Station 2 - Skit Performance... is abt a 4 to 5 pages skit whereby we need act out the different roles... me & Felicia took a break from this and only 4 others went on. see the guy in the photo, my poor fren, Philip. he acted the role tat required him to jump up and down.. lie on floor and roll... well, "advantage" of being the only guy in the team. haha...

On our way to Chinatown for the 2nd last station... have a break! have a photo taking session! heehee... here with me is Felicia, my basketball khaki (cos only gal who wanna play bball) cum badminton cum sporting events khaki... she is from malaysia, penang... on scholarship ohh... clever gal!!!

Front (rite to left): Amelia, Farah, Leona, Me
Back (rite to left): Felicia, Philip
we were in 3rd position but no prize lah... haha... anyway, for the sake of the fun, i dun mind lah... heehee...
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