last mth in Campus Lodge, 2nd last mth in Brisbane.. time really passed so fast. i still rem abt 1 mth ago i was still grumbling to pple tat i dun wan to continue to write my thesis, is so much work and now is almost done. last bit more to do for the thesis and i can send to my supervisor for review. after which it will be ready for printing and binding and submitting and i can look forward to my brother and sis-in-law's arrival into Brisbane on 6th June whereby i get to re-visit some of Brisbane, Gold Coast and Sunshine Coast attractions (yet again.. dunno how many times in tis 3 yrs ah. haha... but diff pple for each visit so diff experience). & i will go to Sydney with them for abt 3 days. 2nd visit to Sydney in tis 3 yrs but my 3rd visit to Sydney till date. of cos there r alot of changes to current Sydney as compared to abt 10 yrs ago when i 1st visited it. anyway, last chance to take pic with Opera House, Harbour Bridge and Bondi Beach ah!!!
well, when i said is last chance cos i dun tink i will wanna visit Aussie in the near future after i get back to Spore unless no choice. is not tat i am sick of Aussie, Australia will always be my favourite country and highly recommended country for pple to explore. Aussie is not as dull and boring as many pple tot it is. there r REALLY a lot of places to explore in Aussie. there r nature, beaches, scenary and cultural heritage to discover in Aussie. as for me, i tink is time for me to explore other countries and cities cos i would assumed that i can finish visiting all the major cities in Aussie before i head back to Singapore. & seriously tis is gonna be the last 2 mths to enjoy myself to the fullest, as in enjoy with no worries, travel with no restriction and have fun with no burden. life after graduation will be so grounded in Spore due to NO travel budget and is time to work hard to reapy my study loan (HUGE sum of money which i dun even dare to tink abt it now). so for NOW, i muz ENJOY and HAVE FUN 1st!!! :D of cos i hope to meet up with all the frens who r still in Brisbane before we head back to our home country. probably the last few chances for me to meet some of them. haiz.. is the season to say GOODBYE again..
haha.. before i end of my entry, i wanna share some pics of my little niece, Lynnette. heehee.. 'kop' some pics from her mummy's blog. so glad tat her mummy has a blog now. i can juz 'kop' photos from her blog whenever there r nice pics of Lynn Lynn. whahaha... Lynn Lynn's mummy, thanks alot for tis convenience made for me ah! :P

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