last Friday, it was a hectic moment when i was submitting my thesis. so much so tat i did not have the chance to prepare a copy of the thesis for myself. thus, i can't show u guys the actual product. i will get my own copy printed and binded next week so will provide the photo later on. just to share the cover page and acknowledgements page with u guys 1st.
hectic submission as i only got back my thesis from my supervisor on Friday morning at abt 10am. he was away in Sydney for conference, hence was down in communication via internet. i got panic when he did not reply my email with my thesis by Thursday. so I had to call him on his mobile. since i did not get an extension for the submission, he promised to finish reading my thesis by Thursday nite and so tat i can submit on Friday. after picking up my Brother and Sis-in-law on Friday, i quickly printed out the final edited copy of my thesis. in total there are 103 pages and i have to print 2 sets for 2 different markers. with the very thick pile of papers, i proceeded to uni's copy shop for binding. then i submitted the 2 binded copies of over 100 pages of thesis to my department's reception. the 2 copies of thesis will be sent via uni's internal mail to the markers who are in a different campus as me. today i received the confirmation that my thesis has arrived safely at the other campus and are now with the markers. finally i can blog abt my thesis in peace. :D
so much to tok abt the thesis writing. to start, let me recap wat happen in this 1 year of Honours studies...
- Jul 07: got my Bachelor degree and also the start for my 1st sem for Honours Studies. Met up with my advisor, Dr Noel Scott to plan out my route of studies for my Honours. Settle on the courses I am suppose to undertake in this 1 year period.
- Sep 07: met up with my supervisor, Dr Charles Arcodia to discuss abt my ideas for my thesis. so many ideas running in my mind and many of them r ambigious and time consuming. Dr Arcodia narrowed down my ideas and helped me to stay focus to what i really intend to research on. at the same time, he advised me to consult any one who may be able to provide me with ideas and useful advice. so i discussed my ideas with Ms Elaine Cheng (my lecturer from Ngee Ann Poly), Auntie Cindy, Uncle Eric, Auntie Pat and Cousin Siang. their advice r useful for me to develop my scope of research.
- Oct 07: finally.. my research topic is set. i will look into the event tourism and tourism destination development in Singapore so i started to do some research and information collection.
- Nov 07: i had my last uni exam and the 1st sem of my Honours year finally ended.
- Dec 07: had my summer class. with the end of the 1 week summer class, i am officially done with all the coursework required for the Honours studies. no more lectures or tutorials to be attended. woohoo~!!
- Jan to Mar 08: back in Singapore for the information research and thesis writing. Thesis topic is finally set as Event Tourism and Tourism Destination Developments - Perceptions of Singapore Residents on How Event Tourism contributes to Singapore Tourism Developments.
- Apr 08: with half of the thesis done, i proceeded to conduct interviews with people from all walks of life to gather relevant and useful data for the research analysis.
- May 08: back in Brisbane to finish up the last bit of the thesis.
- Jun 08: completion of the FINAL thesis. edited by Auntie Cindy and vetted by Dr Arcodia. all set to be submitted for marking on 6th June 2008.
pretty much this was wat happened along my route to tis thesis completion. quite pleased with myself as i finally managed to finish the 20,000 writing. indeed it had been a tedious route for me when in times my mind was so stuck tat i could not generate good writing. at times, my biological clock was so screwed up tat i could go without sleep for the whole nite and stayed wide awake. at times, i really tot of giving up and juz refused to continue to write the thesis. my only tot was to run away from the reality and allowed myself to submerged in the world of TV series and drama. at times, when i really wanna give up, i would look back at the route tat i had taken so far. i had climbed up the ladder till tis stage, till tis far, am i going to give up at tis very last moment? i muz be a complete crazy idiot if i do so. so i juz hang on! i am not a good writer at all, my command of english is not good at all and so writing a 20,000-words write-up is kind of a challenge for me. no matter what the end result will be, i juz wanna thank myself for not giving up on myself and i am really proud of myself for the completion of this 20,000-words dissertation.
other than saying thank u to myself, i would like to thank the following pple:
- my advisor, Dr Scott and supervisor, Dr Arcodia for their advice, assistance and encouragement all these while and my lecturers from NP for their assistance and precious time set aside for the interview sessions.
- my family for going through every single moment in my uni studies life with me and for having constant faith and belief in me. esp thankful to Auntie Cindy for her strong financial support, constant encouragement and advice. without her, i guess i will not be wat i am today and i will not be at where i am today.
- my Spice buddies for enduring with my nonsense and giving me consistent support in watever i do. in order to be able to continue to study hard for my studies, mental support for any other business is very crucial and i am very glad tat my Spice buddies have been giving me the mental support needed to embrace thru every single challenge.
- Huifang for her help to edit my essays in the initial period of my uni studies. Wen Hui for editing my essays despite her busy schedule at work. Weijian for being my most faithful editor in proof reading most of my essays.
- all my friends (both in Singapore and Australia) for their constant concern and encouragement.
- all the interview participants for their responses which enable me to conduct a successful research.
- and to whoever that i have missed out, THANK YOU!
haha... sound like some award winning ceremony, saying thank u to so many pple. well, i juz wanna show my appreciation thru the easiest and most convenient way, blogging. heehee... :D
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