while i was browsing my cousin, Seow Wai's blog, i saw some pics that r really cute. and the main lead in these pics is none other than my lovely niece, Lynnette. whahaha.. so i "kop" the pics from her blog. din see Baby Lynnette for a few mths only, she seems to grow up alot. & now i finally proven that this niece of mine is really very cheeky. she has all kinds of facial expressions, all kinds of poses for u to capture at any time and any where. here u r:

with her sunnies & tis pose, does she look like she is acting in some kungfu show? the very FAMOUS pose by Bruce Lee... heehee...

in her sunnies again... tis pose look like she is singing.. those R & B singers... whahaha... Oh ya.. she is sitting on top of the sofa with nothing to lean on the back. look at how steadily she is sitting on it la.. she is not chilli padi (she not tat daring) but definitely cheeky padi ah.. haha..

my cousin's fren designed this magazine cover with Lynn's pic.. look at her mouth.. aiyooo...

another facial expression with her mouth... seriously any where and any time wor...
haha... tis looks cute... pokey poke at her cheeks...
certainly miss all her cheeky actions and funny facial expression ah. well, another 1 more mth and i can see her again. woohoo~!!! hopefully by then, she still remembers who i am ah. her favourite "Ah-Yee"! haha...
Oh ya.. yesterday when i was at Toowong, i saw these 3 girls who reminded me of Tess, Huiying and myself. the girls were pushing a trolley FULL of groceries and they were deciding if they shld push the trolley all the way to bus stop or juz carry the groceries to the bus stop. haha... indeed for tat moment when i saw them, i recalled how 3 of us used to push a trolley FULL of groceries around. we will also discussed whether to push the trolley to bus stop or juz carry the bags to the bus stop. haha... yeahz... those were the days... awww.. i am missing the girls again... really a lot of fond memories with them over the 2 yrs' period...
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