation plus creativity to convert the mattress to SOFA.. heehee...

yummy! yummy! 1st home cooked food in aussie... delicious... **cooked by my housemate, Huiying** BRAVO girl!!!
i saw your pics. it's really big n nice. Looks really comfortable to live in. and your housemates seem nice (the food look delicious)
yang!!! u r my faithful audience for my blog...
yeahz... the food is very nice... we take turn cook mah... haha... yeahz... our house is quite nice. i find it pleasant and feel good staying here lor. most of all is super near to sch!!! juz 10mins walk to uni... haha... cool!
hey san u look pretty in the first photo. keke..
btw sy is shiying meh? click into her blog but like another person leh.
i spotted the dirty rabbit in btwn the carebear n the bear!!! U bought the thing there~! Eew... *haha*
HUI, thank u for ur compliment ah... i tot i look ugly with tat big head and i tie up my hair lor...
sy is yang ah... i tink tat blog of hers is a shared one among herself and her frens ba...
LIN, yeahz!!! u r rite!!! i brought Bee Bee over here... he is sleeping rite bside me on my bed. haha... i simply love it and glad tat custom officers din spot it and inspect it. haha...
heez... sy is shiying... didn't know it's link to that blog. haha
well well, my blog became an identity clarification channel... haha...
finally is Monday!!! a day for sch... puzzled why i said tat? well... tune in for my next entry soon... haha... cheers!
i think the inspector was too afraid to even touch it Muahaha
u so bad lor... my bee bee where got so horrible leh??
my housemates oso very mean one... when they 1st saw it, they screamed damn loud and said tat bee bee is a sign for evacution... idiot lor... haha...
but i really find bee bee so cute and nice... dun u tink so? hehee...
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